[llvm] repair and re-enable Windows buildkite presubmit (PR #82393)

Lucile Rose Nihlen via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 20 11:04:13 PST 2024

lnihlen wrote:

Context: https://discourse.llvm.org/t/rfc-future-of-windows-pre-commit-ci/76840/50

First I spent some time getting oriented to the presubmit system. Then I verified that antivirus software is not running on any of the build servers. 

After lots more Googling, it seems that the interaction between cmake, ninja, and mt.exe can lead to problems like this. I found https://discourse.cmake.org/t/visual-studio-vs-link-exe-manifest-questions/6441, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3775406/mt-exe-general-error-c101008d-failed-to-write-the-updated-manifest-to-the-res, https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/25296, and others mentioning this inconsistency problem.

This patch adds `/MANIFEST:NO` to the linker flags on the Windows presubmit. I've tested it by manually enabling Windows presubmit again and running it on buildkite, where the system compiled the project successfully. However, the failure seems inconsistent. So, I'd like to re-enable Windows builds, for a day or so, and monitor them carefully for recurrence of the `mt.exe`. If it appears again, I will quickly produce a PR that disables them again.



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