[llvm] r368035 - Revert "[yaml2obj] Move core yaml2obj code into lib and include for use in unit tests"

Dmitri Gribenko via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Aug 6 06:39:51 PDT 2019

Author: gribozavr
Date: Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
New Revision: 368035

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=368035&view=rev
Revert "[yaml2obj] Move core yaml2obj code into lib and include for use in unit tests"

This reverts commit r368021, it broke tests.


Removed: llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/include/llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h (removed)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-//===--- yaml2obj.h - -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// Common declarations for yaml2obj
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include <memory>
-namespace llvm {
-class raw_ostream;
-template <typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
-template <typename T> class Expected;
-namespace object {
-class ObjectFile;
-namespace COFFYAML {
-struct Object;
-namespace ELFYAML {
-struct Object;
-namespace MinidumpYAML {
-struct Object;
-namespace WasmYAML {
-struct Object;
-namespace yaml {
-class Input;
-struct YamlObjectFile;
-int yaml2coff(COFFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out);
-int yaml2elf(ELFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out);
-int yaml2macho(YamlObjectFile &Doc, raw_ostream &Out);
-int yaml2minidump(MinidumpYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out);
-int yaml2wasm(WasmYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out);
-Error convertYAML(Input &YIn, raw_ostream &Out, unsigned DocNum = 1);
-/// Convenience function for tests.
-yaml2ObjectFile(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Storage, StringRef Yaml);
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -3,24 +3,15 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMObjectYAML
-  COFFEmitter.cpp
-  ELFEmitter.cpp
-  MachOEmitter.cpp
-  MinidumpEmitter.cpp
-  WasmEmitter.cpp
-  yaml2obj.cpp

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/COFFEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/COFFEmitter.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/COFFEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/COFFEmitter.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,619 +0,0 @@
-//===- yaml2coff - Convert YAML to a COFF object file ---------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// The COFF component of yaml2obj.
-#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
-#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugStringTableSubsection.h"
-#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringsAndChecksums.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <vector>
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
-/// This parses a yaml stream that represents a COFF object file.
-/// See docs/yaml2obj for the yaml scheema.
-struct COFFParser {
-  COFFParser(COFFYAML::Object &Obj)
-      : Obj(Obj), SectionTableStart(0), SectionTableSize(0) {
-    // A COFF string table always starts with a 4 byte size field. Offsets into
-    // it include this size, so allocate it now.
-    StringTable.append(4, char(0));
-  }
-  bool useBigObj() const {
-    return static_cast<int32_t>(Obj.Sections.size()) >
-           COFF::MaxNumberOfSections16;
-  }
-  bool isPE() const { return Obj.OptionalHeader.hasValue(); }
-  bool is64Bit() const {
-    return Obj.Header.Machine == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ||
-           Obj.Header.Machine == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64;
-  }
-  uint32_t getFileAlignment() const {
-    return Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.FileAlignment;
-  }
-  unsigned getHeaderSize() const {
-    return useBigObj() ? COFF::Header32Size : COFF::Header16Size;
-  }
-  unsigned getSymbolSize() const {
-    return useBigObj() ? COFF::Symbol32Size : COFF::Symbol16Size;
-  }
-  bool parseSections() {
-    for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Section>::iterator i = Obj.Sections.begin(),
-                                                  e = Obj.Sections.end();
-         i != e; ++i) {
-      COFFYAML::Section &Sec = *i;
-      // If the name is less than 8 bytes, store it in place, otherwise
-      // store it in the string table.
-      StringRef Name = Sec.Name;
-      if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize) {
-        std::copy(Name.begin(), Name.end(), Sec.Header.Name);
-      } else {
-        // Add string to the string table and format the index for output.
-        unsigned Index = getStringIndex(Name);
-        std::string str = utostr(Index);
-        if (str.size() > 7) {
-          errs() << "String table got too large\n";
-          return false;
-        }
-        Sec.Header.Name[0] = '/';
-        std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), Sec.Header.Name + 1);
-      }
-      if (Sec.Alignment) {
-        if (Sec.Alignment > 8192) {
-          errs() << "Section alignment is too large\n";
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (!isPowerOf2_32(Sec.Alignment)) {
-          errs() << "Section alignment is not a power of 2\n";
-          return false;
-        }
-        Sec.Header.Characteristics |= (Log2_32(Sec.Alignment) + 1) << 20;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool parseSymbols() {
-    for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator i = Obj.Symbols.begin(),
-                                                 e = Obj.Symbols.end();
-         i != e; ++i) {
-      COFFYAML::Symbol &Sym = *i;
-      // If the name is less than 8 bytes, store it in place, otherwise
-      // store it in the string table.
-      StringRef Name = Sym.Name;
-      if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize) {
-        std::copy(Name.begin(), Name.end(), Sym.Header.Name);
-      } else {
-        // Add string to the string table and format the index for output.
-        unsigned Index = getStringIndex(Name);
-        *reinterpret_cast<support::aligned_ulittle32_t *>(Sym.Header.Name + 4) =
-            Index;
-      }
-      Sym.Header.Type = Sym.SimpleType;
-      Sym.Header.Type |= Sym.ComplexType << COFF::SCT_COMPLEX_TYPE_SHIFT;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool parse() {
-    if (!parseSections())
-      return false;
-    if (!parseSymbols())
-      return false;
-    return true;
-  }
-  unsigned getStringIndex(StringRef Str) {
-    StringMap<unsigned>::iterator i = StringTableMap.find(Str);
-    if (i == StringTableMap.end()) {
-      unsigned Index = StringTable.size();
-      StringTable.append(Str.begin(), Str.end());
-      StringTable.push_back(0);
-      StringTableMap[Str] = Index;
-      return Index;
-    }
-    return i->second;
-  }
-  COFFYAML::Object &Obj;
-  codeview::StringsAndChecksums StringsAndChecksums;
-  BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
-  StringMap<unsigned> StringTableMap;
-  std::string StringTable;
-  uint32_t SectionTableStart;
-  uint32_t SectionTableSize;
-enum { DOSStubSize = 128 };
-} // end anonymous namespace
-// Take a CP and assign addresses and sizes to everything. Returns false if the
-// layout is not valid to do.
