[llvm] [DAG] Generalize setcc(setcc) fold to use known bits. (PR #66503)

Matt Arsenault via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 6 00:09:05 PST 2024

https://github.com/arsenm updated https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/pull/66503

>From 3f54a4b08a9e8fd78f8dbb0727b6bec806744f7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Green <david.green at arm.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2023 21:04:53 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [AArch64] Add some tests for setcc known bits fold. NFC

 llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll

diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..aa62a7aa176c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 3
+; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64-none-eabi | FileCheck %s
+define i1 @load_bv_v4i8(i1 zeroext %a) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: load_bv_v4i8:
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp w0, #0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, ne
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+  %b = zext i1 %a to i32
+  %c = icmp eq i32 %b, 1
+  ret i1 %c
+define noundef i1 @logger(i32 noundef %logLevel, ptr %ea, ptr %pll) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: logger:
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0: // %entry
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ldr w8, [x2]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp w8, w0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    b.ls .LBB1_2
+; CHECK-NEXT:  // %bb.1:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    mov w0, wzr
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+; CHECK-NEXT:  .LBB1_2: // %land.rhs
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ldr x8, [x1]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ldrb w8, [x8]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp w8, #0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, ne
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+  %0 = load i32, ptr %pll, align 4
+  %cmp.not = icmp ugt i32 %0, %logLevel
+  br i1 %cmp.not, label %land.end, label %land.rhs
+land.rhs:                                         ; preds = %entry
+  %1 = load ptr, ptr %ea, align 8
+  %2 = load i8, ptr %1, align 1, !range !14, !noundef !15
+  %tobool.i = icmp ne i8 %2, 0
+  br label %land.end
+land.end:                                         ; preds = %land.rhs, %entry
+  %3 = phi i1 [ false, %entry ], [ %tobool.i, %land.rhs ]
+  ret i1 %3
+!14 = !{i8 0, i8 2}
+!15 = !{}
+declare i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %in, i1)
+define i1 @lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64(i64 %in) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64:
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    clz x8, x0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    lsr x8, x8, #6
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp x8, #1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, eq
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+  %ctlz = call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %in, i1 -1)
+  %lshr = lshr i64 %ctlz, 6
+  %icmp = icmp eq i64 %lshr, 1
+  ret i1 %icmp
+define i32 @PR17487(i1 %tobool) {
+; CHECK-LABEL: PR17487:
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0:
+; CHECK-NEXT:    dup v0.2s, w0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    mov w8, #1 // =0x1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    dup v1.2d, x8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ushll v0.2d, v0.2s, #0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    bic v0.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
+; CHECK-NEXT:    mov x8, v0.d[1]
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp x8, #1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, ne
+; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
+  %tmp = insertelement <2 x i1> undef, i1 %tobool, i32 1
+  %tmp1 = zext <2 x i1> %tmp to <2 x i64>
+  %tmp2 = xor <2 x i64> %tmp1, <i64 1, i64 1>
+  %tmp3 = extractelement <2 x i64> %tmp2, i32 1
+  %add = add nsw i64 0, %tmp3
+  %cmp6 = icmp ne i64 %add, 1
+  %conv7 = zext i1 %cmp6 to i32
+  ret i32 %conv7

>From 243be99b524b737bb2249ff6d680bf62e03e4885 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Green <david.green at arm.com>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 11:08:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] [DAG] Generalize setcc(setcc) fold to use known bits.

