[llvm] r370648 - [DebugInfo] LiveDebugValues: correctly discriminate kinds of variable locations

Jeremy Morse via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Sep 2 05:28:36 PDT 2019

Author: jmorse
Date: Mon Sep  2 05:28:36 2019
New Revision: 370648

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=370648&view=rev
[DebugInfo] LiveDebugValues: correctly discriminate kinds of variable locations

The missing line added by this patch ensures that only spilt variable
locations are candidates for being restored from the stack. Otherwise,
register or constant-value information can be interpreted as a spill
location, through a union.

The added regression test replicates a scenario where this occurs: the
stack load from [rsp] causes the register-location DBG_VALUE to be
"restored" to rsi, when it should be left alone. See PR43058 for details.

Un x-fail a test that was suffering from this from a previous patch.

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D66895


Modified: llvm/trunk/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h?rev=370648&r1=370647&r2=370648&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h Mon Sep  2 05:28:36 2019
@@ -1619,8 +1619,8 @@ public:
   /// Scan instructions following MI and collect any matching DBG_VALUEs.
   void collectDebugValues(SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &DbgValues);
-  /// Find all DBG_VALUEs immediately following this instruction that point
-  /// to a register def in this instruction and point them to \p Reg instead.
+  /// Find all DBG_VALUEs that point to the register def in this instruction
+  /// and point them to \p Reg instead.
   void changeDebugValuesDefReg(Register Reg);
   /// Returns the Intrinsic::ID for this instruction.

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineCSE.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineCSE.cpp?rev=370648&r1=370647&r2=370648&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineCSE.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineCSE.cpp Mon Sep  2 05:28:36 2019
@@ -198,14 +198,16 @@ bool MachineCSE::PerformTrivialCopyPropa
     LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Coalescing: " << *DefMI);
     LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "***     to: " << *MI);
-    // Update matching debug values.
-    DefMI->changeDebugValuesDefReg(SrcReg);
     // Propagate SrcReg of copies to MI.
     // Coalesce single use copies.
     if (OnlyOneUse) {
+      // If (and only if) we've eliminated all uses of the copy, also
+      // copy-propagate to any debug-users of MI, or they'll be left using
+      // an undefined value.
+      DefMI->changeDebugValuesDefReg(SrcReg);

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineInstr.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineInstr.cpp?rev=370648&r1=370647&r2=370648&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineInstr.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/MachineInstr.cpp Mon Sep  2 05:28:36 2019
@@ -2119,7 +2119,21 @@ void MachineInstr::collectDebugValues(
 void MachineInstr::changeDebugValuesDefReg(Register Reg) {
   // Collect matching debug values.
   SmallVector<MachineInstr *, 2> DbgValues;
-  collectDebugValues(DbgValues);
+  if (!getOperand(0).isReg())
+    return;
+  unsigned DefReg = getOperand(0).getReg();
+  auto *MRI = getRegInfo();
+  for (auto &MO : MRI->use_operands(DefReg)) {
+    auto *DI = MO.getParent();
+    if (!DI->isDebugValue())
+      continue;
+    if (DI->getOperand(0).isReg() &&
+        DI->getOperand(0).getReg() == DefReg){
+      DbgValues.push_back(DI);
+    }
+  }
   // Propagate Reg to debug value instructions.
   for (auto *DBI : DbgValues)