-static bool layoutOptionalHeader(COFFParser &CP) {
-  if (!CP.isPE())
-    return true;
-  unsigned PEHeaderSize = CP.is64Bit() ? sizeof(object::pe32plus_header)
-                                       : sizeof(object::pe32_header);
-  CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader =
-      PEHeaderSize +
-      sizeof(object::data_directory) * (COFF::NUM_DATA_DIRECTORIES + 1);
-  return true;
-static yaml::BinaryRef
-toDebugS(ArrayRef<CodeViewYAML::YAMLDebugSubsection> Subsections,
-         const codeview::StringsAndChecksums &SC, BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) {
-  using namespace codeview;
-  ExitOnError Err("Error occurred writing .debug$S section");
-  auto CVSS =
-      Err(CodeViewYAML::toCodeViewSubsectionList(Allocator, Subsections, SC));
-  std::vector<DebugSubsectionRecordBuilder> Builders;
-  uint32_t Size = sizeof(uint32_t);
-  for (auto &SS : CVSS) {
-    DebugSubsectionRecordBuilder B(SS, CodeViewContainer::ObjectFile);
-    Size += B.calculateSerializedLength();
-    Builders.push_back(std::move(B));
-  }
-  uint8_t *Buffer = Allocator.Allocate<uint8_t>(Size);
-  MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Output(Buffer, Size);
-  BinaryStreamWriter Writer(Output, support::little);
-  Err(Writer.writeInteger<uint32_t>(COFF::DEBUG_SECTION_MAGIC));
-  for (const auto &B : Builders) {
-    Err(B.commit(Writer));
-  }
-  return {Output};
-// Take a CP and assign addresses and sizes to everything. Returns false if the
-// layout is not valid to do.
-static bool layoutCOFF(COFFParser &CP) {
-  // The section table starts immediately after the header, including the
-  // optional header.
-  CP.SectionTableStart =
-      CP.getHeaderSize() + CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
-  if (CP.isPE())
-    CP.SectionTableStart += DOSStubSize + sizeof(COFF::PEMagic);
-  CP.SectionTableSize = COFF::SectionSize * CP.Obj.Sections.size();
-  uint32_t CurrentSectionDataOffset =
-      CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize;
-  for (COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
-    // We support specifying exactly one of SectionData or Subsections.  So if
-    // there is already some SectionData, then we don't need to do any of this.
-    if (S.Name == ".debug$S" && S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0) {
-      CodeViewYAML::initializeStringsAndChecksums(S.DebugS,
-                                                  CP.StringsAndChecksums);
-      if (CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasChecksums() &&
-          CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasStrings())
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  // Assign each section data address consecutively.
-  for (COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
-    if (S.Name == ".debug$S") {
-      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0) {
-        assert(CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasStrings() &&
-               "Object file does not have debug string table!");
-        S.SectionData =
-            toDebugS(S.DebugS, CP.StringsAndChecksums, CP.Allocator);
-      }
-    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$T") {
-      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
-        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugT(S.DebugT, CP.Allocator, S.Name);
-    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$P") {
-      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
-        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugT(S.DebugP, CP.Allocator, S.Name);
-    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$H") {
-      if (S.DebugH.hasValue() && S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
-        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugH(*S.DebugH, CP.Allocator);
-    }
-    if (S.SectionData.binary_size() > 0) {
-      CurrentSectionDataOffset = alignTo(CurrentSectionDataOffset,
-                                         CP.isPE() ? CP.getFileAlignment() : 4);
-      S.Header.SizeOfRawData = S.SectionData.binary_size();
-      if (CP.isPE())
-        S.Header.SizeOfRawData =
-            alignTo(S.Header.SizeOfRawData, CP.getFileAlignment());
-      S.Header.PointerToRawData = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
-      CurrentSectionDataOffset += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
-      if (!S.Relocations.empty()) {
-        S.Header.PointerToRelocations = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
-        S.Header.NumberOfRelocations = S.Relocations.size();
-        CurrentSectionDataOffset +=
-            S.Header.NumberOfRelocations * COFF::RelocationSize;
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Leave SizeOfRawData unaltered. For .bss sections in object files, it
-      // carries the section size.
-      S.Header.PointerToRawData = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  uint32_t SymbolTableStart = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
-  // Calculate number of symbols.
-  uint32_t NumberOfSymbols = 0;
-  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator i = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
-                                               e = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
-       i != e; ++i) {
-    uint32_t NumberOfAuxSymbols = 0;
-    if (i->FunctionDefinition)
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
-    if (i->bfAndefSymbol)
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
-    if (i->WeakExternal)
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
-    if (!i->File.empty())
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols +=
-          (i->File.size() + CP.getSymbolSize() - 1) / CP.getSymbolSize();
-    if (i->SectionDefinition)
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
-    if (i->CLRToken)
-      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
-    i->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols = NumberOfAuxSymbols;
-    NumberOfSymbols += 1 + NumberOfAuxSymbols;
-  }
-  // Store all the allocated start addresses in the header.
