<div dir="ltr"><span style="font-family:monospace,monospace">Hello everyone,<br><br>Below are some buildbot numbers for the week of 06/25/2017 - 07/1/2017.<br><br>Please see the same data in attached csv files:<br><br>The longest time each builder was red during the last week;<br>"Status change ratio" by active builder (percent of builds that changed the builder status from greed to red or from red to green);<br>Count of commits by project;<br>Number of completed builds, failed builds and average build time for successful builds per active builder;<br>Average waiting time for a revision to get build result per active builder (response time).<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Galina<br><br><br>The longest time each builder was red during the last week:<br><br>                       buildername                       | was_red <br>-----------------------------------------------------------+----------<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly                              | 139:43:10<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules                      | 134:35:43<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3                                    | 124:35:32<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-detect-only | 124:25:44<br> llvm-sphinx-docs                                         | 102:42:42<br> clang-x86-windows-msvc2015                               | 100:21:42<br> clang-s390x-linux-multistage                             | 65:57:52<br> clang-with-thin-lto-ubuntu                               | 46:36:13<br> sanitizer-windows                                        | 42:45:21<br> clang-with-thin-lto-windows                              | 37:21:26<br> clang-with-lto-ubuntu                                    | 36:43:49<br> llvm-clang-x86_64-expensive-checks-win                   | 36:30:11<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-multistage                           | 29:48:48<br> sanitizer-ppc64le-linux                                  | 28:59:17<br> sanitizer-ppc64be-linux                                  | 28:57:55<br> clang-ppc64le-linux-multistage                           | 27:17:15<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast               | 25:30:50<br> clang-cuda-build                                         | 21:41:30<br> lldb-windows7-android                                    | 17:53:12<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-bootstrap                         | 17:07:58<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fast                              | 16:46:06<br> polly-amd64-linux                                        | 15:50:04<br> polly-arm-linux                                          | 15:17:32<br> ubuntu-gcc7.1-werror                                     | 13:51:15<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-fast                         | 11:15:42<br> clang-bpf-build                                          | 07:21:16<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-android                           | 06:59:08<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-lnt                                  | 06:20:23<br> clang-ppc64be-linux                                      | 06:18:33<br> clang-atom-d525-fedora-rel                               | 06:01:07<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost                           | 05:59:04<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost-neon                      | 05:45:36<br> clang-x86_64-debian-fast                                 | 05:40:38<br> clang-lld-x86_64-2stage                                  | 05:14:55<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15-full-sh                          | 05:06:10<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-lld                                  | 04:18:21<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15                                  | 03:35:05<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15                                    | 03:32:39<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-windows10pro-fast         | 03:30:25<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-full                               | 03:24:07<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fuzzer                            | 03:15:12<br> clang-ppc64le-linux                                      | 03:09:30<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-42vma                                | 02:50:43<br> llvm-hexagon-elf                                         | 02:30:00<br> clang-hexagon-elf                                        | 02:25:37<br> clang-s390x-linux                                        | 02:09:58<br> clang-s390x-linux-lnt                                    | 02:09:43<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux                                   | 02:09:18<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-quick                                | 01:57:52<br> clang-native-arm-lnt                                     | 01:52:43<br> lldb-x86_64-darwin-13.4                                  | 01:42:13<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-parallel-fast                | 01:29:01<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-unprofitable                 | 01:28:58<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-autoconf                          | 01:26:58<br> lld-x86_64-freebsd                                       | 01:26:17<br> lldb-x86-windows-msvc2015                                | 01:25:37<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-netbsd8                                 | 01:18:37<br> clang-tools-sphinx-docs                                  | 00:59:54<br> clang-x86_64-linux-abi-test                              | 00:59:53<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11                               | 00:50:16<br> lld-x86_64-win7                                          | 00:49:20<br> clang-sphinx-docs                                        | 00:16:49<br> lld-x86_64-darwin13                                      | 00:11:05<br>(63 rows)<br><br><br>"Status change ratio" by active builder (percent of builds that changed the builder status from greed to red or from red to green):<br><br>                       buildername                        | builds | changes | status_change_ratio <br>------------------------------------------------------------+--------+---------+--------------------<br> clang-with-thin-lto-windows                               |   127 |     33 |               26.0<br> clang-with-lto-ubuntu                                     |    24 |      6 |               25.0<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost-neon                       |    33 |      8 |               24.2<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost                            |    35 |      8 |               22.9<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-bootstrap                          |    45 |     10 |               22.2<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15-full-sh                           |    42 |      8 |               19.0<br> clang-lld-x86_64-2stage                                   |    23 |      4 |               17.4<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-quick                                 |    18 |      3 |               16.7<br> lldb-windows7-android                                     |    86 |     14 |               16.3<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-lld                                   |    52 |      8 |               15.4<br> clang-with-thin-lto-ubuntu                                |    15 |      2 |               13.3<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-multistage                            |    93 |     12 |               12.9<br> llvm-clang-x86_64-expensive-checks-win                    |   159 |     20 |               12.6<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-lnt                                   |   181 |     20 |               11.0<br> clang-bpf-build                                           |    81 |      8 |                9.9<br> sanitizer-ppc64be-linux                                   |    62 |      6 |                9.7<br> clang-x86_64-debian-fast                                  |   148 |     14 |                9.5<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux                                    |   111 |     10 |                9.0<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-full                                |   225 |     20 |                8.9<br> clang-ppc64le-linux-multistage                            |   113 |     10 |                8.8<br> clang-x86-windows-msvc2015                                |   105 |      9 |                8.6<br> clang-s390x-linux-lnt                                     |   141 |     12 |                8.5<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fast                               |   174 |     14 |                8.0<br> clang-s390x-linux-multistage                              |    65 |      5 |                7.7<br> clang-ppc64be-linux                                       |   236 |     18 |                7.6<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15                                   |   269 |     20 |                7.4<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-parallel-fast                 |   152 |     11 |                7.2<br> clang-atom-d525-fedora-rel                                |   307 |     22 |                7.2<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-windows10pro-fast          |   142 |     10 |                7.0<br> clang-hexagon-elf                                         |   285 |     20 |                7.0<br> clang-s390x-linux                                         |   174 |     12 |                6.9<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-42vma                                 |   261 |     18 |                6.9<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15                                     |   263 |     18 |                6.8<br> ubuntu-gcc7.1-werror                                      |   182 |     12 |                6.6<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-android                            |   157 |     10 |                6.4<br> sanitizer-ppc64le-linux                                   |    64 |      4 |                6.3<br> clang-cuda-build                                          |   332 |     20 |                6.0<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fuzzer                             |   144 |      8 |                5.6<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-unprofitable                  |   164 |      9 |                5.5<br> clang-ppc64le-linux                                       |   257 |     14 |                5.4<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast                |   124 |      6 |                4.8<br> lld-x86_64-freebsd                                        |   213 |     10 |                4.7<br> llvm-hexagon-elf                                          |   229 |     10 |                4.4<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-fast                          |    99 |      4 |                4.0<br> lldb-x86_64-darwin-13.4                                   |   129 |      4 |                3.1<br> clang-x86_64-linux-abi-test                               |   394 |     12 |                3.0<br> lldb-x86-windows-msvc2015                                 |   274 |      8 |                2.9<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-detect-only |    73 |      2 |                2.7<br> clang-native-arm-lnt                                      |   172 |      4 |                2.3<br> polly-amd64-linux                                         |   281 |      6 |                2.1<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules                       |   223 |      4 |                1.8<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly                               |   113 |      2 |                1.8<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-autoconf                           |   326 |      6 |                1.8<br> sanitizer-windows                                         |   351 |      6 |                1.7<br> polly-arm-linux                                           |   271 |      4 |                1.5<br> lld-x86_64-win7                                           |   317 |      4 |                1.3<br> clang-sphinx-docs                                         |   394 |      4 |                