[llvm] [JITLink] Allow multiple relocations at same offset in EHFrameEdgeFixer (PR #68252)

via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Oct 4 21:47:56 PDT 2023

lhames wrote:

Would disabling the assertion that there's a single edge in the EH-frame fixer fix the issue for now?

As a temporary fix I prefer commenting out the assertion. We could land this too, but I suspect we'll want to revert in the future and move to a design where edges support more than one target instead. I _think_ we're gong to want to be able to say "what is _the edge_ at this offset", then inspect the result, rather than parsing a sequence of edges at an offset to understand what's going on. We really need a proper discussion about this though.


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