[LLVMdev] Unwind example

Greg Pettyjohn gregp at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Apr 19 16:42:04 PDT 2005

I'm trying to figure out the unwind primitive.

I've written a program which should:

1. Recursively grow the stack until it reaches a threshold
2. Then unwind and print a message

Instead what happens is:
1. Recursively grow the stack until it reaches a threshold
2. Then it dies with:
Abort trap

Can you point me to an example using uwind that "works" ?


Here's the code:

%str_sp = internal constant [9 x sbyte] c"SP = %i\0A\00" ; <[9 x 
sbyte]*> [#uses=1]
%str_msg = internal constant [15 x sbyte] c"Bottom'd Out!\0A\00"

implementation   ; Functions:

declare int %printf(sbyte*, ...)

internal void %stack_check() {
         %xyzzy = alloca int		; <int*> [#uses=1]
         %spcheck.0 = cast int* %xyzzy to int
         %spcheck.1 = setlt int %spcheck.0, -1080000000
         br bool %spcheck.1, label %the_return, label %endif

         %tmp.0 = getelementptr [9 x sbyte]* %str_sp, int 0, int 0
	%tmp.1 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf( sbyte* %tmp.0, int* %xyzzy)
         call void %stack_check()
         br label %the_return

;        ret void

int %main() {
	invoke void %stack_check()
         to label %normal_ret
         unwind label %exn_ret

         %foo.0 = getelementptr [15 x sbyte]* %str_msg, int 0, int 0
         %foo.1 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf(sbyte* %foo.0)
         br label %normal_ret

	ret int 0

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