[llvm] BPF: Emit an error for illegal LD_imm64 insn when LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTI… (PR #74035)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Dec 7 07:42:09 PST 2023

eddyz87 wrote:

I cherry-picked your commit `9dcd1f9fd005` on top of main, removed old build directory and rebuilt everything from scratch again. Now local behavior matches your behavior: regardless assertions on or off the following error is reported: `fatal error: error in backend: Unexpected MCExpr type.` + stack trace.

I apologize for causing this confusion.
Probably I reconfigured LLVM but did not delete old build directory.

I can approve this change if you don't plan to update it to report error on parsing stage.


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