[llvm] r374476 - [JITLink] Add an initial implementation of JITLink for MachO/AArch64.

Lang Hames via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 PDT 2019

Author: lhames
Date: Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
New Revision: 374476

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=374476&view=rev
[JITLink] Add an initial implementation of JITLink for MachO/AArch64.

This implementation has support for all relocation types except TLV.

Compact unwind sections are not yet supported, so exceptions/unwinding will not


Added: llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h?rev=374476&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+//===---- MachO_arm64.h - JIT link functions for MachO/arm64 ----*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// jit-link functions for MachO/arm64.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/JITLink.h"
+namespace llvm {
+namespace jitlink {
+namespace MachO_arm64_Edges {
+enum MachOARM64RelocationKind : Edge::Kind {
+  Branch26 = Edge::FirstRelocation,
+  Pointer32,
+  Pointer64,
+  Pointer64Anon,
+  Page21,
+  PageOffset12,
+  GOTPage21,
+  GOTPageOffset12,
+  PointerToGOT,
+  PairedAddend,
+  LDRLiteral19,
+  Delta32,
+  Delta64,
+  NegDelta32,
+  NegDelta64,
+} // namespace MachO_arm64_Edges
+/// jit-link the given object buffer, which must be a MachO arm64 object file.
+/// If PrePrunePasses is empty then a default mark-live pass will be inserted
+/// that will mark all exported atoms live. If PrePrunePasses is not empty, the
+/// caller is responsible for including a pass to mark atoms as live.
+/// If PostPrunePasses is empty then a default GOT-and-stubs insertion pass will
+/// be inserted. If PostPrunePasses is not empty then the caller is responsible
+/// for including a pass to insert GOT and stub edges.
+void jitLink_MachO_arm64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx);
+/// Return the string name of the given MachO arm64 edge kind.
+StringRef getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(Edge::Kind R);
+} // end namespace jitlink
+} // end namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/CMakeLists.txt?rev=374476&r1=374475&r2=374476&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/CMakeLists.txt Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMJITLink
+  MachO_arm64.cpp

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO.cpp?rev=374476&r1=374475&r2=374476&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO.cpp Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO.h"
 #include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h"
 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_x86_64.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
@@ -64,6 +65,8 @@ void jitLink_MachO(std::unique_ptr<JITLi
     switch (Header.cputype) {
+    case MachO::CPU_TYPE_ARM64:
+      return jitLink_MachO_arm64(std::move(Ctx));
     case MachO::CPU_TYPE_X86_64:
       return jitLink_MachO_x86_64(std::move(Ctx));

Added: llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.cpp?rev=374476&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.cpp Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+//===---- MachO_arm64.cpp - JIT linker implementation for MachO/arm64 -----===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// MachO/arm64 jit-link implementation.
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/MachO_arm64.h"
+#include "BasicGOTAndStubsBuilder.h"
+#include "MachOLinkGraphBuilder.h"
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "jitlink"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace llvm::jitlink;
+using namespace llvm::jitlink::MachO_arm64_Edges;
+namespace {
+class MachOLinkGraphBuilder_arm64 : public MachOLinkGraphBuilder {
+  MachOLinkGraphBuilder_arm64(const object::MachOObjectFile &Obj)
+      : MachOLinkGraphBuilder(Obj),
+        NumSymbols(Obj.getSymtabLoadCommand().nsyms) {
+    addCustomSectionParser(
+        "__eh_frame", [this](NormalizedSection &EHFrameSection) {
+          if (!EHFrameSection.Data)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+                "__eh_frame section is marked zero-fill");
+          return MachOEHFrameBinaryParser(
+                     *this, EHFrameSection.Address,
+                     StringRef(EHFrameSection.Data, EHFrameSection.Size),
+                     *EHFrameSection.GraphSection, 8, 4, NegDelta32, Delta64)
+              .addToGraph();
+        });
+  }
+  static Expected<MachOARM64RelocationKind>
+  getRelocationKind(const MachO::relocation_info &RI) {
+    switch (RI.r_type) {
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED:
+      if (!RI.r_pcrel) {
+        if (RI.r_length == 3)
+          return RI.r_extern ? Pointer64 : Pointer64Anon;
+        else if (RI.r_length == 2)
+          return Pointer32;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR:
+      // SUBTRACTOR must be non-pc-rel, extern, with length 2 or 3.
+      // Initially represent SUBTRACTOR relocations with 'Delta<W>'.
+      // They may be turned into NegDelta<W> by parsePairRelocation.
