[llvm] 1a6b731 - [NFC] Clang format for the ELF header and ARM build attributes.

Kai Wang via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Mar 26 18:53:28 PDT 2020

Author: Kai Wang
Date: 2020-03-27T09:53:12+08:00
New Revision: 1a6b7318dddda1d1461b41c238505fbfa7f1d611

URL: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1a6b7318dddda1d1461b41c238505fbfa7f1d611
DIFF: https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/commit/1a6b7318dddda1d1461b41c238505fbfa7f1d611.diff

LOG: [NFC] Clang format for the ELF header and ARM build attributes.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D76819




diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
index a943f553e18c..d72deebbe7fa 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h
@@ -816,50 +816,51 @@ enum {
 // Section types.
 enum : unsigned {
-  SHT_NULL = 0,                         // No associated section (inactive entry).
-  SHT_PROGBITS = 1,                     // Program-defined contents.
-  SHT_SYMTAB = 2,                       // Symbol table.
-  SHT_STRTAB = 3,                       // String table.
-  SHT_RELA = 4,                         // Relocation entries; explicit addends.
-  SHT_HASH = 5,                         // Symbol hash table.
-  SHT_DYNAMIC = 6,                      // Information for dynamic linking.
-  SHT_NOTE = 7,                         // Information about the file.
-  SHT_NOBITS = 8,                       // Data occupies no space in the file.
-  SHT_REL = 9,                          // Relocation entries; no explicit addends.
-  SHT_SHLIB = 10,                       // Reserved.
-  SHT_DYNSYM = 11,                      // Symbol table.
-  SHT_INIT_ARRAY = 14,                  // Pointers to initialization functions.
-  SHT_FINI_ARRAY = 15,                  // Pointers to termination functions.
-  SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY = 16,               // Pointers to pre-init functions.
-  SHT_GROUP = 17,                       // Section group.
-  SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX = 18,                // Indices for SHN_XINDEX entries.
+  SHT_NULL = 0,           // No associated section (inactive entry).
+  SHT_PROGBITS = 1,       // Program-defined contents.
+  SHT_SYMTAB = 2,         // Symbol table.
+  SHT_STRTAB = 3,         // String table.
+  SHT_RELA = 4,           // Relocation entries; explicit addends.
+  SHT_HASH = 5,           // Symbol hash table.
+  SHT_DYNAMIC = 6,        // Information for dynamic linking.
+  SHT_NOTE = 7,           // Information about the file.
+  SHT_NOBITS = 8,         // Data occupies no space in the file.
+  SHT_REL = 9,            // Relocation entries; no explicit addends.
+  SHT_SHLIB = 10,         // Reserved.
+  SHT_DYNSYM = 11,        // Symbol table.
+  SHT_INIT_ARRAY = 14,    // Pointers to initialization functions.
+  SHT_FINI_ARRAY = 15,    // Pointers to termination functions.
+  SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY = 16, // Pointers to pre-init functions.
+  SHT_GROUP = 17,         // Section group.
+  SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX = 18,  // Indices for SHN_XINDEX entries.
   // Experimental support for SHT_RELR sections. For details, see proposal
   // at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/generic-abi/bX460iggiKg
-  SHT_RELR = 19,                        // Relocation entries; only offsets.
-  SHT_LOOS = 0x60000000,                // Lowest operating system-specific type.
+  SHT_RELR = 19,         // Relocation entries; only offsets.
+  SHT_LOOS = 0x60000000, // Lowest operating system-specific type.
   // Android packed relocation section types.
   // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/6f12bfece5dcc01325e0abba56a46b1bcf991c69/tools/relocation_packer/src/elf_file.cc#37
   SHT_ANDROID_REL = 0x60000001,
   SHT_ANDROID_RELA = 0x60000002,
-  SHT_LLVM_ODRTAB = 0x6fff4c00,         // LLVM ODR table.
