[llvm] a4e88cb - [Reassociation] Only form CSE expressions for local operands

Quentin Colombet via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 26 03:00:43 PDT 2023

Author: Quentin Colombet
Date: 2023-06-26T11:58:03+02:00
New Revision: a4e88cba183719531cf3ce92da392ea72fdacaca

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a4e88cba183719531cf3ce92da392ea72fdacaca
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/a4e88cba183719531cf3ce92da392ea72fdacaca.diff

LOG: [Reassociation] Only form CSE expressions for local operands

 # TL;DR #
This patch constrains how much freedom the heuristic that tries to from CSE
expressions has. The added constrain is that the CSE-able expressions must be
within the same basic block as the expressions they get moved before.

 # Details #
The reassociation pass currently tweaks the rewrite of the final expression
towards surfacing pairs of operands that would be CSE-able.

This heuristic applies after the regular ordering of the expression.
The regular ordering uses the program structure to choose in which order each
subexpression is materialized. That order follows the topological order.

Now, to expose more CSE opportunities, this heurisitc effectively bypasses the
previous ordering normally defined by the program and pushes up sub-expressions
that are arbitrary deep in the CFG.
E.g., let's say the program order (top to bottom) gives `((a*b)*c)*d)*e` and
`b*e` appears the most in the program. The expression will be reordered in

This reordering implies that all the sub expressions (in this example `xx*a`,
then `yy*c`, etc.) will need to appear after the CSE-able expression.

This may over-constrain where the (sub) expressions may live and in particular
it may create loop-dependent expressions.

This patch only allows to move expressions up the expression chain when the
related values are definied in the same basic block as the ones they

This constrain is far for being perfect but at least it avoids accidentally
creating loop dependent variables.

If we really want to expose CSE-able expressions in a proper way, we would need
a profitability metric and also make the decision globally as opposed to one
chain at a time.

I've put the new constrain behind an option to make comparing the old and new
versions easy. However, I believe that even if we find cases where the old
version performs better it is probably by accident. What I am aiming for with
this change is more predictability, then we can improve if need be.