1.0<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3                                     |   125 |      1 |                0.8<br> llvm-sphinx-docs                                          |   304 |      2 |                0.7<br> lld-x86_64-darwin13                                       |   284 |      2 |                0.7<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-netbsd8                                  |   347 |      2 |                0.6<br> clang-tools-sphinx-docs                                   |   394 |      2 |                0.5<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11                                |   375 |      2 |                0.5<br> libunwind-sphinx-docs                                     |     1 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux                  |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-android                          |   218 |      0 |                0.0<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-buildserver                      |   361 |      0 |                0.0<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-cmake                            |   333 |      0 |                0.0<br> lld-sphinx-docs                                           |   317 |      0 |                0.0<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-debian-fast                         |   139 |      0 |                0.0<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules-2                     |   298 |      0 |                0.0<br> llvm-mips-linux                                           |    38 |      0 |                0.0<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer             |    68 |      0 |                0.0<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable |   178 |      0 |                0.0<br> aosp-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable              |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> clang-x64-ninja-win7                                      |   330 |      0 |                0.0<br> sanitizer_x86_64-freebsd                                  |   108 |      0 |                0.0<br> clang-cmake-mipsel                                        |     8 |      0 |                0.0<br> clang-cmake-mips                                          |   121 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux-noexceptions     |     8 |      0 |                0.0<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-global-isel                           |     1 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux                      |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux-noexceptions         |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-debian            |     8 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-ubuntu            |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-singlethreaded-x86_64-linux-debian       |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian                      |     8 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian-noexceptions         |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-asan                 |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx03                |     8 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx11                |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx14                |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx1z                |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc49-cxx11          |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc-tot-cxx1z        |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-msan                 |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-tsan                 |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-ubsan                |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libcxx-sphinx-docs                                        |     7 |      0 |                0.0<br> libomp-clang-ppc64le-linux-debian                         |     2 |      0 |                0.0<br> libomp-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                          |     2 |      0 |                0.0<br> libomp-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                            |     2 |      0 |                0.0<br> libomp-ompt-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                     |     2 |      0 |                0.0<br> libomp-ompt-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                       |     2 |      0 |                0.0<br>(104 rows)<br><br><br>Number of commits by project:<br><br>     project     | number_of_commits <br>-------------------+------------------<br> llvm             |              376<br> cfe              |              118<br> compiler-rt      |               42<br> lldb             |               27<br> lld              |               27<br> clang-tools-extra |               23<br> polly            |               18<br> libcxx           |                7<br> openmp           |                2<br> libunwind        |                1<br>-------------------+-------------------<br>                                  641<br><br><br>Number of completed builds, failed builds and average build time for successful builds per active builder:<br><br>                           name                           | all_builds | red_builds | average_build_time <br>------------------------------------------------------------+------------+------------+-------------------<br> aosp-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable              |         7 |         7 | <br> clang-atom-d525-fedora-rel                                |       307 |        36 | 00:14:51<br> clang-bpf-build                                           |        81 |         7 | 01:45:44<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-42vma                                 |       261 |        23 | 00:24:08<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-global-isel                           |         1 |           | 02:03:52<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-lld                                   |        52 |         6 | 02:57:58<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-quick                                 |        18 |         4 | 