+      if (!RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern) {
+        if (RI.r_length == 2)
+          return Delta32;
+        else if (RI.r_length == 3)
+          return Delta64;
+      }
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26:
+      if (RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return Branch26;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21:
+      if (RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return Page21;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12:
+      if (!RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return PageOffset12;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21:
+      if (RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return GOTPage21;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12:
+      if (!RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return GOTPageOffset12;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_POINTER_TO_GOT:
+      if (RI.r_pcrel && RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return PointerToGOT;
+      break;
+    case MachO::ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND:
+      if (!RI.r_pcrel && !RI.r_extern && RI.r_length == 2)
+        return PairedAddend;
+      break;
+    }
+    return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+        "Unsupported arm64 relocation: address=" +
+        formatv("{0:x8}", RI.r_address) +
+        ", symbolnum=" + formatv("{0:x6}", RI.r_symbolnum) +
+        ", kind=" + formatv("{0:x1}", RI.r_type) +
+        ", pc_rel=" + (RI.r_pcrel ? "true" : "false") +
+        ", extern=" + (RI.r_extern ? "true" : "false") +
+        ", length=" + formatv("{0:d}", RI.r_length));
+  }
+  MachO::relocation_info
+  getRelocationInfo(const object::relocation_iterator RelItr) {
+    MachO::any_relocation_info ARI =
+        getObject().getRelocation(RelItr->getRawDataRefImpl());
+    MachO::relocation_info RI;
+    memcpy(&RI, &ARI, sizeof(MachO::relocation_info));
+    return RI;
+  }
+  using PairRelocInfo =
+      std::tuple<MachOARM64RelocationKind, Symbol *, uint64_t>;
+  // Parses paired SUBTRACTOR/UNSIGNED relocations and, on success,
+  // returns the edge kind and addend to be used.
+  Expected<PairRelocInfo>
+  parsePairRelocation(Block &BlockToFix, Edge::Kind SubtractorKind,
+                      const MachO::relocation_info &SubRI,
+                      JITTargetAddress FixupAddress, const char *FixupContent,
+                      object::relocation_iterator &UnsignedRelItr,
+                      object::relocation_iterator &RelEnd) {
+    using namespace support;
+    assert(((SubtractorKind == Delta32 && SubRI.r_length == 2) ||
+            (SubtractorKind == Delta64 && SubRI.r_length == 3)) &&
+           "Subtractor kind should match length");
+    assert(SubRI.r_extern && "SUBTRACTOR reloc symbol should be extern");
+    assert(!SubRI.r_pcrel && "SUBTRACTOR reloc should not be PCRel");
+    if (UnsignedRelItr == RelEnd)
+      return make_error<JITLinkError>("arm64 SUBTRACTOR without paired "
+                                      "UNSIGNED relocation");
+    auto UnsignedRI = getRelocationInfo(UnsignedRelItr);
+    if (SubRI.r_address != UnsignedRI.r_address)
+      return make_error<JITLinkError>("arm64 SUBTRACTOR and paired UNSIGNED "
+                                      "point to different addresses");
+    if (SubRI.r_length != UnsignedRI.r_length)
+      return make_error<JITLinkError>("length of arm64 SUBTRACTOR and paired "
+                                      "UNSIGNED reloc must match");
+    Symbol *FromSymbol;
+    if (auto FromSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(SubRI.r_symbolnum))
+      FromSymbol = FromSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+    else
+      return FromSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+    // Read the current fixup value.
+    uint64_t FixupValue = 0;
+    if (SubRI.r_length == 3)
+      FixupValue = *(const little64_t *)FixupContent;
+    else
+      FixupValue = *(const little32_t *)FixupContent;
+    // Find 'ToSymbol' using symbol number or address, depending on whether the
+    // paired UNSIGNED relocation is extern.
+    Symbol *ToSymbol = nullptr;
+    if (UnsignedRI.r_extern) {
+      // Find target symbol by symbol index.
+      if (auto ToSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(UnsignedRI.r_symbolnum))
+        ToSymbol = ToSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+      else
+        return ToSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+    } else {
+      if (auto ToSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByAddress(FixupValue))
+        ToSymbol = &*ToSymbolOrErr;
+      else
+        return ToSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+      FixupValue -= ToSymbol->getAddress();
+    }
+    MachOARM64RelocationKind DeltaKind;
+    Symbol *TargetSymbol;
+    uint64_t Addend;
+    if (&BlockToFix == &FromSymbol->getAddressable()) {
+      TargetSymbol = ToSymbol;
+      DeltaKind = (SubRI.r_length == 3) ? Delta64 : Delta32;
+      Addend = FixupValue + (FixupAddress - FromSymbol->getAddress());
+      // FIXME: handle extern 'from'.
+    } else if (&BlockToFix == &ToSymbol->getAddressable()) {
+      TargetSymbol = &*FromSymbol;
+      DeltaKind = (SubRI.r_length == 3) ? NegDelta64 : NegDelta32;
+      Addend = FixupValue - (FixupAddress - ToSymbol->getAddress());
+    } else {
+      // BlockToFix was neither FromSymbol nor ToSymbol.
+      return make_error<JITLinkError>("SUBTRACTOR relocation must fix up "
+                                      "either 'A' or 'B' (or a symbol in one "
+                                      "of their alt-entry groups)");
+    }
+    return PairRelocInfo(DeltaKind, TargetSymbol, Addend);
+  }
+  Error addRelocations() override {
+    using namespace support;
+    auto &Obj = getObject();
+    for (auto &S : Obj.sections()) {
+      JITTargetAddress SectionAddress = S.getAddress();
+      for (auto RelItr = S.relocation_begin(), RelEnd = S.relocation_end();
+           RelItr != RelEnd; ++RelItr) {
+        MachO::relocation_info RI = getRelocationInfo(RelItr);
+        // Sanity check the relocation kind.
