[LLVMdev] Plea for help

John Criswell criswell at cs.uiuc.edu
Tue May 4 09:59:03 PDT 2004

Dear Mr. Andersen:

Quick question:

Have you ever built the LLVM source code in /home/finna/llvm (i.e. the 
source directory)?  If so, did you clean it out (make distclean) before 
switching over to /home/finna/build as the object tree?

-- John T.

* John T. Criswell                         Email: criswell at uiuc.edu *
* Research Programmer                                               *
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                        *
*                                                                   *
* "It's today!" said Piglet. "My favorite day," said Pooh.          *

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