01:25:36<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15                                     |       263 |        25 | 00:22:25<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-full                                |       225 |        23 | 00:30:02<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost                            |        35 |         5 | 04:29:07<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost-neon                       |        33 |         4 | 04:36:29<br> clang-cmake-mips                                          |       121 |       121 | <br> clang-cmake-mipsel                                        |         8 |         8 | <br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15                                   |       269 |        30 | 00:21:23<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15-full-sh                           |        42 |         5 | 03:37:34<br> clang-cuda-build                                          |       332 |        69 | 00:14:43<br> clang-hexagon-elf                                         |       285 |        27 | 00:16:53<br> clang-lld-x86_64-2stage                                   |        23 |         2 | 05:38:00<br> clang-native-arm-lnt                                      |       172 |         5 | 00:42:51<br> clang-ppc64be-linux                                       |       236 |        23 | 00:23:36<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-lnt                                   |       181 |        25 | 00:39:08<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-multistage                            |        93 |        26 | 01:27:39<br> clang-ppc64le-linux                                       |       257 |        16 | 00:21:41<br> clang-ppc64le-linux-multistage                            |       113 |        47 | 01:36:59<br> clang-s390x-linux                                         |       174 |        10 | 00:18:37<br> clang-s390x-linux-lnt                                     |       141 |         9 | 00:28:00<br> clang-s390x-linux-multistage                              |        65 |        47 | 01:41:49<br> clang-sphinx-docs                                         |       394 |         2 | 00:00:33<br> clang-tools-sphinx-docs                                   |       394 |         6 | 00:00:35<br> clang-with-lto-ubuntu                                     |        24 |         5 | 02:17:07<br> clang-with-thin-lto-ubuntu                                |        15 |         1 | 03:17:00<br> clang-with-thin-lto-windows                               |       127 |        65 | 01:10:56<br> clang-x64-ninja-win7                                      |       330 |       330 | <br> clang-x86_64-debian-fast                                  |       148 |        15 | 00:14:23<br> clang-x86_64-linux-abi-test                               |       394 |        10 | 00:18:01<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules                       |       223 |       219 | 00:44:24<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules-2                     |       298 |       298 | <br> clang-x86-windows-msvc2015                                |       105 |        78 | 01:04:23<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux                  |         7 |           | 00:24:07<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux-noexceptions     |         8 |           | 00:22:40<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux                      |         7 |           | 00:41:03<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux-noexceptions         |         7 |           | 00:38:41<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-debian            |         8 |           | 00:16:48<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-ubuntu            |         7 |           | 00:05:17<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-singlethreaded-x86_64-linux-debian       |         7 |           | 00:15:19<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian                      |         8 |           | 00:16:59<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian-noexceptions         |         7 |           | 00:15:21<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-asan                 |         7 |           | 00:27:07<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx03                |         8 |           | 00:04:40<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx11                |         7 |           | 00:05:13<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx14                |         7 |           | 00:06:04<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx1z                |         7 |           | 00:06:20<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc49-cxx11          |         7 |           | 00:09:30<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc-tot-cxx1z        |         7 |           | 00:07:11<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-msan                 |         7 |         7 | <br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-tsan                 |         7 |           | 00:15:41<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-ubsan                |         7 |         7 | <br> libcxx-sphinx-docs                                        |         7 |           | 00:00:15<br> libomp-clang-ppc64le-linux-debian                         |         2 |         2 | <br> libomp-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                          |         2 |           | 00:58:06<br> libomp-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                            |         2 |           | 00:11:53<br> libomp-ompt-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                     |         2 |           | 00:57:43<br> libomp-ompt-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                       |         2 |           | 00:10:08<br> libunwind-sphinx-docs                                     |         1 |           | 00:00:35<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11                                |       375 |         1 | 00:03:19<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-netbsd8                                  |       347 |         2 | 00:12:10<br> lldb-windows7-android                                     |        89 |        19 | 