Added: llvm/trunk/test/DebugInfo/MIR/X86/machine-cse.mir
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/DebugInfo/MIR/X86/machine-cse.mir?rev=370648&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/test/DebugInfo/MIR/X86/machine-cse.mir (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/DebugInfo/MIR/X86/machine-cse.mir Mon Sep  2 05:28:36 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# RUN: llc %s -o - -run-pass=machine-cse -mtriple=x86_64-- | FileCheck %s
+# This test examines machine-cse's behaviour when dealing with copy propagation,
+# the code for which is lifted from test/CodeGen/X86/machine-cse.ll. There are
+# two (MIR) function that have SHL/LEA instructions CSE'd in the bb.1.bb1 block.
+# They both depend on the COPY of a vreg to %100 in the entry block.
+# In the first (@t) there's only one use of %100, and that gets CSE'd away. The
+# corresponding COPY is deleted, and all DBG_VALUEs that refer to it must be
+# updated.
+# In the second (@u) there are two uses of %100, one of which isn't deleted. The
+# DBG_VALUE users of %100 don't need to be updated -- test that they're not.
+--- |
+  target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
+  target triple = "x86_64-unknown-unknown"
+  %struct.s2 = type { i32, i8*, i8*, [256 x %struct.s1*], [8 x i32], i64, i8*, i32, i64, i64, i32, %struct.s3*, %struct.s3*, [49 x i64] }
+  %struct.s1 = type { %ptr, %ptr }
+  %ptr = type { i8* }
+  %struct.s3 = type { %struct.s3*, %struct.s3*, i32, i32, i32 }
+  ; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone speculatable
+  declare void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata, metadata, metadata) #0
+  define fastcc i8* @t(i32 %base) !dbg !3 {
+  entry:
+    %0 = zext i32 %base to i64
+    %1 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.s2, %struct.s2* null, i64 %0
+    br i1 undef, label %bb1, label %bb2
+  bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
+    %2 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.s2, %struct.s2* null, i64 %0, i32 0
+    call void @llvm.dbg.value(metadata i32* %2, metadata !4, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !7
+    call void @bar(i32* %2)
+    unreachable
+  bb2:                                              ; preds = %entry
+    %3 = ptrtoint %struct.s2* %1 to i64
+    call void @baz(i64 %3)
+    unreachable
+  }
+  ; This is a stub replicating bb structure of @t
+  define fastcc i8* @u(i32 %base) !dbg !33 {
+  entry:
+    br i1 undef, label %bb1, label %bb2
+  bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
+    unreachable
+  bb2:                                              ; preds = %entry
+    unreachable
+  }
+  declare void @bar(i32*)
+  declare void @baz(i64)
+  declare i8* @foo(%struct.s2*)
+  ; Function Attrs: nounwind
+  declare void @llvm.stackprotector(i8*, i8**) #1
+  attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone speculatable }
+  attributes #1 = { nounwind }
+  !llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
+  !llvm.dbg.cu = !{!1}
+  !0 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
+  !1 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_C_plus_plus, file: !2, producer: "beards", isOptimized: true, runtimeVersion: 4, emissionKind: FullDebug)
+  !2 = !DIFile(filename: "bees.cpp", directory: "")
+  !3 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "nope", scope: !1, file: !2, line: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !1, retainedNodes: !8)
+  !33 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "alsonope", scope: !1, file: !2, line: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !1, retainedNodes: !8)
+  !4 = !DILocalVariable(name: "bees", scope: !3, type: !5)
+  !5 = !DIDerivedType(tag: DW_TAG_pointer_type, baseType: !6, size: 64)
+  !6 = !DIBasicType(name: "int", size: 32, encoding: DW_ATE_signed)
+  !7 = !DILocation(line: 0, scope: !3)
+  !8 = !{!4}
+  ; CHECK: ![[METAVAR:[0-9]+]] = !DILocalVariable(name: "bees",
+name:            t
+# CHECK-LABEL: name: t
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+  - { reg: '$edi', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+  hasCalls:        true
+body:             |
+  bb.0.entry:
+    successors: %bb.1(0x40000000), %bb.2(0x40000000)
+    liveins: $edi
+    ; Capture vreg num for subreg move for later checks; test that the COPY
+    ; of that vreg is optimized out.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.0.entry:
+    ; CHECK:       %[[BASEVREG:[0-9]+]]:gr64 = SUBREG_TO_REG