-  CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections = CP.Obj.Sections.size();
-  CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols = NumberOfSymbols;
-  if (NumberOfSymbols > 0 || CP.StringTable.size() > 4)
-    CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable = SymbolTableStart;
-  else
-    CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable = 0;
-  *reinterpret_cast<support::ulittle32_t *>(&CP.StringTable[0]) =
-      CP.StringTable.size();
-  return true;
-template <typename value_type> struct binary_le_impl {
-  value_type Value;
-  binary_le_impl(value_type V) : Value(V) {}
-template <typename value_type>
-raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS,
-                        const binary_le_impl<value_type> &BLE) {
-  char Buffer[sizeof(BLE.Value)];
-  support::endian::write<value_type, support::little, support::unaligned>(
-      Buffer, BLE.Value);
-  OS.write(Buffer, sizeof(BLE.Value));
-  return OS;
-template <typename value_type>
-binary_le_impl<value_type> binary_le(value_type V) {
-  return binary_le_impl<value_type>(V);
-template <size_t NumBytes> struct zeros_impl {};
-template <size_t NumBytes>
-raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const zeros_impl<NumBytes> &) {
-  char Buffer[NumBytes];
-  memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));
-  OS.write(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
-  return OS;
-template <typename T> zeros_impl<sizeof(T)> zeros(const T &) {
-  return zeros_impl<sizeof(T)>();
-template <typename T>
-static uint32_t initializeOptionalHeader(COFFParser &CP, uint16_t Magic,
-                                         T Header) {
-  memset(Header, 0, sizeof(*Header));
-  Header->Magic = Magic;
-  Header->SectionAlignment = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SectionAlignment;
-  Header->FileAlignment = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.FileAlignment;
-  uint32_t SizeOfCode = 0, SizeOfInitializedData = 0,
-           SizeOfUninitializedData = 0;
-  uint32_t SizeOfHeaders = alignTo(CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize,
-                                   Header->FileAlignment);
-  uint32_t SizeOfImage = alignTo(SizeOfHeaders, Header->SectionAlignment);
-  uint32_t BaseOfData = 0;
-  for (const COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
-    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE)
-      SizeOfCode += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
-    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA)
-      SizeOfInitializedData += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
-    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA)
-      SizeOfUninitializedData += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
-    if (S.Name.equals(".text"))
-      Header->BaseOfCode = S.Header.VirtualAddress; // RVA
-    else if (S.Name.equals(".data"))
-      BaseOfData = S.Header.VirtualAddress; // RVA
-    if (S.Header.VirtualAddress)
-      SizeOfImage += alignTo(S.Header.VirtualSize, Header->SectionAlignment);
-  }
-  Header->SizeOfCode = SizeOfCode;
-  Header->SizeOfInitializedData = SizeOfInitializedData;
-  Header->SizeOfUninitializedData = SizeOfUninitializedData;
-  Header->AddressOfEntryPoint =
-      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.AddressOfEntryPoint; // RVA
-  Header->ImageBase = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.ImageBase;
-  Header->MajorOperatingSystemVersion =
-      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
-  Header->MinorOperatingSystemVersion =
-      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
-  Header->MajorImageVersion = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorImageVersion;
-  Header->MinorImageVersion = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorImageVersion;
-  Header->MajorSubsystemVersion =
-      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorSubsystemVersion;
-  Header->MinorSubsystemVersion =
-      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorSubsystemVersion;
-  Header->SizeOfImage = SizeOfImage;
-  Header->SizeOfHeaders = SizeOfHeaders;
-  Header->Subsystem = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.Subsystem;
-  Header->DLLCharacteristics = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.DLLCharacteristics;
-  Header->SizeOfStackReserve = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfStackReserve;
-  Header->SizeOfStackCommit = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfStackCommit;
-  Header->SizeOfHeapReserve = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfHeapReserve;
-  Header->SizeOfHeapCommit = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfHeapCommit;
-  Header->NumberOfRvaAndSize = COFF::NUM_DATA_DIRECTORIES + 1;
-  return BaseOfData;
-static bool writeCOFF(COFFParser &CP, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  if (CP.isPE()) {
-    // PE files start with a DOS stub.
-    object::dos_header DH;
-    memset(&DH, 0, sizeof(DH));
-    // DOS EXEs start with "MZ" magic.
-    DH.Magic[0] = 'M';
-    DH.Magic[1] = 'Z';
-    // Initializing the AddressOfRelocationTable is strictly optional but
-    // mollifies certain tools which expect it to have a value greater than
-    // 0x40.
-    DH.AddressOfRelocationTable = sizeof(DH);
-    // This is the address of the PE signature.
-    DH.AddressOfNewExeHeader = DOSStubSize;
-    // Write out our DOS stub.
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&DH), sizeof(DH));
-    // Write padding until we reach the position of where our PE signature
-    // should live.
-    OS.write_zeros(DOSStubSize - sizeof(DH));
-    // Write out the PE signature.