01:44:16<br> lldb-x86_64-darwin-13.4                                   |       129 |         3 | 01:04:08<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-android                          |       218 |           | 00:31:46<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-buildserver                      |       361 |           | 00:09:09<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-cmake                            |       334 |           | 00:13:58<br> lldb-x86-windows-msvc2015                                 |       275 |         5 | 00:13:32<br> lld-sphinx-docs                                           |       317 |           | 00:00:22<br> lld-x86_64-darwin13                                       |       284 |         1 | 00:10:44<br> lld-x86_64-freebsd                                        |       213 |         7 | 00:23:19<br> lld-x86_64-win7                                           |       317 |         4 | 00:09:18<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-debian-fast                         |       139 |       139 | <br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast                |       124 |         4 | 00:08:26<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-windows10pro-fast          |       142 |        14 | 00:10:34<br> llvm-clang-x86_64-expensive-checks-win                    |       160 |        52 | 00:38:33<br> llvm-hexagon-elf                                          |       229 |         9 | 00:08:11<br> llvm-mips-linux                                           |        38 |        38 | <br> llvm-sphinx-docs                                          |       304 |       226 | 00:00:22<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3                                     |       125 |       119 | 10:03:38<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly                               |       113 |       112 | 06:28:02<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer             |        68 |        68 | <br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-detect-only |        73 |        71 | 11:57:04<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable |       178 |       178 | <br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-fast                          |        99 |        86 | 00:28:24<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-parallel-fast                 |       152 |        85 | 00:12:49<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-unprofitable                  |       164 |        82 | 00:12:52<br> polly-amd64-linux                                         |       281 |        19 | 00:13:20<br> polly-arm-linux                                           |       271 |        17 | 00:15:24<br> sanitizer-ppc64be-linux                                   |        63 |        14 | 02:27:50<br> sanitizer-ppc64le-linux                                   |        64 |        14 | 02:17:58<br> sanitizer-windows                                         |       351 |       126 | 00:11:28<br> sanitizer_x86_64-freebsd                                  |       108 |       108 | <br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux                                    |       111 |         7 | 01:17:44<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-android                            |       175 |        14 | 00:20:20<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-autoconf                           |       326 |         9 | 00:13:52<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-bootstrap                          |        45 |        11 | 03:23:56<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fast                               |       174 |        35 | 00:43:16<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fuzzer                             |       144 |         6 | 00:55:28<br> ubuntu-gcc7.1-werror                                      |       182 |        43 | 00:32:25<br>(104 rows)<br><br><br>Average waiting time for a revision to get build result per active builder (response time):<br><br>                       builder_name                       | average_wait_time <br>------------------------------------------------------------+------------------<br> libunwind-sphinx-docs                                     | 00:00:35<br> lld-sphinx-docs                                           | 00:00:59<br> clang-tools-sphinx-docs                                   | 00:01:07<br> libcxx-sphinx-docs                                        | 00:01:33<br> clang-sphinx-docs                                         | 00:01:34<br> llvm-sphinx-docs                                          | 00:01:41<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-freebsd11                                | 00:05:51<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx03                | 00:07:37<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc49-cxx11          | 00:10:30<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-buildserver                      | 00:12:57<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-ubuntu            | 00:13:31<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-ubuntu-fast                | 00:14:23<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx1z                | 00:15:38<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-gcc-tot-cxx1z        | 00:16:18<br> llvm-hexagon-elf                                          | 00:16:25<br> sanitizer-windows                                         | 00:16:48<br> lldb-amd64-ninja-netbsd8                                  | 00:16:55<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-cmake                            | 00:18:34<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-tsan                 | 00:20:03<br> clang-cuda-build                                          | 00:20:37<br> libomp-clang-ppc64le-linux-debian                         | 00:24:00<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules-2                     | 00:24:17<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-ubsan                | 00:24:17<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-msan                 | 00:24:36<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux                  | 00:24:41<br> clang-hexagon-elf                                         | 00:24:46<br> polly-arm-linux                                           | 