+        auto Kind = getRelocationKind(RI);
+        if (!Kind)
+          return Kind.takeError();
+        // Find the address of the value to fix up.
+        JITTargetAddress FixupAddress = SectionAddress + (uint32_t)RI.r_address;
+        LLVM_DEBUG({
+          dbgs() << "Processing " << getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(*Kind)
+                 << " relocation at " << format("0x%016" PRIx64, FixupAddress)
+                 << "\n";
+        });
+        // Find the block that the fixup points to.
+        Block *BlockToFix = nullptr;
+        {
+          auto SymbolToFixOrErr = findSymbolByAddress(FixupAddress);
+          if (!SymbolToFixOrErr)
+            return SymbolToFixOrErr.takeError();
+          BlockToFix = &SymbolToFixOrErr->getBlock();
+        }
+        if (FixupAddress + static_cast<JITTargetAddress>(1ULL << RI.r_length) >
+            BlockToFix->getAddress() + BlockToFix->getContent().size())
+          return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+              "Relocation content extends past end of fixup block");
+        // Get a pointer to the fixup content.
+        const char *FixupContent = BlockToFix->getContent().data() +
+                                   (FixupAddress - BlockToFix->getAddress());
+        // The target symbol and addend will be populated by the switch below.
+        Symbol *TargetSymbol = nullptr;
+        uint64_t Addend = 0;
+        if (*Kind == PairedAddend) {
+          // If this is an Addend relocation then process it and move to the
+          // paired reloc.
+          Addend = RI.r_symbolnum;
+          if (RelItr == RelEnd)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>("Unpaired Addend reloc at " +
+                                            formatv("{0:x16}", FixupAddress));
+          ++RelItr;
+          RI = getRelocationInfo(RelItr);
+          Kind = getRelocationKind(RI);
+          if (!Kind)
+            return Kind.takeError();
+          if (*Kind != Branch26 & *Kind != Page21 && *Kind != PageOffset12)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>(
+                "Invalid relocation pair: Addend + " +
+                getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(*Kind));
+          else
+            LLVM_DEBUG({
+              dbgs() << "  pair is " << getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(*Kind)
+                     << "`\n";
+            });
+          // Find the address of the value to fix up.
+          JITTargetAddress PairedFixupAddress =
+              SectionAddress + (uint32_t)RI.r_address;
+          if (PairedFixupAddress != FixupAddress)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>("Paired relocation points at "
+                                            "different target");
+        }
+        switch (*Kind) {
+        case Branch26: {
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          uint32_t Instr = *(const ulittle32_t *)FixupContent;
+          if ((Instr & 0x7fffffff) != 0x14000000)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>("BRANCH26 target is not a B or BL "
+                                            "instruction with a zero addend");
+          break;
+        }
+        case Pointer32:
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          Addend = *(const ulittle32_t *)FixupContent;
+          break;
+        case Pointer64:
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          Addend = *(const ulittle64_t *)FixupContent;
+          break;
+        case Pointer64Anon: {
+          JITTargetAddress TargetAddress = *(const ulittle64_t *)FixupContent;
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByAddress(TargetAddress))
+            TargetSymbol = &*TargetSymbolOrErr;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          Addend = TargetAddress - TargetSymbol->getAddress();
+          break;
+        }
+        case Page21:
+        case GOTPage21: {
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          uint32_t Instr = *(const ulittle32_t *)FixupContent;
+          if ((Instr & 0xffffffe0) != 0x90000000)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>("PAGE21/GOTPAGE21 target is not an "
+                                            "ADRP instruction with a zero "
+                                            "addend");
+          break;
+        }
+        case PageOffset12: {
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          break;
+        }
+        case GOTPageOffset12: {
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          uint32_t Instr = *(const ulittle32_t *)FixupContent;
+          if ((Instr & 0xfffffc00) != 0xf9400000)
+            return make_error<JITLinkError>("GOTPAGEOFF12 target is not an LDR "
+                                            "immediate instruction with a zero "
+                                            "addend");
+          break;
+        }
+        case PointerToGOT:
+          if (auto TargetSymbolOrErr = findSymbolByIndex(RI.r_symbolnum))
+            TargetSymbol = TargetSymbolOrErr->GraphSymbol;
+          else
+            return TargetSymbolOrErr.takeError();
+          break;
+        case Delta32:
+        case Delta64: {
+          // We use Delta32/Delta64 to represent SUBTRACTOR relocations.
+          // parsePairRelocation handles the paired reloc, and returns the
+          // edge kind to be used (either Delta32/Delta64, or
+          // NegDelta32/NegDelta64, depending on the direction of the
+          // subtraction) along with the addend.