-    OS.write(COFF::PEMagic, sizeof(COFF::PEMagic));
-  }
-  if (CP.useBigObj()) {
-    OS << binary_le(static_cast<uint16_t>(COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN))
-       << binary_le(static_cast<uint16_t>(0xffff))
-       << binary_le(
-              static_cast<uint16_t>(COFF::BigObjHeader::MinBigObjectVersion))
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Machine)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.TimeDateStamp);
-    OS.write(COFF::BigObjMagic, sizeof(COFF::BigObjMagic));
-    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0)) << zeros(uint32_t(0)) << zeros(uint32_t(0))
-       << zeros(uint32_t(0)) << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols);
-  } else {
-    OS << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Machine)
-       << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections))
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.TimeDateStamp)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader)
-       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Characteristics);
-  }
-  if (CP.isPE()) {
-    if (CP.is64Bit()) {
-      object::pe32plus_header PEH;
-      initializeOptionalHeader(CP, COFF::PE32Header::PE32_PLUS, &PEH);
-      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&PEH), sizeof(PEH));
-    } else {
-      object::pe32_header PEH;
-      uint32_t BaseOfData =
-          initializeOptionalHeader(CP, COFF::PE32Header::PE32, &PEH);
-      PEH.BaseOfData = BaseOfData;
-      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&PEH), sizeof(PEH));
-    }
-    for (const Optional<COFF::DataDirectory> &DD :
-         CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->DataDirectories) {
-      if (!DD.hasValue()) {
-        OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
-        OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
-      } else {
-        OS << binary_le(DD->RelativeVirtualAddress);
-        OS << binary_le(DD->Size);
-      }
-    }
-    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
-    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
-  }
-  assert(OS.tell() == CP.SectionTableStart);
-  // Output section table.
-  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Section>::iterator i = CP.Obj.Sections.begin(),
-                                                e = CP.Obj.Sections.end();
-       i != e; ++i) {
-    OS.write(i->Header.Name, COFF::NameSize);
-    OS << binary_le(i->Header.VirtualSize)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.VirtualAddress)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.SizeOfRawData)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToRawData)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToRelocations)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToLineNumbers)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfRelocations)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfLineNumbers)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.Characteristics);
-  }
-  assert(OS.tell() == CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize);
-  unsigned CurSymbol = 0;
-  StringMap<unsigned> SymbolTableIndexMap;
-  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator I = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
-                                               E = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
-       I != E; ++I) {
-    SymbolTableIndexMap[I->Name] = CurSymbol;
-    CurSymbol += 1 + I->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols;
-  }
-  // Output section data.
-  for (const COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
-    if (S.Header.SizeOfRawData == 0 || S.Header.PointerToRawData == 0)
-      continue;
-    assert(S.Header.PointerToRawData >= OS.tell());
-    OS.write_zeros(S.Header.PointerToRawData - OS.tell());
-    S.SectionData.writeAsBinary(OS);
-    assert(S.Header.SizeOfRawData >= S.SectionData.binary_size());
-    OS.write_zeros(S.Header.SizeOfRawData - S.SectionData.binary_size());
-    for (const COFFYAML::Relocation &R : S.Relocations) {
-      uint32_t SymbolTableIndex;
-      if (R.SymbolTableIndex) {
-        if (!R.SymbolName.empty())
-          WithColor::error()
-              << "Both SymbolName and SymbolTableIndex specified\n";
-        SymbolTableIndex = *R.SymbolTableIndex;
-      } else {
-        SymbolTableIndex = SymbolTableIndexMap[R.SymbolName];
-      }
-      OS << binary_le(R.VirtualAddress) << binary_le(SymbolTableIndex)
-         << binary_le(R.Type);
-    }
-  }
-  // Output symbol table.
-  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::const_iterator i = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
-                                                     e = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
-       i != e; ++i) {
-    OS.write(i->Header.Name, COFF::NameSize);
-    OS << binary_le(i->Header.Value);
-    if (CP.useBigObj())
-      OS << binary_le(i->Header.SectionNumber);
-    else
-      OS << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->Header.SectionNumber));
-    OS << binary_le(i->Header.Type) << binary_le(i->Header.StorageClass)
-       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols);
-    if (i->FunctionDefinition) {
-      OS << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->TagIndex)
-         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->TotalSize)
-         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->PointerToLinenumber)
-         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->PointerToNextFunction)
-         << zeros(i->FunctionDefinition->unused);
-      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
-    }
-    if (i->bfAndefSymbol) {
-      OS << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused1)
-         << binary_le(i->bfAndefSymbol->Linenumber)
-         << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused2)
-         << binary_le(i->bfAndefSymbol->PointerToNextFunction)
-         << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused3);
-      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
-    }
-    if (i->WeakExternal) {
-      OS << binary_le(i->WeakExternal->TagIndex)
-         << binary_le(i->WeakExternal->Characteristics)
-         << zeros(i->WeakExternal->unused);
-      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
-    }
-    if (!i->File.empty()) {
-      unsigned SymbolSize = CP.getSymbolSize();
-      uint32_t NumberOfAuxRecords =
-          (i->File.size() + SymbolSize - 1) / SymbolSize;
-      uint32_t NumberOfAuxBytes = NumberOfAuxRecords * SymbolSize;
-      uint32_t NumZeros = NumberOfAuxBytes - i->File.size();
-      OS.write(i->File.data(), i->File.size());
-      OS.write_zeros(NumZeros);
-    }
-    if (i->SectionDefinition) {
-      OS << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->Length)
-         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->NumberOfRelocations)
-         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->NumberOfLinenumbers)
-         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->CheckSum)
-         << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->SectionDefinition->Number))
-         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->Selection)
-         << zeros(i->SectionDefinition->unused)
-         << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->SectionDefinition->Number >> 16));
-      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
-    }
-    if (i->CLRToken) {
-      OS << binary_le(i->CLRToken->AuxType) << zeros(i->CLRToken->unused1)
-         << binary_le(i->CLRToken->SymbolTableIndex)
-         << zeros(i->CLRToken->unused2);
-      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
-    }
-  }
-  // Output string table.
-  if (CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
-    OS.write(&CP.StringTable[0], CP.StringTable.size());
-  return true;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-int yaml2coff(llvm::COFFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
-  COFFParser CP(Doc);
-  if (!CP.parse()) {
-    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to parse YAML file!\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (!layoutOptionalHeader(CP)) {
-    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to layout optional header for COFF file!\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (!layoutCOFF(CP)) {
-    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to layout COFF file!\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (!writeCOFF(CP, Out)) {
-    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to write COFF file!\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/ELFEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/ELFEmitter.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/ELFEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/ELFEmitter.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,1083 +0,0 @@
-//===- yaml2elf - Convert YAML to a ELF object file -----------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// The ELF component of yaml2obj.