00:24:48<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx14                | 00:25:09<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-autoconf                           | 00:25:36<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-cxx11                | 00:26:16<br> clang-atom-d525-fedora-rel                                | 00:26:29<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-ubuntu-asan                 | 00:30:02<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15                                   | 00:37:31<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-42vma                                 | 00:37:32<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-android                            | 00:37:59<br> lld-x86_64-darwin13                                       | 00:38:18<br> polly-amd64-linux                                         | 00:38:34<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15                                     | 00:39:45<br> clang-ppc64le-linux                                       | 00:42:16<br> lldb-x86-windows-msvc2015                                 | 00:42:56<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-aarch64-linux-noexceptions     | 00:44:21<br> lldb-x86_64-ubuntu-14.04-android                          | 00:46:17<br> clang-x86_64-linux-selfhost-modules                       | 00:46:22<br> lld-x86_64-win7                                           | 00:48:37<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux-noexceptions         | 00:51:03<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-full                                | 00:52:31<br> clang-x86_64-debian-fast                                  | 00:52:34<br> clang-ppc64be-linux                                       | 00:53:31<br> lld-x86_64-freebsd                                        | 00:56:35<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-unprofitable                  | 01:01:19<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable | 01:04:12<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-scei-ps4-windows10pro-fast          | 01:04:51<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-parallel-fast                 | 01:07:04<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-arm-linux                      | 01:09:18<br> clang-x64-ninja-win7                                      | 01:10:14<br> clang-native-arm-lnt                                      | 01:13:12<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fast                               | 01:13:56<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-lnt                                   | 01:16:59<br> llvm-clang-x86_64-expensive-checks-win                    | 01:25:16<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-libunwind-x86_64-linux-debian            | 01:26:04<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fuzzer                             | 01:28:07<br> llvm-clang-lld-x86_64-debian-fast                         | 01:33:10<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian-noexceptions         | 01:33:19<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-x86_64-linux-debian                      | 01:34:06<br> lldb-x86_64-darwin-13.4                                   | 01:37:08<br> libomp-ompt-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                     | 01:38:46<br> clang-with-thin-lto-windows                               | 01:40:44<br> ubuntu-gcc7.1-werror                                      | 01:42:45<br> libomp-ompt-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                       | 01:48:58<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux                                    | 01:56:07<br> libomp-gcc-x86_64-linux-debian                            | 02:00:55<br> aosp-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-unprofitable              | 02:01:58<br> clang-x86-windows-msvc2015                                | 02:07:38<br> libcxx-libcxxabi-singlethreaded-x86_64-linux-debian       | 02:07:58<br> sanitizer_x86_64-freebsd                                  | 02:11:13<br> clang-ppc64le-linux-multistage                            | 02:13:26<br> lldb-windows7-android                                     | 02:31:49<br> clang-ppc64be-linux-multistage                            | 02:51:50<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-quick                                 | 02:54:00<br> libomp-clang-x86_64-linux-debian                          | 02:59:02<br> sanitizer-ppc64le-linux                                   | 03:26:48<br> clang-with-lto-ubuntu                                     | 03:43:08<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-fast                          | 03:56:41<br> sanitizer-ppc64be-linux                                   | 04:01:04<br> clang-cmake-mips                                          | 04:11:00<br> clang-bpf-build                                           | 04:12:23<br> clang-x86_64-linux-abi-test                               | 04:41:59<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-lld                                   | 04:57:44<br> sanitizer-x86_64-linux-bootstrap                          | 05:12:30<br> clang-cmake-thumbv7-a15-full-sh                           | 05:41:18<br> llvm-mips-linux                                           | 05:54:43<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3                                     | 06:16:28<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost                            | 06:53:48<br> clang-cmake-armv7-a15-selfhost-neon                       | 07:13:31<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly                               | 07:44:46<br> clang-lld-x86_64-2stage                                   | 08:49:06<br> clang-with-thin-lto-ubuntu                                | 09:53:38<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer             | 10:43:25<br> clang-s390x-linux                                         | 11:06:05<br> clang-s390x-linux-lnt                                     | 11:13:04<br> perf-x86_64-penryn-O3-polly-before-vectorizer-detect-only | 11:21:36<br> clang-cmake-aarch64-global-isel                           | 12:16:59<br> clang-s390x-linux-multistage                              | 12:40:39<br> clang-cmake-mipsel                                        | 33:21:19<br>(104 rows)<br><br></span></div>