[llvm] [InstrRef][nfc] Remove usage of unique_ptrs of arrays (PR #74203)

Felipe de Azevedo Piovezan via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Dec 3 15:57:09 PST 2023

@@ -1200,21 +1200,21 @@ class InstrRefBasedLDV : public LDVImpl {
   /// exists, otherwise returns std::nullopt.
   std::optional<ValueIDNum> getValueForInstrRef(unsigned InstNo, unsigned OpNo,
                                                 MachineInstr &MI,
-                                                const ValueTable *MLiveOuts,
-                                                const ValueTable *MLiveIns);
+                                                const FuncValueTable *MLiveOuts,
+                                                const FuncValueTable *MLiveIns);
felipepiovezan wrote:

The challenge here is that there are code paths that pass a nullptr, because it reuses some functions to "visit" the code multiple times, and some of those don't need the map.

I really want to remove pointers that should be references, but because this would involve non-mechanical changes, I opted to leave that out of this patch. Does that seem reasonable?


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