-#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
-#include "llvm/MC/StringTableBuilder.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ELFYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/EndianStream.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-// This class is used to build up a contiguous binary blob while keeping
-// track of an offset in the output (which notionally begins at
-// `InitialOffset`).
-namespace {
-class ContiguousBlobAccumulator {
-  const uint64_t InitialOffset;
-  SmallVector<char, 128> Buf;
-  raw_svector_ostream OS;
-  /// \returns The new offset.
-  uint64_t padToAlignment(unsigned Align) {
-    if (Align == 0)
-      Align = 1;
-    uint64_t CurrentOffset = InitialOffset + OS.tell();
-    uint64_t AlignedOffset = alignTo(CurrentOffset, Align);
-    OS.write_zeros(AlignedOffset - CurrentOffset);
-    return AlignedOffset; // == CurrentOffset;
-  }
-  ContiguousBlobAccumulator(uint64_t InitialOffset_)
-      : InitialOffset(InitialOffset_), Buf(), OS(Buf) {}
-  template <class Integer>
-  raw_ostream &getOSAndAlignedOffset(Integer &Offset, unsigned Align) {
-    Offset = padToAlignment(Align);
-    return OS;
-  }
-  void writeBlobToStream(raw_ostream &Out) { Out << OS.str(); }
-// Used to keep track of section and symbol names, so that in the YAML file
-// sections and symbols can be referenced by name instead of by index.
-class NameToIdxMap {
-  StringMap<unsigned> Map;
-  /// \Returns false if name is already present in the map.
-  bool addName(StringRef Name, unsigned Ndx) {
-    return Map.insert({Name, Ndx}).second;
-  }
-  /// \Returns false if name is not present in the map.
-  bool lookup(StringRef Name, unsigned &Idx) const {
-    auto I = Map.find(Name);
-    if (I == Map.end())
-      return false;
-    Idx = I->getValue();
-    return true;
-  }
-  /// Asserts if name is not present in the map.
-  unsigned get(StringRef Name) const {
-    unsigned Idx;
-    if (lookup(Name, Idx))
-      return Idx;
-    assert(false && "Expected section not found in index");
-    return 0;
-  }
-  unsigned size() const { return Map.size(); }
-/// "Single point of truth" for the ELF file construction.
-/// TODO: This class still has a ways to go before it is truly a "single
-/// point of truth".
-template <class ELFT> class ELFState {
-  typedef typename ELFT::Ehdr Elf_Ehdr;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Phdr Elf_Phdr;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Shdr Elf_Shdr;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Sym Elf_Sym;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Rel Elf_Rel;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Rela Elf_Rela;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Relr Elf_Relr;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Dyn Elf_Dyn;
-  enum class SymtabType { Static, Dynamic };
-  /// The future ".strtab" section.
-  StringTableBuilder DotStrtab{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
-  /// The future ".shstrtab" section.
-  StringTableBuilder DotShStrtab{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
-  /// The future ".dynstr" section.
-  StringTableBuilder DotDynstr{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
-  NameToIdxMap SN2I;
-  NameToIdxMap SymN2I;
-  ELFYAML::Object &Doc;
-  bool buildSectionIndex();
-  bool buildSymbolIndex(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols);
-  void initELFHeader(Elf_Ehdr &Header);
-  void initProgramHeaders(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders);
-  bool initImplicitHeader(ELFState<ELFT> &State, ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                          Elf_Shdr &Header, StringRef SecName,
-                          ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
-  bool initSectionHeaders(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
-                          std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders,
-                          ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  void initSymtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, SymtabType STType,
-                               ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                               ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
-  void initStrtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, StringRef Name,
-                               StringTableBuilder &STB,
-                               ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                               ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
-  void setProgramHeaderLayout(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders,
-                              std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::RelocationSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::Group &Group,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::SymverSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::VerneedSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::VerdefSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                           const ELFYAML::DynamicSection &Section,
-                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
-  ELFState(ELFYAML::Object &D);
-  static int writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, ELFYAML::Object &Doc);
-  void finalizeStrings();
-} // end anonymous namespace
-template <class T> static size_t arrayDataSize(ArrayRef<T> A) {
-  return A.size() * sizeof(T);
-template <class T> static void writeArrayData(raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<T> A) {
-  OS.write((const char *)A.data(), arrayDataSize(A));
-template <class T> static void zero(T &Obj) { memset(&Obj, 0, sizeof(Obj)); }
-template <class ELFT> ELFState<ELFT>::ELFState(ELFYAML::Object &D) : Doc(D) {
-  StringSet<> DocSections;
-  for (std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> &D : Doc.Sections)
-    if (!D->Name.empty())
-      DocSections.insert(D->Name);
-  // Insert SHT_NULL section implicitly when it is not defined in YAML.
-  if (Doc.Sections.empty() || Doc.Sections.front()->Type != ELF::SHT_NULL)
-    Doc.Sections.insert(
-        Doc.Sections.begin(),
-        llvm::make_unique<ELFYAML::Section>(
-            ELFYAML::Section::SectionKind::RawContent, /*IsImplicit=*/true));
-  std::vector<StringRef> ImplicitSections = {".symtab", ".strtab", ".shstrtab"};
-  if (!Doc.DynamicSymbols.empty())
-    ImplicitSections.insert(ImplicitSections.end(), {".dynsym", ".dynstr"});
-  // Insert placeholders for implicit sections that are not
-  // defined explicitly in YAML.
