[LLVMdev] LLVM Cygwin Run Errors

thean kiat sew kiatsew at gmail.com
Thu May 26 03:26:28 PDT 2005


Maybe I can provide you with the installation steps that I done in my machine.
What I did is,

1. first install cygwin, I attached a list of the packages I
installed. (there are quite a lot of packages)

2. build the binutils-2.15. 

3. Then gcc-3.4.3. (I am using the new binutils which is the 2.15)

4. Next, I follow the instructions in the LLVM documentation to
further build the cfrontend then LLVM.

Hope that it helps. 


On 5/26/05, Aaron Gray <angray at beeb.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry I wrote to you directly by accident rather than posting on the LLVM
> mailing list.
> If you would look over the instructions I have written for installing LLVM
> and the GCC frontend I would be very greatful.
> Many thanks,
> Aaron
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