This fixes www.llvm.org/PR61458

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D147457




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/Reassociate.cpp b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/Reassociate.cpp
index bc07c6740326f..e1d0a2d0c5dcd 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/Reassociate.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/Reassociate.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
 #include "llvm/Pass.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include "llvm/Transforms/Scalar.h"
@@ -70,6 +71,12 @@ STATISTIC(NumChanged, "Number of insts reassociated");
 STATISTIC(NumAnnihil, "Number of expr tree annihilated");
 STATISTIC(NumFactor , "Number of multiplies factored");
+static cl::opt<bool>
+    UseCSELocalOpt(DEBUG_TYPE "-use-cse-local",
+                   cl::desc("Only reorder expressions within a basic block "
+                            "when exposing CSE opportunities"),
+                   cl::init(true), cl::Hidden);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 /// Print out the expression identified in the Ops list.
 static void PrintOps(Instruction *I, const SmallVectorImpl<ValueEntry> &Ops) {
@@ -2407,8 +2414,67 @@ void ReassociatePass::ReassociateExpression(BinaryOperator *I) {
     unsigned BestRank = 0;
     std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> BestPair;
     unsigned Idx = I->getOpcode() - Instruction::BinaryOpsBegin;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < Ops.size() - 1; ++i)
-      for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < Ops.size(); ++j) {
+    unsigned LimitIdx = 0;
+    // With the CSE-driven heuristic, we are about to slap two values at the
+    // beginning of the expression whereas they could live very late in the CFG.
+    // When using the CSE-local heuristic we avoid creating dependences from
+    // completely unrelated part of the CFG by limiting the expression
+    // reordering on the values that live in the first seen basic block.
+    // The main idea is that we want to avoid forming expressions that would
+    // become loop dependent.
+    if (UseCSELocalOpt) {
+      const BasicBlock *FirstSeenBB = nullptr;
+      int StartIdx = Ops.size() - 1;
+      // Skip the first value of the expression since we need at least two
+      // values to materialize an expression. I.e., even if this value is
+      // anchored in a 
diff erent basic block, the actual first sub expression
+      // will be anchored on the second value.
+      for (int i = StartIdx - 1; i != -1; --i) {
+        const Value *Val = Ops[i].Op;
+        const auto *CurrLeafInstr = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Val);
+        const BasicBlock *SeenBB = nullptr;
+        if (!CurrLeafInstr) {
+          // The value is free of any CFG dependencies.
+          // Do as if it lives in the entry block.
+          //
+          // We do this to make sure all the values falling on this path are
+          // seen through the same anchor point. The rationale is these values
+          // can be combined together to from a sub expression free of any CFG
+          // dependencies so we want them to stay together.
+          // We could be cleverer and postpone the anchor down to the first
+          // anchored value, but that's likely complicated to get right.
+          // E.g., we wouldn't want to do that if that means being stuck in a
+          // loop.
+          //
+          // For instance, we wouldn't want to change:
+          // res = arg1 op arg2 op arg3 op ... op loop_val1 op loop_val2 ...
+          // into
+          // res = loop_val1 op arg1 op arg2 op arg3 op ... op loop_val2 ...
+          // Because all the sub expressions with arg2..N would be stuck between
+          // two loop dependent values.
+          SeenBB = &I->getParent()->getParent()->getEntryBlock();
+        } else {
+          SeenBB = CurrLeafInstr->getParent();
+        }
+        if (!FirstSeenBB) {
+          FirstSeenBB = SeenBB;
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (FirstSeenBB != SeenBB) {
+          // ith value is in a 
diff erent basic block.
+          // Rewind the index once to point to the last value on the same basic
+          // block.
+          LimitIdx = i + 1;
+          LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "CSE reordering: Consider values between ["
+                            << LimitIdx << ", " << StartIdx << "]\n");
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    for (unsigned i = Ops.size() - 1; i > LimitIdx; --i) {
+      // We must use int type to go below zero when LimitIdx is 0.
+      for (int j = i - 1; j >= (int)LimitIdx; --j) {
         unsigned Score = 0;
         Value *Op0 = Ops[i].Op;
         Value *Op1 = Ops[j].Op;
@@ -2426,12 +2492,26 @@ void ReassociatePass::ReassociateExpression(BinaryOperator *I) {
         unsigned MaxRank = std::max(Ops[i].Rank, Ops[j].Rank);
+        // By construction, the operands are sorted in reverse order of their
+        // topological order.
+        // So we tend to form (sub) expressions with values that are close to
+        // each other.
+        //
+        // Now to expose more CSE opportunities we want to expose the pair of
+        // operands that occur the most (as statically computed in
+        // BuildPairMap.) as the first sub-expression.
+        //
+        // If two pairs occur as many times, we pick the one with the
+        // lowest rank, meaning the one with both operands appearing first in
+        // the topological order.
         if (Score > Max || (Score == Max && MaxRank < BestRank)) {
-          BestPair = {i, j};
+          BestPair = {j, i};
           Max = Score;
           BestRank = MaxRank;
+    }
     if (Max > 1) {
       auto Op0 = Ops[BestPair.first];
       auto Op1 = Ops[BestPair.second];
@@ -2441,6 +2521,8 @@ void ReassociatePass::ReassociateExpression(BinaryOperator *I) {
+  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "RAOut after CSE reorder:\t"; PrintOps(I, Ops);
+             dbgs() << '\n');
   // Now that we ordered and optimized the expressions, splat them back into
   // the expression tree, removing any unneeded nodes.
   RewriteExprTree(I, Ops);