-  for (StringRef SecName : ImplicitSections) {
-    if (DocSections.count(SecName))
-      continue;
-    std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> Sec = llvm::make_unique<ELFYAML::Section>(
-        ELFYAML::Section::SectionKind::RawContent, true /*IsImplicit*/);
-    Sec->Name = SecName;
-    Doc.Sections.push_back(std::move(Sec));
-  }
-template <class ELFT> void ELFState<ELFT>::initELFHeader(Elf_Ehdr &Header) {
-  using namespace llvm::ELF;
-  zero(Header);
-  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG0] = 0x7f;
-  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG1] = 'E';
-  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG2] = 'L';
-  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG3] = 'F';
-  Header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFT::Is64Bits ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32;
-  Header.e_ident[EI_DATA] = Doc.Header.Data;
-  Header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
-  Header.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = Doc.Header.OSABI;
-  Header.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = Doc.Header.ABIVersion;
-  Header.e_type = Doc.Header.Type;
-  Header.e_machine = Doc.Header.Machine;
-  Header.e_version = EV_CURRENT;
-  Header.e_entry = Doc.Header.Entry;
-  Header.e_phoff = sizeof(Header);
-  Header.e_flags = Doc.Header.Flags;
-  Header.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
-  Header.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr);
-  Header.e_phnum = Doc.ProgramHeaders.size();
-  Header.e_shentsize =
-      Doc.Header.SHEntSize ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHEntSize : sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
-  // Immediately following the ELF header and program headers.
-  Header.e_shoff =
-      Doc.Header.SHOffset
-          ? (typename ELFT::uint)(*Doc.Header.SHOffset)
-          : sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Elf_Phdr) * Doc.ProgramHeaders.size();
-  Header.e_shnum =
-      Doc.Header.SHNum ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHNum : Doc.Sections.size();
-  Header.e_shstrndx = Doc.Header.SHStrNdx ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHStrNdx
-                                          : SN2I.get(".shstrtab");
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFState<ELFT>::initProgramHeaders(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders) {
-  for (const auto &YamlPhdr : Doc.ProgramHeaders) {
-    Elf_Phdr Phdr;
-    Phdr.p_type = YamlPhdr.Type;
-    Phdr.p_flags = YamlPhdr.Flags;
-    Phdr.p_vaddr = YamlPhdr.VAddr;
-    Phdr.p_paddr = YamlPhdr.PAddr;
-    PHeaders.push_back(Phdr);
-  }
-static bool convertSectionIndex(NameToIdxMap &SN2I, StringRef SecName,
-                                StringRef IndexSrc, unsigned &IndexDest) {
-  if (!SN2I.lookup(IndexSrc, IndexDest) && !to_integer(IndexSrc, IndexDest)) {
-    WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << IndexSrc
-                       << "' at YAML section '" << SecName << "'.\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::initImplicitHeader(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
-                                        ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                                        Elf_Shdr &Header, StringRef SecName,
-                                        ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
-  // Check if the header was already initialized.
-  if (Header.sh_offset)
-    return false;
-  if (SecName == ".symtab")
-    State.initSymtabSectionHeader(Header, SymtabType::Static, CBA, YAMLSec);
-  else if (SecName == ".strtab")
-    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotStrtab, CBA,
-                                  YAMLSec);
-  else if (SecName == ".shstrtab")
-    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotShStrtab, CBA,
-                                  YAMLSec);
-  else if (SecName == ".dynsym")
-    State.initSymtabSectionHeader(Header, SymtabType::Dynamic, CBA, YAMLSec);
-  else if (SecName == ".dynstr")
-    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotDynstr, CBA,
-                                  YAMLSec);
-  else
-    return false;
-  // Override the sh_offset/sh_size fields if requested.
-  if (YAMLSec) {
-    if (YAMLSec->ShOffset)
-      Header.sh_offset = *YAMLSec->ShOffset;
-    if (YAMLSec->ShSize)
-      Header.sh_size = *YAMLSec->ShSize;
-  }
-  return true;
-static StringRef dropUniqueSuffix(StringRef S) {
-  size_t SuffixPos = S.rfind(" [");
-  if (SuffixPos == StringRef::npos)
-    return S;
-  return S.substr(0, SuffixPos);
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::initSectionHeaders(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
-                                        std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders,
-                                        ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  // Ensure SHN_UNDEF entry is present. An all-zero section header is a
-  // valid SHN_UNDEF entry since SHT_NULL == 0.
-  SHeaders.resize(Doc.Sections.size());
-  for (size_t I = 0; I < Doc.Sections.size(); ++I) {
-    ELFYAML::Section *Sec = Doc.Sections[I].get();
-    if (I == 0 && Sec->IsImplicit)
-      continue;
-    // We have a few sections like string or symbol tables that are usually
-    // added implicitly to the end. However, if they are explicitly specified
-    // in the YAML, we need to write them here. This ensures the file offset
-    // remains correct.
-    Elf_Shdr &SHeader = SHeaders[I];
-    if (initImplicitHeader(State, CBA, SHeader, Sec->Name,
-                           Sec->IsImplicit ? nullptr : Sec))
-      continue;
-    assert(Sec && "It can't be null unless it is an implicit section. But all "
-                  "implicit sections should already have been handled above.");
-    SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(dropUniqueSuffix(Sec->Name));
-    SHeader.sh_type = Sec->Type;
-    if (Sec->Flags)
-      SHeader.sh_flags = *Sec->Flags;
-    SHeader.sh_addr = Sec->Address;
-    SHeader.sh_addralign = Sec->AddressAlign;
-    if (!Sec->Link.empty()) {
-      unsigned Index;
-      if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Sec->Name, Sec->Link, Index))
-        return false;
-      SHeader.sh_link = Index;
-    }
-    if (I == 0) {
-      if (auto RawSec = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(Sec)) {
-        // We do not write any content for special SHN_UNDEF section.
