[llvm] b2c292c - [Docs] Remove old HTML related comment from Passes documentation

Aiden Grossman via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 10 14:19:16 PDT 2023

Author: Aiden Grossman
Date: 2023-08-10T21:19:06Z
New Revision: b2c292c5b120133feb840a8a954ab88897628efa

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2c292c5b120133feb840a8a954ab88897628efa
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/b2c292c5b120133feb840a8a954ab88897628efa.diff

LOG: [Docs] Remove old HTML related comment from Passes documentation

This patch removes a comment at the top of the Passes.rst file which was
related to checking if the HTML documentation was up to date. It was
moved over as part of the original transition to restructured text and
never modified for some reason. Given that this comment has been
irrelevant for the past 10 years, it should be removed.

Reviewed By: aeubanks

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D157644




diff  --git a/llvm/docs/Passes.rst b/llvm/docs/Passes.rst
index 541e23677debf9..d555c40ae1d483 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/Passes.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/Passes.rst
@@ -1,32 +1,3 @@
-    If Passes.html is up to date, the following "one-liner" should print
-    an empty 
diff .
-    egrep -e '^<tr><td><a href="#.*">-.*</a></td><td>.*</td></tr>$' \
-          -e '^  <a name=".*">.*</a>$' < Passes.html >html; \
-    perl >help <<'EOT' && 
diff  -u help html; rm -f help html
-    open HTML, "<Passes.html" or die "open: Passes.html: $!\n";
-    while (<HTML>) {
-      m:^<tr><td><a href="#(.*)">-.*</a></td><td>.*</td></tr>$: or next;
-      $order{$1} = sprintf("%03d", 1 + int %order);
-    }
-    open HELP, "../Release/bin/opt -help|" or die "open: opt -help: $!\n";
-    while (<HELP>) {
-      m:^    -([^ ]+) +- (.*)$: or next;
-      my $o = $order{$1};
-      $o = "000" unless defined $o;
-      push @x, "$o<tr><td><a href=\"#$1\">-$1</a></td><td>$2</td></tr>\n";
-      push @y, "$o  <a name=\"$1\">-$1: $2</a>\n";
-    }
-    @x = map { s/^\d\d\d//; $_ } sort @x;
-    @y = map { s/^\d\d\d//; $_ } sort @y;
-    print @x, @y;
-    EOT
-    This (real) one-liner can also be helpful when converting comments to HTML:
-    perl -e '$/ = undef; for (split(/\n/, <>)) { s:^ *///? ?::; print "  <p>\n" if !$on && $_ =~ /\S/; print "  </p>\n" if $on && $_ =~ /^\s*$/; print "  $_\n"; $on = ($_ =~ /\S/); } print "  </p>\n" if $on'
 LLVM's Analysis and Transform Passes


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