[LLVMdev] Typo in Makefile.rules and suugestion for Makefile.config.in

Vladimir Merzliakov wanderer at rsu.ru
Tue Mar 1 08:21:55 PST 2005

1) I find typo in Makefile.rules in printvars rule:

- $(Echo) "Preconditions: " '$(Preconditions)'
+ $(Echo) "PreConditions: " '$(PreConditions)'

2) In Makefile.config.in PROJ_SRC_DIR define for LLVM build mode as
PROJ_SRC_DIR    := $(subst //,/,$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/$(patsubst 
and for other project build mode as
PROJ_SRC_DIR := $(subst //,/,$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/$(patsubst 

This two definition is equal (in LLVM build mode $(LLVM_SRC_ROOT) == 
and have common problem.
If generated Makefile.config used in Makefile not in root of project object 
it set PROJ_SRC_DIR to correct not slash terminated path.
But if it used in Makefile in root of project object tree 
it set PROJ_SRC_DIR to "$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/" instead "$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)"

I suggest replace this lines by code:

PROJ_SRC_DIR    := $(subst //,/,$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/$(patsubst 

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