-        if (RawSec->Size)
-          SHeader.sh_size = *RawSec->Size;
-        if (RawSec->Info)
-          SHeader.sh_info = *RawSec->Info;
-      }
-      if (Sec->EntSize)
-        SHeader.sh_entsize = *Sec->EntSize;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RelocationSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::Group>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::NoBitsSection>(Sec)) {
-      SHeader.sh_entsize = 0;
-      SHeader.sh_size = S->Size;
-      // SHT_NOBITS section does not have content
-      // so just to setup the section offset.
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::DynamicSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::SymverSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerneedSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerdefSection>(Sec)) {
-      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
-        return false;
-    } else
-      llvm_unreachable("Unknown section type");
-    // Override the sh_offset/sh_size fields if requested.
-    if (Sec) {
-      if (Sec->ShOffset)
-        SHeader.sh_offset = *Sec->ShOffset;
-      if (Sec->ShSize)
-        SHeader.sh_size = *Sec->ShSize;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-static size_t findFirstNonGlobal(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols) {
-  for (size_t I = 0; I < Symbols.size(); ++I)
-    if (Symbols[I].Binding.value != ELF::STB_LOCAL)
-      return I;
-  return Symbols.size();
-static uint64_t writeRawSectionData(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &RawSec) {
-  size_t ContentSize = 0;
-  if (RawSec.Content) {
-    RawSec.Content->writeAsBinary(OS);
-    ContentSize = RawSec.Content->binary_size();
-  }
-  if (!RawSec.Size)
-    return ContentSize;
-  OS.write_zeros(*RawSec.Size - ContentSize);
-  return *RawSec.Size;
-template <class ELFT>
-static std::vector<typename ELFT::Sym>
-toELFSymbols(NameToIdxMap &SN2I, ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols,
-             const StringTableBuilder &Strtab) {
-  using Elf_Sym = typename ELFT::Sym;
-  std::vector<Elf_Sym> Ret;
-  Ret.resize(Symbols.size() + 1);
-  size_t I = 0;
-  for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
-    Elf_Sym &Symbol = Ret[++I];
-    // If NameIndex, which contains the name offset, is explicitly specified, we
-    // use it. This is useful for preparing broken objects. Otherwise, we add
-    // the specified Name to the string table builder to get its offset.
-    if (Sym.NameIndex)
-      Symbol.st_name = *Sym.NameIndex;
-    else if (!Sym.Name.empty())
-      Symbol.st_name = Strtab.getOffset(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
-    Symbol.setBindingAndType(Sym.Binding, Sym.Type);
-    if (!Sym.Section.empty()) {
-      unsigned Index;
-      if (!SN2I.lookup(Sym.Section, Index)) {
-        WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << Sym.Section
-                           << "' by YAML symbol " << Sym.Name << ".\n";
-        exit(1);
-      }
-      Symbol.st_shndx = Index;
-    } else if (Sym.Index) {
-      Symbol.st_shndx = *Sym.Index;
-    }
-    // else Symbol.st_shndex == SHN_UNDEF (== 0), since it was zero'd earlier.
-    Symbol.st_value = Sym.Value;
-    Symbol.st_other = Sym.Other;
-    Symbol.st_size = Sym.Size;
-  }
-  return Ret;
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFState<ELFT>::initSymtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                             SymtabType STType,
-                                             ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                                             ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
-  bool IsStatic = STType == SymtabType::Static;
-  const auto &Symbols = IsStatic ? Doc.Symbols : Doc.DynamicSymbols;
-  ELFYAML::RawContentSection *RawSec =
-      dyn_cast_or_null<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(YAMLSec);
-  if (RawSec && !Symbols.empty() && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
-    if (RawSec->Content)
-      WithColor::error() << "Cannot specify both `Content` and " +
-                                (IsStatic ? Twine("`Symbols`")
-                                          : Twine("`DynamicSymbols`")) +
-                                " for symbol table section '"
-                         << RawSec->Name << "'.\n";
-    if (RawSec->Size)
-      WithColor::error() << "Cannot specify both `Size` and " +
-                                (IsStatic ? Twine("`Symbols`")
-                                          : Twine("`DynamicSymbols`")) +
-                                " for symbol table section '"
-                         << RawSec->Name << "'.\n";
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  zero(SHeader);
-  SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(IsStatic ? ".symtab" : ".dynsym");
-  if (YAMLSec)
-    SHeader.sh_type = YAMLSec->Type;
-  else
-    SHeader.sh_type = IsStatic ? ELF::SHT_SYMTAB : ELF::SHT_DYNSYM;
-  if (RawSec && !RawSec->Link.empty()) {
-    // If the Link field is explicitly defined in the document,
-    // we should use it.
-    unsigned Index;
-    if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, RawSec->Name, RawSec->Link, Index))
-      return;
-    SHeader.sh_link = Index;
-  } else {
-    // When we describe the .dynsym section in the document explicitly, it is
-    // allowed to omit the "DynamicSymbols" tag. In this case .dynstr is not
-    // added implicitly and we should be able to leave the Link zeroed if
-    // .dynstr is not defined.
-    unsigned Link = 0;
-    if (IsStatic)
-      Link = SN2I.get(".strtab");
-    else
-      SN2I.lookup(".dynstr", Link);
-    SHeader.sh_link = Link;
-  }
-  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->Flags)
-    SHeader.sh_flags = *YAMLSec->Flags;
-  else if (!IsStatic)
-    SHeader.sh_flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
-  // If the symbol table section is explicitly described in the YAML
-  // then we should set the fields requested.