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/defeat-licm.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/defeat-licm.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fadb20207716e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/defeat-licm.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 2
+; Check that the default heuristic use the local cse constraints.
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate %s -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL_CSE
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate %s -reassociate-use-cse-local=true -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL_CSE
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate %s -reassociate-use-cse-local=false -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CSE
+; In the local CSE mode, we check that we don't create loop dependent
+; expressions in order to expose more CSE opportunities.
+; This can be seen with %inv4 and %inv5 that should stay in the entry block.
+; For the non-local CSE mode, we form CSE-able expression regardless of where
+; they would be materialized. In this case, %inv4 and %inv5 are pushed
+; down the loop body in order to make loop_dependent, %inv2 appear as a
+; sub-expression.
+; Related to issue PR61458.
+define void @reassoc_defeats_licm(i64 %inv1, i64 %inv2, i64 %inv3) {
+; LOCAL_CSE-LABEL: define void @reassoc_defeats_licm
+; LOCAL_CSE-SAME: (i64 [[INV1:%.*]], i64 [[INV2:%.*]], i64 [[INV3:%.*]]) {
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV4:%.*]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[INV2]], [[INV1]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV5:%.*]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[INV3]], [[INV2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB214:%.*]]
+; LOCAL_CSE:       bb214:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[IV1:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[IV2:%.*]], [[BB214]] ], [ 0, [[BB:%.*]] ]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[IV2]] = phi i64 [ [[IV2_PLUS_1:%.*]], [[BB214]] ], [ 1, [[BB]] ]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i64 [[IV1]], 13
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT2:%.*]] = add nsw i64 [[INV4]], [[LOOP_DEPENDENT]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT2]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT3:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV5]], [[LOOP_DEPENDENT]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT3]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[IV2_PLUS_1]] = add i64 [[IV2]], 1
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB214]]
+; CSE-LABEL: define void @reassoc_defeats_licm
+; CSE-SAME: (i64 [[INV1:%.*]], i64 [[INV2:%.*]], i64 [[INV3:%.*]]) {
+; CSE-NEXT:  bb:
+; CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB214:%.*]]
+; CSE:       bb214:
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[IV1:%.*]] = phi i64 [ [[IV2:%.*]], [[BB214]] ], [ 0, [[BB:%.*]] ]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[IV2]] = phi i64 [ [[IV2_PLUS_1:%.*]], [[BB214]] ], [ 1, [[BB]] ]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT:%.*]] = shl nuw nsw i64 [[IV1]], 13
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV4:%.*]] = add i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT]], [[INV2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT2:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV4]], [[INV1]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT2]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV5:%.*]] = add i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT]], [[INV2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[LOOP_DEPENDENT3:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV5]], [[INV3]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[LOOP_DEPENDENT3]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[IV2_PLUS_1]] = add i64 [[IV2]], 1
+; CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB214]]
+  %inv4 = add nuw nsw i64 %inv1, %inv2
+  %inv5 = add nuw nsw i64 %inv2, %inv3
+  br label %bb214
+bb214:                                            ; preds = %bb214, %bb
+  %iv1 = phi i64 [ %iv2, %bb214 ], [ 0, %bb ]
+  %iv2 = phi i64 [ %iv2_plus_1, %bb214 ], [ 1, %bb ]
+  %loop_dependent = shl nuw nsw i64 %iv1, 13
+  %loop_dependent2 = add nsw i64 %inv4, %loop_dependent
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %loop_dependent2)
+  %loop_dependent3 = add i64 %inv5, %loop_dependent
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %loop_dependent3)
+  %iv2_plus_1 = add i64 %iv2, 1
+  br label %bb214
+declare void @keep_alive(i64)