If we have a `SETCC (SETCC), 0, NE` and ZeroOrOneBooleanContent, we can remove
the outer setcc as it will produce the same value as the inner. This can be
generalized to anything where the top bits are known to be 0, as the value will
remain as 1 or 0.
 .../CodeGen/SelectionDAG/TargetLowering.cpp   | 22 +++++----
 llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll  |  7 +--
 .../CodeGen/WebAssembly/xor_reassociate.ll    |  2 +-
 llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-cmp.ll            | 46 +++++++++----------
 llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/umul_fix_sat.ll         | 14 +++---
 llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/xor.ll                  | 11 +++--
 6 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/TargetLowering.cpp b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/TargetLowering.cpp
index aa367166e2a35..8b7fb46c6b961 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/TargetLowering.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/CodeGen/SelectionDAG/TargetLowering.cpp
@@ -4652,21 +4652,25 @@ SDValue TargetLowering::SimplifySetCC(EVT VT, SDValue N0, SDValue N1,
                           DAG.getConstant(C1 & Imm, dl, ExtDstTy), Cond);
     } else if ((N1C->isZero() || N1C->isOne()) &&
                (Cond == ISD::SETEQ || Cond == ISD::SETNE)) {
-      // SETCC (SETCC), [0|1], [EQ|NE]  -> SETCC
-      if (N0.getOpcode() == ISD::SETCC &&
+      // SETCC (X), [0|1], [EQ|NE]  -> X if X is known 0/1. i1 types are
+      // excluded as they are handled below whilst checking for foldBooleans.
+      if ((N0.getOpcode() == ISD::SETCC || VT.getScalarType() != MVT::i1) &&
           isTypeLegal(VT) && VT.bitsLE(N0.getValueType()) &&
           (N0.getValueType() == MVT::i1 ||
-           getBooleanContents(N0.getOperand(0).getValueType()) ==
-                       ZeroOrOneBooleanContent)) {
+           getBooleanContents(N0.getValueType()) == ZeroOrOneBooleanContent) &&
+          DAG.MaskedValueIsZero(
+              N0, APInt::getBitsSetFrom(N0.getValueSizeInBits(), 1))) {
         bool TrueWhenTrue = (Cond == ISD::SETEQ) ^ (!N1C->isOne());
         if (TrueWhenTrue)
           return DAG.getNode(ISD::TRUNCATE, dl, VT, N0);
         // Invert the condition.
-        ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(N0.getOperand(2))->get();
-        CC = ISD::getSetCCInverse(CC, N0.getOperand(0).getValueType());
-        if (DCI.isBeforeLegalizeOps() ||
-            isCondCodeLegal(CC, N0.getOperand(0).getSimpleValueType()))
-          return DAG.getSetCC(dl, VT, N0.getOperand(0), N0.getOperand(1), CC);
+        if (N0.getOpcode() == ISD::SETCC) {
+          ISD::CondCode CC = cast<CondCodeSDNode>(N0.getOperand(2))->get();
+          CC = ISD::getSetCCInverse(CC, N0.getOperand(0).getValueType());
+          if (DCI.isBeforeLegalizeOps() ||
+              isCondCodeLegal(CC, N0.getOperand(0).getSimpleValueType()))
+            return DAG.getSetCC(dl, VT, N0.getOperand(0), N0.getOperand(1), CC);
+        }
       if ((N0.getOpcode() == ISD::XOR ||
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll
index aa62a7aa176c8..9e9c814be0266 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/setcc_knownbits.ll
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 define i1 @load_bv_v4i8(i1 zeroext %a) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: load_bv_v4i8:
 ; CHECK:       // %bb.0:
-; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp w0, #0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, ne
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
   %b = zext i1 %a to i32
   %c = icmp eq i32 %b, 1
@@ -51,9 +49,8 @@ define i1 @lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64(i64 %in) {
 ; CHECK-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64:
 ; CHECK:       // %bb.0:
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    clz x8, x0
-; CHECK-NEXT:    lsr x8, x8, #6
-; CHECK-NEXT:    cmp x8, #1
-; CHECK-NEXT:    cset w0, eq
+; CHECK-NEXT:    lsr x0, x8, #6
+; CHECK-NEXT:    // kill: def $w0 killed $w0 killed $x0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    ret
   %ctlz = call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %in, i1 -1)
   %lshr = lshr i64 %ctlz, 6
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/xor_reassociate.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/xor_reassociate.ll
index 9ef9c14084a7d..3dd8463d9dd10 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/xor_reassociate.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/WebAssembly/xor_reassociate.ll
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ define i32 @reassociate_xor(float %x, float %y) {
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    local.get 0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    f32.const 0x1p-23
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    f32.gt
-; CHECK-NEXT:    i32.ne
+; CHECK-NEXT:    i32.xor
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    br_if 0 # 0: down to label0
 ; CHECK-NEXT:  # %bb.1: # %if.then.i
 ; CHECK-NEXT:    i32.const 0
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-cmp.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-cmp.ll
index c1cce6f5d8ca1..6c8d5c9d55a6d 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-cmp.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/lzcnt-cmp.ll
@@ -50,35 +50,33 @@ define i1 @lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64(i64 %in) nounwind {
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    xorl $31, %eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    addl $32, %eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:  .LBB1_2:
-; X86-BSR-NEXT:    testl $-64, %eax
-; X86-BSR-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X86-BSR-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X86-BSR-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    retl
 ; X86-LZCNT-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64:
 ; X86-LZCNT:       # %bb.0:
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    addl $32, %eax
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    xorl %ecx, %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    addl $32, %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    xorl %eax, %eax
 ; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmpl $0, {{[0-9]+}}(%esp)
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmovel %eax, %ecx
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    testb $64, %cl
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmovel %ecx, %eax
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
 ; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-BSR-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64:
 ; X64-BSR:       # %bb.0:
 ; X64-BSR-NEXT:    bsrq %rdi, %rax
 ; X64-BSR-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
-; X64-BSR-NEXT:    cmpl $1, %eax
-; X64-BSR-NEXT:    sete %al
+; X64-BSR-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $rax
 ; X64-BSR-NEXT:    retq
 ; X64-LZCNT-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpeq_one_i64:
 ; X64-LZCNT:       # %bb.0:
 ; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntq %rdi, %rax
 ; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
-; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmpl $1, %eax
-; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    sete %al
+; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $rax
 ; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    retq
   %ctlz = call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %in, i1 -1)
   %lshr = lshr i64 %ctlz, 6
@@ -131,33 +129,33 @@ define i1 @lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpne_zero_i64(i64 %in) nounwind {
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    xorl $31, %eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    addl $32, %eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:  .LBB3_2:
-; X86-BSR-NEXT:    testl $-64, %eax
-; X86-BSR-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X86-BSR-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X86-BSR-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
 ; X86-BSR-NEXT:    retl
 ; X86-LZCNT-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpne_zero_i64:
 ; X86-LZCNT:       # %bb.0:
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %eax
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    addl $32, %eax
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    xorl %ecx, %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntl {{[0-9]+}}(%esp), %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    addl $32, %ecx
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    xorl %eax, %eax
 ; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmpl $0, {{[0-9]+}}(%esp)
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmovel %eax, %ecx
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    testb $64, %cl
-; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    cmovel %ecx, %eax
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax
 ; X86-LZCNT-NEXT:    retl
 ; X64-BSR-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpne_zero_i64:
 ; X64-BSR:       # %bb.0:
 ; X64-BSR-NEXT:    bsrq %rdi, %rax
-; X64-BSR-NEXT:    testl $-64, %eax
-; X64-BSR-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X64-BSR-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X64-BSR-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $rax
 ; X64-BSR-NEXT:    retq
 ; X64-LZCNT-LABEL: lshr_ctlz_undef_cmpne_zero_i64:
 ; X64-LZCNT:       # %bb.0:
 ; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    lzcntq %rdi, %rax
-; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    testb $64, %al
-; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    setne %al
+; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    shrl $6, %eax
+; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    # kill: def $al killed $al killed $rax
 ; X64-LZCNT-NEXT:    retq
   %ctlz = call i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(i64 %in, i1 -1)
   %lshr = lshr i64 %ctlz, 6
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/umul_fix_sat.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/umul_fix_sat.ll
index 33f43c75cad3d..6f10aae8909f8 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/umul_fix_sat.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/umul_fix_sat.ll
@@ -517,15 +517,13 @@ define i64 @func8(i64 %x, i64 %y) nounwind {
 ; X86-NEXT:    adcl $0, %ecx
 ; X86-NEXT:    addl %ebp, %edx
 ; X86-NEXT:    adcl $0, %ecx
+; X86-NEXT:    shldl $1, %edx, %ecx
 ; X86-NEXT:    shrdl $31, %edx, %eax
-; X86-NEXT:    movl %edx, %esi
-; X86-NEXT:    shrl $31, %esi
-; X86-NEXT:    xorl %edi, %edi
-; X86-NEXT:    negl %esi
-; X86-NEXT:    sbbl %edi, %edi
-; X86-NEXT:    orl %edi, %eax
-; X86-NEXT:    shrdl $31, %ecx, %edx
-; X86-NEXT:    orl %edi, %edx
+; X86-NEXT:    testl $-2147483648, %edx # imm = 0x80000000
+; X86-NEXT:    movl $-1, %edx
+; X86-NEXT:    cmovnel %edx, %eax
+; X86-NEXT:    cmovnel %edx, %ecx
+; X86-NEXT:    movl %ecx, %edx
 ; X86-NEXT:    popl %esi
 ; X86-NEXT:    popl %edi
 ; X86-NEXT:    popl %ebx
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/xor.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/xor.ll
index 2072568b7ba75..8c8b7cc516105 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/xor.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/X86/xor.ll
@@ -403,14 +403,19 @@ define i32 @PR17487(i1 %tobool) {
 ; X64-LIN-LABEL: PR17487:
 ; X64-LIN:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-LIN-NEXT:    movl %edi, %eax
-; X64-LIN-NEXT:    andl $1, %eax
+; X64-LIN-NEXT:    movd %edi, %xmm0
+; X64-LIN-NEXT:    pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm0 = xmm0[0,1,0,1]
+; X64-LIN-NEXT:    pand {{\.?LCPI[0-9]+_[0-9]+}}(%rip), %xmm0
+; X64-LIN-NEXT:    pextrw $4, %xmm0, %eax
 ; X64-LIN-NEXT:    retq
 ; X64-WIN-LABEL: PR17487:
 ; X64-WIN:       # %bb.0:
-; X64-WIN-NEXT:    andb $1, %cl
 ; X64-WIN-NEXT:    movzbl %cl, %eax
+; X64-WIN-NEXT:    movd %eax, %xmm0
+; X64-WIN-NEXT:    pshufd {{.*#+}} xmm0 = xmm0[0,1,0,1]
+; X64-WIN-NEXT:    pand __xmm at 00000000000000010000000000000001(%rip), %xmm0
+; X64-WIN-NEXT:    pextrw $4, %xmm0, %eax
 ; X64-WIN-NEXT:    retq
   %tmp = insertelement <2 x i1> undef, i1 %tobool, i32 1
   %tmp1 = zext <2 x i1> %tmp to <2 x i64>

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