-  SHT_LLVM_LINKER_OPTIONS = 0x6fff4c01, // LLVM Linker Options.
+  SHT_LLVM_ODRTAB = 0x6fff4c00,             // LLVM ODR table.
+  SHT_LLVM_LINKER_OPTIONS = 0x6fff4c01,     // LLVM Linker Options.
   SHT_LLVM_CALL_GRAPH_PROFILE = 0x6fff4c02, // LLVM Call Graph Profile.
-  SHT_LLVM_ADDRSIG = 0x6fff4c03,        // List of address-significant symbols
-                                        // for safe ICF.
-  SHT_LLVM_DEPENDENT_LIBRARIES = 0x6fff4c04, // LLVM Dependent Library Specifiers.
-  SHT_LLVM_SYMPART = 0x6fff4c05,        // Symbol partition specification.
-  SHT_LLVM_PART_EHDR = 0x6fff4c06,      // ELF header for loadable partition.
-  SHT_LLVM_PART_PHDR = 0x6fff4c07,      // Phdrs for loadable partition.
+  SHT_LLVM_ADDRSIG = 0x6fff4c03, // List of address-significant symbols
+                                 // for safe ICF.
+      0x6fff4c04,                  // LLVM Dependent Library Specifiers.
+  SHT_LLVM_SYMPART = 0x6fff4c05,   // Symbol partition specification.
+  SHT_LLVM_PART_EHDR = 0x6fff4c06, // ELF header for loadable partition.
+  SHT_LLVM_PART_PHDR = 0x6fff4c07, // Phdrs for loadable partition.
   // Android's experimental support for SHT_RELR sections.
   // https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/b7feec74547f84559a1467aca02708ff61346d2a/libc/include/elf.h#512
-  SHT_ANDROID_RELR = 0x6fffff00,        // Relocation entries; only offsets.
-  SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES = 0x6ffffff5,      // Object attributes.
-  SHT_GNU_HASH = 0x6ffffff6,            // GNU-style hash table.
-  SHT_GNU_verdef = 0x6ffffffd,          // GNU version definitions.
-  SHT_GNU_verneed = 0x6ffffffe,         // GNU version references.
-  SHT_GNU_versym = 0x6fffffff,          // GNU symbol versions table.
-  SHT_HIOS = 0x6fffffff,                // Highest operating system-specific type.
-  SHT_LOPROC = 0x70000000,              // Lowest processor arch-specific type.
+  SHT_ANDROID_RELR = 0x6fffff00,   // Relocation entries; only offsets.
+  SHT_GNU_ATTRIBUTES = 0x6ffffff5, // Object attributes.
+  SHT_GNU_HASH = 0x6ffffff6,       // GNU-style hash table.
+  SHT_GNU_verdef = 0x6ffffffd,     // GNU version definitions.
+  SHT_GNU_verneed = 0x6ffffffe,    // GNU version references.
+  SHT_GNU_versym = 0x6fffffff,     // GNU symbol versions table.
+  SHT_HIOS = 0x6fffffff,           // Highest operating system-specific type.
+  SHT_LOPROC = 0x70000000,         // Lowest processor arch-specific type.
   // Fixme: All this is duplicated in MCSectionELF. Why??
   // Exception Index table
   SHT_ARM_EXIDX = 0x70000001U,
@@ -869,20 +870,20 @@ enum : unsigned {
   SHT_ARM_ATTRIBUTES = 0x70000003U,
   SHT_ARM_DEBUGOVERLAY = 0x70000004U,
-  SHT_HEX_ORDERED = 0x70000000,         // Link editor is to sort the entries in
-                                        // this section based on their sizes
-  SHT_X86_64_UNWIND = 0x70000001,       // Unwind information
+  SHT_HEX_ORDERED = 0x70000000,   // Link editor is to sort the entries in
+                                  // this section based on their sizes
+  SHT_X86_64_UNWIND = 0x70000001, // Unwind information
-  SHT_MIPS_REGINFO = 0x70000006,        // Register usage information
-  SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS = 0x7000000d,        // General options
-  SHT_MIPS_DWARF = 0x7000001e,          // DWARF debugging section.
