[PATCH] D60913: [GVN+LICM] Use line 0 locations for better crash attribution

Vedant Kumar via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Aug 6 16:09:48 PDT 2020

vsk added a comment.

In D60913#2194894 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D60913#2194894>, @dblaikie wrote:

> In D60913#2194847 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D60913#2194847>, @vsk wrote:
>> In D60913#2191469 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D60913#2191469>, @dblaikie wrote:
>>> Using zero on non-call locations might bloat the line table a fair bit. May be better to let those locations get flow-on from whatever other instructions are around?
>>> At least that, I think, is the current policy of "merge debug locations", is it not?
>> The current policy recommends using a merged debug location here (ref <https://llvm.org/docs/HowToUpdateDebugInfo.html#when-to-merge-instruction-locations>),
> I'm not sure it does - since this code isn't doing any merging - it's hoisting a single instruction, which I don't think is covered by that part of the documentation, is it?

Ah! Ok, got it. I had this confused earlier: I assumed GVN 'merged' instructions together, but this is not true for `PerformLoadPRE` (or for the `hoist` routine in LICM) touched in this patch.

>> but that's not the same as not setting a debug location. The recommendation is to use the `applyMergedLocation` API.
> Specifically "applyMergedLocation" doesn't handle a single instruction - it handles two, and it's not for use when crossing a conditional boundary (taking code from somewhere that only executes under one condition and moving it to a place that might execute when that condition doesn't hold). Is that's what's happening here? (is code being hoisted across a basic block boundary?)

Right, it looks like both of the functions modified in this patch move an instruction across a basic block boundary.

>> If there's a cheap way to keep track of the scopes of the instructions replaced by 'NewInsts', that would be a good fit here.
>>> Perhaps we need a similar utility that can be kept in the same place (as merge debug locations)/enforce the same policy for hoisted locations.
>> Sorry, I don't follow. Is this some enforcement mechanism for debug location update rules?
> No, sorry - I meant perhaps we should have a function like `Instruction::applyMergedLocation` that's for the case of hoisting code across conditionals without any merging - hmm, wait, no, now I've confused myself.
> If the code is hoisting across a conditional, then there's nothing to preserve and we should be doing what the docs say - https://llvm.org/docs/HowToUpdateDebugInfo.html#id5 - drop the location.

Now I think we're on the same page: I agree that that's what the docs recommend. It would be helpful to have some utility ('Instruction::applyHoistedLocation'?) to simplify setting the right location.

> If it's a call, even then we shouldn't preserve the inlinedAt information, because we could mislead users/profilers into believing the function was reached when it wasn't (because the condition may never be true). But we do need to set a location on calls (though this would only be for calls we know certain things about - pure/const, that sort of thing - that would allow us to hoist - is that the case here?) but it should probably be in the outer/concrete function, since we can't correctly attribute the instruction to any specific scope/inlined function, I believe.

I think the `hoist` function can move a call, and afaik `PerformLoadPRE` cannot. If we were to use a helper like 'Instruction::applyHoistedLocation' in both cases, what would the helper have to look like? What I have in mind is:

- When hoisting an instruction that isn't a call, drop its location.
- If it _is_ a call, and the parent function has no debug scope, drop its location.
- Finally if it _is_ a call and the parent function has a debug scope, set its location to line 0 with the parent function's scope, and no inlinedAt location.

Does that seem reasonable?




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