[LLVMdev] Makefile.config

Vinay S. Belgaumkar vsbelgau at mtu.edu
Thu Apr 1 15:49:01 PST 2004

Hi John,
    I have attached my Makefile.config.
    I noticed that I did'nt have  SRC_ROOT and OBJ_ROOT variables 
defined as such in my environment. But I noticed that this is defined in 
the Makefile.config by default to the same values.
All the same, I tried defining both these variables in my .cshrc, but I 
still get the same error.
  The main directory for me is /home/llvm, and I have llvm/ ,  
cfrontend/ as the sub-directories of /home/llvm. So the configure, 
Makefile.config etc files are in /home/llvm/llvm.
 So, I run the following command from /home/llvm/llvm

./configure --enable-spec95=/Fast-System/spec95/INTEGER/

The INTEGER directory contains subdirectories of the INT benchmarks - 
like 099.go/ and 126.gcc/


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