-  SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS = 0x7000002a,       // ABI information.
+  SHT_MIPS_REGINFO = 0x70000006,  // Register usage information
+  SHT_MIPS_OPTIONS = 0x7000000d,  // General options
+  SHT_MIPS_DWARF = 0x7000001e,    // DWARF debugging section.
+  SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS = 0x7000002a, // ABI information.
   SHT_MSP430_ATTRIBUTES = 0x70000003U,
-  SHT_HIPROC = 0x7fffffff,              // Highest processor arch-specific type.
-  SHT_LOUSER = 0x80000000,              // Lowest type reserved for applications.
-  SHT_HIUSER = 0xffffffff               // Highest type reserved for applications.
+  SHT_HIPROC = 0x7fffffff, // Highest processor arch-specific type.
+  SHT_LOUSER = 0x80000000, // Lowest type reserved for applications.
+  SHT_HIUSER = 0xffffffff  // Highest type reserved for applications.
 // Section flags.

diff  --git a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/ARMBuildAttributes.h b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/ARMBuildAttributes.h
index 90481eaa1677..dc0c3e3ea2ff 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/Support/ARMBuildAttributes.h
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/Support/ARMBuildAttributes.h
@@ -31,55 +31,55 @@ enum SpecialAttr {
 enum AttrType {
   // Rest correspond to ELF/.ARM.attributes
-  File                      = 1,
-  CPU_raw_name              = 4,
-  CPU_name                  = 5,
-  CPU_arch                  = 6,
-  CPU_arch_profile          = 7,
-  ARM_ISA_use               = 8,
-  THUMB_ISA_use             = 9,
-  FP_arch                   = 10,
-  WMMX_arch                 = 11,
-  Advanced_SIMD_arch        = 12,
-  PCS_config                = 13,
-  ABI_PCS_R9_use            = 14,
-  ABI_PCS_RW_data           = 15,
-  ABI_PCS_RO_data           = 16,
-  ABI_PCS_GOT_use           = 17,
-  ABI_PCS_wchar_t           = 18,
-  ABI_FP_rounding           = 19,
-  ABI_FP_denormal           = 20,
-  ABI_FP_exceptions         = 21,
-  ABI_FP_user_exceptions    = 22,
-  ABI_FP_number_model       = 23,
-  ABI_align_needed          = 24,
-  ABI_align_preserved       = 25,
-  ABI_enum_size             = 26,
-  ABI_HardFP_use            = 27,
-  ABI_VFP_args              = 28,
-  ABI_WMMX_args             = 29,
-  ABI_optimization_goals    = 30,
+  File = 1,
+  CPU_raw_name = 4,
+  CPU_name = 5,
+  CPU_arch = 6,
+  CPU_arch_profile = 7,
+  ARM_ISA_use = 8,
+  THUMB_ISA_use = 9,
+  FP_arch = 10,
+  WMMX_arch = 11,
+  Advanced_SIMD_arch = 12,
+  PCS_config = 13,
+  ABI_PCS_R9_use = 14,
+  ABI_PCS_RW_data = 15,
+  ABI_PCS_RO_data = 16,
+  ABI_PCS_GOT_use = 17,
+  ABI_PCS_wchar_t = 18,
+  ABI_FP_rounding = 19,
+  ABI_FP_denormal = 20,
+  ABI_FP_exceptions = 21,
+  ABI_FP_user_exceptions = 22,
+  ABI_FP_number_model = 23,
+  ABI_align_needed = 24,
+  ABI_align_preserved = 25,
+  ABI_enum_size = 26,
+  ABI_HardFP_use = 27,
+  ABI_VFP_args = 28,
+  ABI_WMMX_args = 29,
+  ABI_optimization_goals = 30,
   ABI_FP_optimization_goals = 31,
-  compatibility             = 32,
-  CPU_unaligned_access      = 34,
-  FP_HP_extension           = 36,
-  ABI_FP_16bit_format       = 38,
-  MPextension_use           = 42, // recoded from 70 (ABI r2.08)
-  DIV_use                   = 44,
-  DSP_extension             = 46,
-  MVE_arch                  = 48,
-  also_compatible_with      = 65,
-  conformance               = 67,
-  Virtualization_use        = 68,
+  compatibility = 32,
+  CPU_unaligned_access = 34,
+  FP_HP_extension = 36,
+  ABI_FP_16bit_format = 38,
+  MPextension_use = 42, // recoded from 70 (ABI r2.08)
+  DIV_use = 44,
+  DSP_extension = 46,
+  MVE_arch = 48,
+  also_compatible_with = 65,
+  conformance = 67,
+  Virtualization_use = 68,
   /// Legacy Tags
-  Section                   = 2,  // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
-  Symbol                    = 3,  // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
-  ABI_align8_needed         = 24, // renamed to ABI_align_needed (ABI r2.09)
-  ABI_align8_preserved      = 25, // renamed to ABI_align_preserved (ABI r2.09)
-  nodefaults                = 64, // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
-  T2EE_use                  = 66, // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
-  MPextension_use_old       = 70  // recoded to MPextension_use (ABI r2.08)
+  Section = 2,               // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
+  Symbol = 3,                // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