+          auto PairInfo =
+              parsePairRelocation(*BlockToFix, *Kind, RI, FixupAddress,
+                                  FixupContent, ++RelItr, RelEnd);
+          if (!PairInfo)
+            return PairInfo.takeError();
+          std::tie(*Kind, TargetSymbol, Addend) = *PairInfo;
+          assert(TargetSymbol && "No target symbol from parsePairRelocation?");
+          break;
+        }
+        default:
+          llvm_unreachable("Special relocation kind should not appear in "
+                           "mach-o file");
+        }
+        LLVM_DEBUG({
+          Edge GE(*Kind, FixupAddress - BlockToFix->getAddress(), *TargetSymbol,
+                  Addend);
+          printEdge(dbgs(), *BlockToFix, GE,
+                    getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(*Kind));
+          dbgs() << "\n";
+        });
+        BlockToFix->addEdge(*Kind, FixupAddress - BlockToFix->getAddress(),
+                            *TargetSymbol, Addend);
+      }
+    }
+    return Error::success();
+  }
+  unsigned NumSymbols = 0;
+class MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder
+    : public BasicGOTAndStubsBuilder<MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder> {
+  MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder(LinkGraph &G)
+      : BasicGOTAndStubsBuilder<MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder>(G) {}
+  bool isGOTEdge(Edge &E) const {
+    return E.getKind() == GOTPage21 || E.getKind() == GOTPageOffset12 ||
+           E.getKind() == PointerToGOT;
+  }
+  Symbol &createGOTEntry(Symbol &Target) {
+    auto &GOTEntryBlock = G.createContentBlock(
+        getGOTSection(), getGOTEntryBlockContent(), 0, 8, 0);
+    GOTEntryBlock.addEdge(Pointer64, 0, Target, 0);
+    return G.addAnonymousSymbol(GOTEntryBlock, 0, 8, false, false);
+  }
+  void fixGOTEdge(Edge &E, Symbol &GOTEntry) {
+    if (E.getKind() == GOTPage21 || E.getKind() == GOTPageOffset12) {
+      // Update the target, but leave the edge addend as-is.
+      E.setTarget(GOTEntry);
+    } else if (E.getKind() == PointerToGOT) {
+      E.setTarget(GOTEntry);
+      E.setKind(Delta32);
+    } else
+      llvm_unreachable("Not a GOT edge?");
+  }
+  bool isExternalBranchEdge(Edge &E) {
+    return E.getKind() == Branch26 && !E.getTarget().isDefined();
+  }
+  Symbol &createStub(Symbol &Target) {
+    auto &StubContentBlock =
+        G.createContentBlock(getStubsSection(), getStubBlockContent(), 0, 1, 0);
+    // Re-use GOT entries for stub targets.
+    auto &GOTEntrySymbol = getGOTEntrySymbol(Target);
+    StubContentBlock.addEdge(LDRLiteral19, 0, GOTEntrySymbol, 0);
+    return G.addAnonymousSymbol(StubContentBlock, 0, 8, true, false);
+  }
+  void fixExternalBranchEdge(Edge &E, Symbol &Stub) {
+    assert(E.getKind() == Branch26 && "Not a Branch32 edge?");
+    assert(E.getAddend() == 0 && "Branch32 edge has non-zero addend?");
+    E.setTarget(Stub);
+  }
+  Section &getGOTSection() {
+    if (!GOTSection)
+      GOTSection = &G.createSection("$__GOT", sys::Memory::MF_READ);
+    return *GOTSection;
+  }
+  Section &getStubsSection() {
+    if (!StubsSection) {
+      auto StubsProt = static_cast<sys::Memory::ProtectionFlags>(
+          sys::Memory::MF_READ | sys::Memory::MF_EXEC);
+      StubsSection = &G.createSection("$__STUBS", StubsProt);
+    }
+    return *StubsSection;
+  }
+  StringRef getGOTEntryBlockContent() {
+    return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(NullGOTEntryContent),
+                     sizeof(NullGOTEntryContent));
+  }
+  StringRef getStubBlockContent() {
+    return StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(StubContent),
+                     sizeof(StubContent));
+  }
+  static const uint8_t NullGOTEntryContent[8];
+  static const uint8_t StubContent[8];
+  Section *GOTSection = nullptr;
+  Section *StubsSection = nullptr;
+const uint8_t MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder::NullGOTEntryContent[8] = {
+    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+const uint8_t MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder::StubContent[8] = {
+    0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x58, // LDR x16, <literal>
+    0x00, 0x02, 0x1f, 0xd6  // BR  x16
+} // namespace
+namespace llvm {
+namespace jitlink {
+class MachOJITLinker_arm64 : public JITLinker<MachOJITLinker_arm64> {
+  friend class JITLinker<MachOJITLinker_arm64>;
+  MachOJITLinker_arm64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx,
+                       PassConfiguration PassConfig)
+      : JITLinker(std::move(Ctx), std::move(PassConfig)) {}
+  StringRef getEdgeKindName(Edge::Kind R) const override {
+    return getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(R);
+  }
+  Expected<std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph>>
+  buildGraph(MemoryBufferRef ObjBuffer) override {
+    auto MachOObj = object::ObjectFile::createMachOObjectFile(ObjBuffer);
+    if (!MachOObj)
+      return MachOObj.takeError();
+    return MachOLinkGraphBuilder_arm64(**MachOObj).buildGraph();
+  }
+  static Error targetOutOfRangeError(const Block &B, const Edge &E) {
+    std::string ErrMsg;
+    {
+      raw_string_ostream ErrStream(ErrMsg);
+      ErrStream << "Relocation target out of range: ";
+      printEdge(ErrStream, B, E, getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(E.getKind()));
+      ErrStream << "\n";
+    }
+    return make_error<JITLinkError>(std::move(ErrMsg));
+  }
+  static unsigned getPageOffset12Shift(uint32_t Instr) {
+    constexpr uint32_t LDRLiteralMask = 0x3ffffc00;
+    // Check for a GPR LDR immediate with a zero embedded literal.
