[LLVMdev] Zion Out Of Disk Space!

John T. Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Fri Nov 24 22:38:18 PST 2006

Reid Spencer wrote:

1) It appears that the only problem was with sending email to the 
llvm-commits list; any files commited to the repository should be commited.

2) The web server error log filled up /var/log, preventing the CVS 
commit script from sending email.  The Apache error log was filled with 
entries like this:

[client] PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  1 in 
/home/vadve/shared/llvm-wwwroot/nightlytest/ProgramResults.php on line 
429, referer: http://llvm.org/nightlytest/machine.php?machine=53

If someone knows how to fix this problem, I'd appreciate it.  Otherwise, 
/var/log might fill up again.

3) I took the LLVM web server down for a few minutes to copy the old log 
file on to a larger partition.  The original is now deleted (i.e. we 
have room in /var/log again).  All web services should be enabled now.

-- John T.

>Commits aren't taking right now because apparently Zion is out of disk
>cvs commit utils/findmisopt
>Checking in utils/findmisopt;
>/var/cvs/llvm/llvm/utils/findmisopt,v  <--  findmisopt
>new revision: 1.9; previous revision: 1.8
>Insufficient disk space; try again later
>Insufficient disk space; try again later
>returntosender: cannot select queue for llvm
>Insufficient disk space; try again later
>returntosender: cannot select queue for postmaster
>putbody: write error: No space left on device
>Error writing control file qfkAP47Kfr021140: No space left on device
>Failed running sendmail
>at /home/vadve/shared/PublicCVS/CVSROOT/commit-diffs.pl line 233.

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