[llvm] [RISCV] Remove setJumpIsExpensive(). (PR #74647)

Wang Pengcheng via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 7 07:51:32 PST 2023

wangpc-pp wrote:

> > How about adding it to `RISCVSubtarget` and changing it to something like:
> > ```c
> > setJumpIsExpensive(Subtarget.isJumpExpensive())
> > ```
> > So that processors can tune it.
> Do you have a target where you actively want to support that configuration? I agree this is something that could be made configurable, but we're probably best off focusing our efforts around a smaller set of configuration options unless we know there's a case where we really need to diverge.
No, I don't have actually, but some downstream optimizations are based on the assumption that we have `setJumpIsExpensive(true)`. I'm not opposed to this change, it just makes me nervous about the breakage of some previous optimizations.


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