+    // If found, the top two bits contain the shift.
+    if ((Instr & LDRLiteralMask) == 0x39400000)
+      return Instr >> 30;
+    // Check for a Neon LDR immediate of size 64-bit or less with a zero
+    // embedded literal. If found, the top two bits contain the shift.
+    if ((Instr & LDRLiteralMask) == 0x3d400000)
+      return Instr >> 30;
+    // Check for a Neon LDR immediate of size 128-bit with a zero embedded
+    // literal.
+    constexpr uint32_t SizeBitsMask = 0xc0000000;
+    if ((Instr & (LDRLiteralMask | SizeBitsMask)) == 0x3dc00000)
+      return 4;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  Error applyFixup(Block &B, const Edge &E, char *BlockWorkingMem) const {
+    using namespace support;
+    char *FixupPtr = BlockWorkingMem + E.getOffset();
+    JITTargetAddress FixupAddress = B.getAddress() + E.getOffset();
+    switch (E.getKind()) {
+    case Branch26: {
+      assert((FixupAddress & 0x3) == 0 && "Branch-inst is not 32-bit aligned");
+      int64_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() - FixupAddress + E.getAddend();
+      if (static_cast<uint64_t>(Value) & 0x3)
+        return make_error<JITLinkError>("Branch26 target is not 32-bit "
+                                        "aligned");
+      if (Value < -(1 << 27) || Value > ((1 << 27) - 1))
+        return targetOutOfRangeError(B, E);
+      uint32_t RawInstr = *(little32_t *)FixupPtr;
+      assert((RawInstr & 0x7fffffff) == 0x14000000 &&
+             "RawInstr isn't a B or BR immediate instruction");
+      uint32_t Imm = (static_cast<uint32_t>(Value) & ((1 << 28) - 1)) >> 2;
+      uint32_t FixedInstr = RawInstr | Imm;
+      *(little32_t *)FixupPtr = FixedInstr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Pointer32: {
+      uint64_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() + E.getAddend();
+      if (Value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
+        return targetOutOfRangeError(B, E);
+      *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Pointer64: {
+      uint64_t Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() + E.getAddend();
+      *(ulittle64_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Page21:
+    case GOTPage21: {
+      assert(E.getAddend() == 0 && "PAGE21/GOTPAGE21 with non-zero addend");
+      uint64_t TargetPage =
+          E.getTarget().getAddress() & ~static_cast<uint64_t>(4096 - 1);
+      uint64_t PCPage = B.getAddress() & ~static_cast<uint64_t>(4096 - 1);
+      int64_t PageDelta = TargetPage - PCPage;
+      if (PageDelta < -(1 << 30) || PageDelta > ((1 << 30) - 1))
+        return targetOutOfRangeError(B, E);
+      uint32_t RawInstr = *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr;
+      assert((RawInstr & 0xffffffe0) == 0x90000000 &&
+             "RawInstr isn't an ADRP instruction");
+      uint32_t ImmLo = (static_cast<uint64_t>(PageDelta) >> 12) & 0x3;
+      uint32_t ImmHi = (static_cast<uint64_t>(PageDelta) >> 14) & 0x7ffff;
+      uint32_t FixedInstr = RawInstr | (ImmLo << 29) | (ImmHi << 5);
+      *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = FixedInstr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case PageOffset12: {
+      assert(E.getAddend() == 0 && "PAGEOFF12 with non-zero addend");
+      uint64_t TargetOffset = E.getTarget().getAddress() & 0xfff;
+      uint32_t RawInstr = *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr;
+      unsigned ImmShift = getPageOffset12Shift(RawInstr);
+      if (TargetOffset & ((1 << ImmShift) - 1))
+        return make_error<JITLinkError>("PAGEOFF12 target is not aligned");
+      uint32_t EncodedImm = (TargetOffset >> ImmShift) << 10;
+      uint32_t FixedInstr = RawInstr | EncodedImm;
+      *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = FixedInstr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case GOTPageOffset12: {
+      assert(E.getAddend() == 0 && "GOTPAGEOF12 with non-zero addend");
+      uint64_t TargetOffset = E.getTarget().getAddress() & 0xfff;
+      uint32_t RawInstr = *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr;
+      assert((RawInstr & 0xfffffc00) == 0xf9400000 &&
+             "RawInstr isn't a 64-bit LDR immediate");
+      uint32_t FixedInstr = RawInstr | (TargetOffset << 10);
+      *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = FixedInstr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case LDRLiteral19: {
+      assert((FixupAddress & 0x3) == 0 && "LDR is not 32-bit aligned");