+  ABI_align8_needed = 24,    // renamed to ABI_align_needed (ABI r2.09)
+  ABI_align8_preserved = 25, // renamed to ABI_align_preserved (ABI r2.09)
+  nodefaults = 64,           // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
+  T2EE_use = 66,             // deprecated (ABI r2.09)
+  MPextension_use_old = 70   // recoded to MPextension_use (ABI r2.08)
 StringRef AttrTypeAsString(unsigned Attr, bool HasTagPrefix = true);

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Support/ARMBuildAttrs.cpp b/llvm/lib/Support/ARMBuildAttrs.cpp
index d0c4fb792cb8..9a21bab8975c 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Support/ARMBuildAttrs.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Support/ARMBuildAttrs.cpp
@@ -16,56 +16,56 @@ const struct {
   ARMBuildAttrs::AttrType Attr;
   StringRef TagName;
 } ARMAttributeTags[] = {
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::File, "Tag_File" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::Section, "Tag_Section" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::Symbol, "Tag_Symbol" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_raw_name, "Tag_CPU_raw_name" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_name, "Tag_CPU_name" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_arch, "Tag_CPU_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_arch_profile, "Tag_CPU_arch_profile" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ARM_ISA_use, "Tag_ARM_ISA_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::THUMB_ISA_use, "Tag_THUMB_ISA_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::FP_arch, "Tag_FP_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::WMMX_arch, "Tag_WMMX_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::Advanced_SIMD_arch, "Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::MVE_arch, "Tag_MVE_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::PCS_config, "Tag_PCS_config" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_R9_use, "Tag_ABI_PCS_R9_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_RW_data, "Tag_ABI_PCS_RW_data" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_RO_data, "Tag_ABI_PCS_RO_data" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_GOT_use, "Tag_ABI_PCS_GOT_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_wchar_t, "Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_rounding, "Tag_ABI_FP_rounding" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_denormal, "Tag_ABI_FP_denormal" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_exceptions, "Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_user_exceptions, "Tag_ABI_FP_user_exceptions" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_number_model, "Tag_ABI_FP_number_model" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_needed, "Tag_ABI_align_needed" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_preserved, "Tag_ABI_align_preserved" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_enum_size, "Tag_ABI_enum_size" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_HardFP_use, "Tag_ABI_HardFP_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_VFP_args, "Tag_ABI_VFP_args" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_WMMX_args, "Tag_ABI_WMMX_args" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_optimization_goals, "Tag_ABI_optimization_goals" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_optimization_goals, "Tag_ABI_FP_optimization_goals" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::compatibility, "Tag_compatibility" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_unaligned_access, "Tag_CPU_unaligned_access" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::FP_HP_extension, "Tag_FP_HP_extension" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_16bit_format, "Tag_ABI_FP_16bit_format" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::MPextension_use, "Tag_MPextension_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::DIV_use, "Tag_DIV_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::DSP_extension, "Tag_DSP_extension" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::nodefaults, "Tag_nodefaults" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::also_compatible_with, "Tag_also_compatible_with" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::T2EE_use, "Tag_T2EE_use" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::conformance, "Tag_conformance" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::Virtualization_use, "Tag_Virtualization_use" },
