[llvm] [LICM]The store instruction is prevented from (PR #69413)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 19 18:22:58 PDT 2023

XingYuShuai wrote:

> As I have already explained to you, your code is not well-defined. There is nothing to fix in LLVM, you need to fix your code to use an atomic variable instead.

When Run_Index is atomic, there is no problem with open source version.  For details about the test cases and results, seeļ¼šhttps://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/68776#issuecomment-1769726795

And I also added my patch and retested the above test cases to keep consistent with the original version.

Does that explain your problem? If you still have a problem, can you describe your problem in more detail? For example, in the test-code2.txt test case I provided, which variable is atomic? Thank you very much.


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