+      assert(E.getAddend() == 0 && "LDRLiteral19 with non-zero addend");
+      uint32_t RawInstr = *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr;
+      assert(RawInstr == 0x58000010 && "RawInstr isn't a 64-bit LDR literal");
+      int64_t Delta = E.getTarget().getAddress() - FixupAddress;
+      if (Delta & 0x3)
+        return make_error<JITLinkError>("LDR literal target is not 32-bit "
+                                        "aligned");
+      if (Delta < -(1 << 20) || Delta > ((1 << 20) - 1))
+        return targetOutOfRangeError(B, E);
+      uint32_t EncodedImm = (static_cast<uint32_t>(Delta) >> 2) << 5;
+      uint32_t FixedInstr = RawInstr | EncodedImm;
+      *(ulittle32_t *)FixupPtr = FixedInstr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Delta32:
+    case Delta64:
+    case NegDelta32:
+    case NegDelta64: {
+      int64_t Value;
+      if (E.getKind() == Delta32 || E.getKind() == Delta64)
+        Value = E.getTarget().getAddress() - FixupAddress + E.getAddend();
+      else
+        Value = FixupAddress - E.getTarget().getAddress() + E.getAddend();
+      if (E.getKind() == Delta32 || E.getKind() == NegDelta32) {
+        if (Value < std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min() ||
+            Value > std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())
+          return targetOutOfRangeError(B, E);
+        *(little32_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
+      } else
+        *(little64_t *)FixupPtr = Value;
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      llvm_unreachable("Unrecognized edge kind");
+    }
+    return Error::success();
+  }
+  uint64_t NullValue = 0;
+void jitLink_MachO_arm64(std::unique_ptr<JITLinkContext> Ctx) {
+  PassConfiguration Config;
+  Triple TT("arm64-apple-ios");
+  if (Ctx->shouldAddDefaultTargetPasses(TT)) {
+    // Add a mark-live pass.
+    if (auto MarkLive = Ctx->getMarkLivePass(TT))
+      Config.PrePrunePasses.push_back(std::move(MarkLive));
+    else
+      Config.PrePrunePasses.push_back(markAllSymbolsLive);
+    // Add an in-place GOT/Stubs pass.
+    Config.PostPrunePasses.push_back([](LinkGraph &G) -> Error {
+      MachO_arm64_GOTAndStubsBuilder(G).run();
+      return Error::success();
+    });
+  }
+  if (auto Err = Ctx->modifyPassConfig(TT, Config))
+    return Ctx->notifyFailed(std::move(Err));
+  // Construct a JITLinker and run the link function.
+  MachOJITLinker_arm64::link(std::move(Ctx), std::move(Config));
+StringRef getMachOARM64RelocationKindName(Edge::Kind R) {
+  switch (R) {
+  case Branch26:
+    return "Branch26";
+  case Pointer64:
+    return "Pointer64";
+  case Pointer64Anon:
+    return "Pointer64Anon";
+  case Page21:
+    return "Page21";
+  case PageOffset12:
+    return "PageOffset12";
+  case GOTPage21:
+    return "GOTPage21";
+  case GOTPageOffset12:
+    return "GOTPageOffset12";
+  case PointerToGOT:
+    return "PointerToGOT";
+  case PairedAddend:
+    return "PairedAddend";
+  case LDRLiteral19:
+    return "LDRLiteral19";
+  case Delta32:
+    return "Delta32";
+  case Delta64:
+    return "Delta64";
+  case NegDelta32:
+    return "NegDelta32";
+  case NegDelta64:
+    return "NegDelta64";
+  default:
+    return getGenericEdgeKindName(static_cast<Edge::Kind>(R));
+  }
+} // end namespace jitlink
+} // end namespace llvm

Added: llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/MachO_Arm64_relocations.s
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/MachO_Arm64_relocations.s?rev=374476&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/MachO_Arm64_relocations.s (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/MachO_Arm64_relocations.s Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+# RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
+# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=arm64-apple-darwin19 -filetype=obj -o %t/macho_reloc.o %s
+# RUN: llvm-jitlink -noexec -define-abs external_data=0xdeadbeef -define-abs external_func=0xcafef00d -check=%s %t/macho_reloc.o
+        .section        __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions
+        .p2align  2
+        ret
+        .globl  named_func
+        .p2align  2
+        ret
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26 handling with a call to a local function.
+# The branch instruction only encodes 26 bits of the 28-bit possible branch
+# range, since the low 2 bits will always be zero.