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::File, "Tag_File"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::Section, "Tag_Section"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::Symbol, "Tag_Symbol"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_raw_name, "Tag_CPU_raw_name"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_name, "Tag_CPU_name"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_arch, "Tag_CPU_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_arch_profile, "Tag_CPU_arch_profile"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ARM_ISA_use, "Tag_ARM_ISA_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::THUMB_ISA_use, "Tag_THUMB_ISA_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::FP_arch, "Tag_FP_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::WMMX_arch, "Tag_WMMX_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::Advanced_SIMD_arch, "Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::MVE_arch, "Tag_MVE_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::PCS_config, "Tag_PCS_config"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_R9_use, "Tag_ABI_PCS_R9_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_RW_data, "Tag_ABI_PCS_RW_data"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_RO_data, "Tag_ABI_PCS_RO_data"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_GOT_use, "Tag_ABI_PCS_GOT_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_PCS_wchar_t, "Tag_ABI_PCS_wchar_t"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_rounding, "Tag_ABI_FP_rounding"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_denormal, "Tag_ABI_FP_denormal"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_exceptions, "Tag_ABI_FP_exceptions"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_user_exceptions, "Tag_ABI_FP_user_exceptions"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_number_model, "Tag_ABI_FP_number_model"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_needed, "Tag_ABI_align_needed"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_preserved, "Tag_ABI_align_preserved"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_enum_size, "Tag_ABI_enum_size"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_HardFP_use, "Tag_ABI_HardFP_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_VFP_args, "Tag_ABI_VFP_args"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_WMMX_args, "Tag_ABI_WMMX_args"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_optimization_goals, "Tag_ABI_optimization_goals"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_optimization_goals, "Tag_ABI_FP_optimization_goals"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::compatibility, "Tag_compatibility"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::CPU_unaligned_access, "Tag_CPU_unaligned_access"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::FP_HP_extension, "Tag_FP_HP_extension"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_FP_16bit_format, "Tag_ABI_FP_16bit_format"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::MPextension_use, "Tag_MPextension_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::DIV_use, "Tag_DIV_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::DSP_extension, "Tag_DSP_extension"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::nodefaults, "Tag_nodefaults"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::also_compatible_with, "Tag_also_compatible_with"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::T2EE_use, "Tag_T2EE_use"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::conformance, "Tag_conformance"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::Virtualization_use, "Tag_Virtualization_use"},
-  // Legacy Names
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::FP_arch, "Tag_VFP_arch" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::FP_HP_extension, "Tag_VFP_HP_extension" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_needed, "Tag_ABI_align8_needed" },
-  { ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_preserved, "Tag_ABI_align8_preserved" },
+    // Legacy Names
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::FP_arch, "Tag_VFP_arch"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::FP_HP_extension, "Tag_VFP_HP_extension"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_needed, "Tag_ABI_align8_needed"},
+    {ARMBuildAttrs::ABI_align_preserved, "Tag_ABI_align8_preserved"},
@@ -99,4 +99,3 @@ int AttrTypeFromString(StringRef Tag) {


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