+    ; CHECK-NOT:   COPY %[[BASEVREG]]:gr64
+    %2:gr32 = COPY $edi
+    %3:gr32 = MOV32rr %2
+    %0:gr64 = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, killed %3, %subreg.sub_32bit
+    %4:gr64_nosp = SHL64ri %0, 9, implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %1:gr64 = LEA64r %4, 4, %4, 0, $noreg
+    %5:gr32 = MOV32r0 implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %6:gr8 = COPY %5.sub_8bit
+    %100:gr64 = COPY %0:gr64
+    TEST8rr %6, %6, implicit-def $eflags
+    JCC_1 %bb.2, 5, implicit $eflags
+    JMP_1 %bb.1
+  bb.1.bb1:
+    successors: 
+    ; Check for CSE happening and DBG_VALUE updating.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.1.bb1:
+    ; CHECK-NOT:   SHL64ri
+    ; CHECK-NOT:   LEA64r
+    ; CHECK:       DBG_VALUE %[[BASEVREG]], $noreg, ![[METAVAR]],
+    %7:gr64_nosp = SHL64ri %100, 9, implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %8:gr64 = LEA64r %7, 4, %7, 0, $noreg
+    DBG_VALUE %100, $noreg, !4, !DIExpression(), debug-location !7
+    ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+    $rdi = COPY %8
+    CALL64pcrel32 @bar, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp
+    ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+  bb.2.bb2:
+    ; As the COPY to %100 dies, the DBG_VALUE below should be updated too.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.2.bb2:
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  $rdi = COPY
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  DBG_VALUE %[[BASEVREG]], $noreg, ![[METAVAR]],
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  CALL64pcrel32
+    ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+    $rdi = COPY %1
+    DBG_VALUE %100, $noreg, !4, !DIExpression(), debug-location !7
+    CALL64pcrel32 @baz, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp
+    ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+name:            u
+# CHECK-LABEL: name: u
+tracksRegLiveness: true
+  - { reg: '$edi', virtual-reg: '%2' }
+  hasCalls:        true
+body:             |
+  bb.0.entry:
+    successors: %bb.1(0x40000000), %bb.2(0x40000000)
+    liveins: $edi
+    ; In this function, the COPY to %100 should not be optimized out, and as a
+    ; result the DBG_VALUEs should not be rewritten.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.0.entry:
+    ; CHECK:       %[[BASEVREG:[0-9]+]]:gr64 = SUBREG_TO_REG
+    ; CHECK:       %[[COPIEDVREG:[0-9]+]]:gr64 = COPY %[[BASEVREG]]
+    %2:gr32 = COPY $edi
+    %3:gr32 = MOV32rr %2
+    %0:gr64 = SUBREG_TO_REG 0, killed %3, %subreg.sub_32bit
+    %4:gr64_nosp = SHL64ri %0, 9, implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %1:gr64 = LEA64r %4, 4, %4, 0, $noreg
+    %5:gr32 = MOV32r0 implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %6:gr8 = COPY %5.sub_8bit
+    %100:gr64 = COPY %0:gr64
+    TEST8rr %6, %6, implicit-def $eflags
+    JCC_1 %bb.2, 5, implicit $eflags
+    JMP_1 %bb.1
+  bb.1.bb1:
+    successors: 
+    ; CSE should happen, DBG_VALUE updating should not.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.1.bb1:
+    ; CHECK-NOT:   SHL64ri
+    ; CHECK-NOT:   LEA64r
+    ; CHECK:       DBG_VALUE %[[COPIEDVREG]], $noreg, ![[METAVAR]],
+    %7:gr64_nosp = SHL64ri %100, 9, implicit-def dead $eflags
+    %8:gr64 = LEA64r %7, 4, %7, 0, $noreg
+    DBG_VALUE %100, $noreg, !4, !DIExpression(), debug-location !7
+    ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+    $rdi = COPY %8
+    CALL64pcrel32 @bar, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp
+    ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+  bb.2.bb2:
+    ; Test that the copy-read of %100 below is preserved, and the DBG_VALUE
+    ; operand is too.
+    ; CHECK-LABEL: bb.2.bb2:
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  $rdi = COPY %[[COPIEDVREG]]
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  DBG_VALUE %[[COPIEDVREG]], $noreg, ![[METAVAR]],
+    ; CHECK-NEXT:  CALL64pcrel32
+    ADJCALLSTACKDOWN64 0, 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp
+    $rdi = COPY %100
+    DBG_VALUE %100, $noreg, !4, !DIExpression(), debug-location !7
+    CALL64pcrel32 @baz, csr_64, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp, implicit $rdi, implicit-def $rsp, implicit-def $ssp
+    ADJCALLSTACKUP64 0, 0, implicit-def dead $rsp, implicit-def dead $eflags, implicit-def dead $ssp, implicit $rsp, implicit $ssp

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