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_local_call, 0)[25:0] = (named_func - test_local_call)[27:2]
+        .globl  test_local_call
+        .p2align  2
+        bl   named_func
+        .globl  _main
+        .p2align  2
+        ret
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_GOTPAGE21 / ARM64_RELOC_GOTPAGEOFF12 handling with a
+# reference to an external symbol. Validate both the reference to the GOT entry,
+# and also the content of the GOT entry.
+# For the GOTPAGE21/ADRP instruction we have the 21-bit delta to the 4k page
+# containing the GOT entry for external_data.
+# For the GOTPAGEOFF/LDR instruction we have the 12-bit offset of the entry
+# within the page.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}(got_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_data)) = external_data
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_gotpage21, 1) = (got_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_data)[32:12] - test_gotpage21[32:12])
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_gotpageoff12, 2) = got_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_data)[11:3]
+        .globl  test_gotpage21
+        .p2align  2
+        adrp  x0, external_data at GOTPAGE
+        .globl  test_gotpageoff12
+        ldr   x0, [x0, external_data at GOTPAGEOFF]
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21 / ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12 handling with a reference to
+# a local symbol.
+# For the PAGE21/ADRP instruction we have the 21-bit delta to the 4k page
+# containing the global.
+# For the GOTPAGEOFF12 relocation we test the ADD instruction, all LDR/GPR
+# variants and all LDR/Neon variants.
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_page21, 1) = (named_data[32:12] - test_page21[32:12])
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12add, 2) = named_data[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12gpr8, 2) = named_data[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12gpr16, 2) = named_data[11:1]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12gpr32, 2) = named_data[11:2]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12gpr64, 2) = named_data[11:3]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12neon8, 2) = named_data[11:0]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12neon16, 2) = named_data[11:1]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12neon32, 2) = named_data[11:2]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12neon64, 2) = named_data[11:3]
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_pageoff12neon128, 2) = named_data[11:4]
+        .globl  test_page21
+        .p2align  2
+        adrp  x0, named_data at PAGE
+        .globl  test_pageoff12add
+        add   x0, x0, named_data at PAGEOFF
+        .globl  test_pageoff12gpr8
+        ldrb  w0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12gpr16
+        ldrh  w0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12gpr32
+        ldr   w0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12gpr64
+        ldr   x0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12neon8
+        ldr   b0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12neon16
+        ldr   h0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12neon32
+        ldr   s0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12neon64
+        ldr   d0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+        .globl  test_pageoff12neon128
+        ldr   q0, [x0, named_data at PAGEOFF]
+# Check that calls to external functions trigger the generation of stubs and GOT
+# entries.
+# jitlink-check: decode_operand(test_external_call, 0) = (stub_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_func) - test_external_call)[27:2]
+# jitlink-check: *{8}(got_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_func)) = external_func
+        .globl  test_external_call
+        .p2align  2
+        bl   external_func
+        .section        __DATA,__data
+# Storage target for non-extern ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR relocs.
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad   0x1111111111111111
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR Quad/Long in anonymous storage with anonymous
+# minuend: "LA: .quad LA - B + C". The anonymous subtrahend form
+# "LA: .quad B - LA + C" is not tested as subtrahends are not permitted to be
+# anonymous.
+# Note: +8 offset in expression below to accounts for sizeof(Lanon_data).
+# jitlink-check: *{8}(section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) + 8) = (section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) + 8) - named_data + 2
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad Lanon_minuend_quad - named_data + 2
+# Note: +16 offset in expression below to accounts for sizeof(Lanon_data) + sizeof(Lanon_minuend_long).
+# jitlink-check: *{4}(section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) + 16) = ((section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) + 16) - named_data + 2)[31:0]
+        .p2align  2
+        .long Lanon_minuend_long - named_data + 2
+# Named quad storage target (first named atom in __data).
+# Align to 16 for use as 128-bit load target.
+        .globl named_data
+        .p2align  4
+        .quad   0x2222222222222222
+        .quad   0x3333333333333333
+# An alt-entry point for named_data
+        .globl named_data_alt_entry
+        .p2align  3
+        .alt_entry named_data_alt_entry
+        .quad   0
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED / quad / extern handling by putting the address of
+# a local named function into a quad symbol.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}named_func_addr_quad = named_func
+        .globl  named_func_addr_quad
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad   named_func
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED / quad / non-extern handling by putting the
+# address of a local anonymous function into a quad symbol.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}anon_func_addr_quad = section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __text)
+        .globl  anon_func_addr_quad
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad   Lanon_func
+# ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR Quad/Long in named storage with anonymous minuend
+# jitlink-check: *{8}anon_minuend_quad1 = section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) - anon_minuend_quad1 + 2
+# Only the form "B: .quad LA - B + C" is tested. The form "B: .quad B - LA + C" is
+# invalid because the subtrahend can not be local.