diff  --git a/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/local-cse.ll b/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/local-cse.ll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..aef199ec20d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/Transforms/Reassociate/local-cse.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_test_checks.py UTC_ARGS: --version 2
+; Check that the default heuristic use the local cse constraints.
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate,early-cse %s -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL_CSE
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate,early-cse %s -reassociate-use-cse-local=true -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=LOCAL_CSE
+; RUN: opt -S -passes=reassociate,early-cse %s -reassociate-use-cse-local=false -o - | FileCheck %s -check-prefix=CSE
+; Check that when we use the heuristic to expose only local (to the first
+; encountered block) CSE opportunities, we choose the right sub expression
+; to expose.
+; In these example we have three chains of expressions:
+; chain a: inv1, val_bb2, inv2, inv4
+; chain b: inv1, val_bb2, inv2, inv5
+; chain c: inv1, val_bb2, inv3
+; The CSE-able pairs with there respective occurrences are:
+; inv1, val_bb2: 3
+; inv1, inv2: 2
+; val_bb2 is anchored in bb2 but inv1 and inv2 can start in bb1.
+; With the local heuristic we will push inv1, inv2 at the beginning
+; of chain_a and chain_b.
+; With the non-local heuristic we will push inv1, val_bb2.
+define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks(i64 %inv1, i64 %inv2, i64 %inv3, i64 %inv4, i64 %inv5) {
+; LOCAL_CSE-LABEL: define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks
+; LOCAL_CSE-SAME: (i64 [[INV1:%.*]], i64 [[INV2:%.*]], i64 [[INV3:%.*]], i64 [[INV4:%.*]], i64 [[INV5:%.*]]) {
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:  bb1:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A0:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV2]], [[INV1]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB2:%.*]]
+; LOCAL_CSE:       bb2:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[VAL_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV4]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[VAL_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV5]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_B1]], [[VAL_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C0:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV3]], [[INV1]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_C0]], [[VAL_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_A2]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_B2]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_C1]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    ret void
+; CSE-LABEL: define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks
+; CSE-SAME: (i64 [[INV1:%.*]], i64 [[INV2:%.*]], i64 [[INV3:%.*]], i64 [[INV4:%.*]], i64 [[INV5:%.*]]) {
+; CSE-NEXT:  bb1:
+; CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB2:%.*]]
+; CSE:       bb2:
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[VAL_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A0:%.*]] = add i64 [[VAL_BB2]], [[INV1]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[INV4]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B2:%.*]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[INV5]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV3]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_A2]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_B2]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_C1]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    ret void
+  %chain_a0 = add nuw nsw i64 %inv1, %inv2
+  br label %bb2
+  %val_bb2 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %chain_a1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_a0, %val_bb2
+  %chain_a2 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_a1, %inv4
+  %chain_b0 = add nuw nsw i64 %val_bb2, %inv1
+  %chain_b1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_b0, %inv2
+  %chain_b2 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_b1, %inv5
+  %chain_c0 = add nuw nsw i64 %val_bb2, %inv3
+  %chain_c1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_c0, %inv1
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_a2)
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_b2)
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_c1)
+  ret void
+; Same as @chain_spanning_several_blocks, but with values that are all anchored
+; on the non-entry block.
+; I.e., same pair map as previous but with invX_bbY instead of invX.
+; Note: Although %inv1_bb0 is anchored in the entry block, it doesn't constrain
+; the sub expressions on the entry block because we need to see at least two
+; values to be able to form a sub-expression and thus only the second one
+; add a constraint.
+define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks_no_entry_anchor() {
+; LOCAL_CSE-LABEL: define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks_no_entry_anchor() {
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:  bb0:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV2_BB0:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB1:%.*]]
+; LOCAL_CSE:       bb1:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV1_BB1:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A0:%.*]] = add i64 [[INV1_BB1]], [[INV2_BB0]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB2:%.*]]
+; LOCAL_CSE:       bb2:
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV3_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV4_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[INV5_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[VAL_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV4_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[VAL_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV5_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_B1]], [[VAL_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C0:%.*]] = add i64 [[VAL_BB2]], [[INV1_BB1]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_C0]], [[INV3_BB2]]
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_A2]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_B2]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_C1]])
+; LOCAL_CSE-NEXT:    ret void
+; CSE-LABEL: define void @chain_spanning_several_blocks_no_entry_anchor() {
+; CSE-NEXT:  bb0:
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV2_BB0:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB1:%.*]]
+; CSE:       bb1:
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV1_BB1:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    br label [[BB2:%.*]]
+; CSE:       bb2:
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV3_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV4_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[INV5_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[VAL_BB2:%.*]] = call i64 @get_val()
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A0:%.*]] = add i64 [[VAL_BB2]], [[INV1_BB1]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV2_BB0]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_A2:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[INV4_BB2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_B2:%.*]] = add nuw nsw i64 [[CHAIN_A1]], [[INV5_BB2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    [[CHAIN_C1:%.*]] = add i64 [[CHAIN_A0]], [[INV3_BB2]]
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_A2]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_B2]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    call void @keep_alive(i64 [[CHAIN_C1]])
+; CSE-NEXT:    ret void
+  %inv2_bb0 = call i64 @get_val()
+  br label %bb1
+  %inv1_bb1 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %chain_a0 = add nuw nsw i64 %inv1_bb1, %inv2_bb0
+  br label %bb2
+  %inv3_bb2 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %inv4_bb2 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %inv5_bb2 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %val_bb2 = call i64 @get_val()
+  %chain_a1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_a0, %val_bb2
+  %chain_a2 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_a1, %inv4_bb2
+  %chain_b0 = add nuw nsw i64 %val_bb2, %inv1_bb1
+  %chain_b1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_b0, %inv2_bb0
+  %chain_b2 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_b1, %inv5_bb2
+  %chain_c0 = add nuw nsw i64 %val_bb2, %inv3_bb2
+  %chain_c1 = add nuw nsw i64 %chain_c0, %inv1_bb1
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_a2)
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_b2)
+  call void @keep_alive(i64 %chain_c1)
+  ret void
+declare i64 @get_val()
+declare void @keep_alive(i64)


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