+        .globl  anon_minuend_quad1
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad Lanon_data - anon_minuend_quad1 + 2
+# jitlink-check: *{4}anon_minuend_long1 = (section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __data) - anon_minuend_long1 + 2)[31:0]
+        .globl  anon_minuend_long1
+        .p2align  2
+        .long Lanon_data - anon_minuend_long1 + 2
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR Quad/Long in named storage with minuend and subtrahend.
+# Both forms "A: .quad A - B + C" and "A: .quad B - A + C" are tested.
+# Check "A: .quad B - A + C".
+# jitlink-check: *{8}subtrahend_quad2 = (named_data - subtrahend_quad2 - 2)
+        .globl  subtrahend_quad2
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad named_data - subtrahend_quad2 - 2
+# Check "A: .long B - A + C".
+# jitlink-check: *{4}subtrahend_long2 = (named_data - subtrahend_long2 - 2)[31:0]
+        .globl  subtrahend_long2
+        .p2align  2
+        .long named_data - subtrahend_long2 - 2
+# Check "A: .quad A - B + C".
+# jitlink-check: *{8}minuend_quad3 = (minuend_quad3 - named_data - 2)
+        .globl  minuend_quad3
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad minuend_quad3 - named_data - 2
+# Check "A: .long B - A + C".
+# jitlink-check: *{4}minuend_long3 = (minuend_long3 - named_data - 2)[31:0]
+        .globl  minuend_long3
+        .p2align  2
+        .long minuend_long3 - named_data - 2
+# Check ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR handling for exprs of the form
+# "A: .quad/long B - C + D", where 'B' or 'C' is at a fixed offset from 'A'
+# (i.e. is part of an alt_entry chain that includes 'A').
+# Check "A: .long B - C + D" where 'B' is an alt_entry for 'A'.
+# jitlink-check: *{4}subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long = (subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long_B - named_data + 2)[31:0]
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long
+        .p2align  2
+        .long subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long_B - named_data + 2
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long_B
+        .p2align  2
+        .alt_entry subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_long_B
+        .long 0
+# Check "A: .quad B - C + D" where 'B' is an alt_entry for 'A'.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad = (subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad_B - named_data + 2)
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad_B - named_data + 2
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad_B
+        .p2align  3
+        .alt_entry subtractor_with_alt_entry_minuend_quad_B
+        .quad 0
+# Check "A: .long B - C + D" where 'C' is an alt_entry for 'A'.
+# jitlink-check: *{4}subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long = (named_data - subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long_B + 2)[31:0]
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long
+        .p2align  2
+        .long named_data - subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long_B + 2
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long_B
+        .p2align  2
+        .alt_entry subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_long_B
+        .long 0
+# Check "A: .quad B - C + D" where 'B' is an alt_entry for 'A'.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad = (named_data - subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad_B + 2)
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad
+        .p2align  3
+        .quad named_data - subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad_B + 2
+        .globl  subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad_B
+        .p2align  3
+        .alt_entry subtractor_with_alt_entry_subtrahend_quad_B
+        .quad 0
+# Check ARM64_POINTER_TO_GOT handling.
+# ARM64_POINTER_TO_GOT is a delta-32 to a GOT entry.
+# jitlink-check: *{4}test_got = (got_addr(macho_reloc.o, external_data) - test_got)[31:0]
+        .globl test_got
+        .p2align  2
+        .long   external_data at got - .
+# Check that unreferenced atoms in no-dead-strip sections are not dead stripped.
+# We need to use a local symbol for this as any named symbol will end up in the
+# ORC responsibility set, which is automatically marked live and would couse
+# spurious passes.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __nds_test_sect) = 0
+        .section        __DATA,__nds_test_sect,regular,no_dead_strip
+        .quad 0
+# Check that unreferenced local symbols that have been marked no-dead-strip are
+# not dead-striped.
+# jitlink-check: *{8}section_addr(macho_reloc.o, __nds_test_nlst) = 0
+        .section       __DATA,__nds_test_nlst,regular
+        .no_dead_strip no_dead_strip_test_symbol
+        .quad 0
+# Check that explicit zero-fill symbols are supported
+# jitlink-check: *{8}zero_fill_test = 0
+        .globl zero_fill_test
+.zerofill __DATA,__zero_fill_test,zero_fill_test,8,3
+# Check that section alignments are respected.
+# We test this by introducing two segments with alignment 8, each containing one
+# byte of data. We require both symbols to have an aligned address.
+# jitlink-check: section_alignment_check1[2:0] = 0
+# jitlink-check: section_alignment_check2[2:0] = 0
+        .section        __DATA,__sec_align_chk1
+        .p2align 3
+        .globl section_alignment_check1
+        .byte 0
+        .section        __DATA,__sec_align_chk2
+        .p2align 3
+        .globl section_alignment_check2
+        .byte 0

Added: llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/lit.local.cfg
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/lit.local.cfg?rev=374476&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/lit.local.cfg (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/AArch64/lit.local.cfg Thu Oct 10 16:37:51 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+if not 'AArch64' in config.root.targets:
+    config.unsupported = True

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