-  SHeader.sh_info = (RawSec && RawSec->Info) ? (unsigned)(*RawSec->Info)
-                                             : findFirstNonGlobal(Symbols) + 1;
-  SHeader.sh_entsize = (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->EntSize)
-                           ? (uint64_t)(*YAMLSec->EntSize)
-                           : sizeof(Elf_Sym);
-  SHeader.sh_addralign = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->AddressAlign : 8;
-  SHeader.sh_addr = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->Address : 0;
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  if (RawSec && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
-    assert(Symbols.empty());
-    SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, *RawSec);
-    return;
-  }
-  std::vector<Elf_Sym> Syms =
-      toELFSymbols<ELFT>(SN2I, Symbols, IsStatic ? DotStrtab : DotDynstr);
-  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(Syms));
-  SHeader.sh_size = arrayDataSize(makeArrayRef(Syms));
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFState<ELFT>::initStrtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, StringRef Name,
-                                             StringTableBuilder &STB,
-                                             ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
-                                             ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
-  zero(SHeader);
-  SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(Name);
-  SHeader.sh_type = YAMLSec ? YAMLSec->Type : ELF::SHT_STRTAB;
-  SHeader.sh_addralign = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->AddressAlign : 1;
-  ELFYAML::RawContentSection *RawSec =
-      dyn_cast_or_null<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(YAMLSec);
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  if (RawSec && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
-    SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, *RawSec);
-  } else {
-    STB.write(OS);
-    SHeader.sh_size = STB.getSize();
-  }
-  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->EntSize)
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = *YAMLSec->EntSize;
-  if (RawSec && RawSec->Info)
-    SHeader.sh_info = *RawSec->Info;
-  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->Flags)
-    SHeader.sh_flags = *YAMLSec->Flags;
-  else if (Name == ".dynstr")
-    SHeader.sh_flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
-  // If the section is explicitly described in the YAML
-  // then we want to use its section address.
-  if (YAMLSec)
-    SHeader.sh_addr = YAMLSec->Address;
-template <class ELFT>
-void ELFState<ELFT>::setProgramHeaderLayout(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders,
-                                            std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders) {
-  uint32_t PhdrIdx = 0;
-  for (auto &YamlPhdr : Doc.ProgramHeaders) {
-    Elf_Phdr &PHeader = PHeaders[PhdrIdx++];
-    std::vector<Elf_Shdr *> Sections;
-    for (const ELFYAML::SectionName &SecName : YamlPhdr.Sections) {
-      unsigned Index;
-      if (!SN2I.lookup(SecName.Section, Index)) {
-        WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << SecName.Section
-                           << "' by program header.\n";
-        exit(1);
-      }
-      Sections.push_back(&SHeaders[Index]);
-    }
-    if (YamlPhdr.Offset) {
-      PHeader.p_offset = *YamlPhdr.Offset;
-    } else {
-      if (YamlPhdr.Sections.size())
-        PHeader.p_offset = UINT32_MAX;
-      else
-        PHeader.p_offset = 0;
-      // Find the minimum offset for the program header.
-      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
-        PHeader.p_offset = std::min(PHeader.p_offset, SHeader->sh_offset);
-    }
-    // Find the maximum offset of the end of a section in order to set p_filesz,
-    // if not set explicitly.
-    if (YamlPhdr.FileSize) {
-      PHeader.p_filesz = *YamlPhdr.FileSize;
-    } else {
-      PHeader.p_filesz = 0;
-      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections) {
-        uint64_t EndOfSection;
-        if (SHeader->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_NOBITS)
-          EndOfSection = SHeader->sh_offset;
-        else
-          EndOfSection = SHeader->sh_offset + SHeader->sh_size;
-        uint64_t EndOfSegment = PHeader.p_offset + PHeader.p_filesz;
-        EndOfSegment = std::max(EndOfSegment, EndOfSection);
-        PHeader.p_filesz = EndOfSegment - PHeader.p_offset;
-      }
-    }
-    // If not set explicitly, find the memory size by adding the size of
-    // sections at the end of the segment. These should be empty (size of zero)
-    // and NOBITS sections.
-    if (YamlPhdr.MemSize) {
-      PHeader.p_memsz = *YamlPhdr.MemSize;
-    } else {
-      PHeader.p_memsz = PHeader.p_filesz;
-      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
-        if (SHeader->sh_offset == PHeader.p_offset + PHeader.p_filesz)
-          PHeader.p_memsz += SHeader->sh_size;
-    }
-    // Set the alignment of the segment to be the same as the maximum alignment
-    // of the sections with the same offset so that by default the segment
-    // has a valid and sensible alignment.
-    if (YamlPhdr.Align) {
-      PHeader.p_align = *YamlPhdr.Align;
-    } else {
-      PHeader.p_align = 1;
-      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
-        if (SHeader->sh_offset == PHeader.p_offset)
-          PHeader.p_align = std::max(PHeader.p_align, SHeader->sh_addralign);
-    }
-  }
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(
-    Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &Section,
-    ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  raw_ostream &OS =
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, Section);
-  if (Section.EntSize)
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = *Section.EntSize;
-  else if (Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELR)
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Elf_Relr);
-  else
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = 0;
-  if (Section.Info)
-    SHeader.sh_info = *Section.Info;
-  return true;
-static bool isMips64EL(const ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
-  return Doc.Header.Machine == ELFYAML::ELF_EM(llvm::ELF::EM_MIPS) &&
-         Doc.Header.Class == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFCLASS(ELF::ELFCLASS64) &&
-         Doc.Header.Data == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFDATA(ELF::ELFDATA2LSB);
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(
-    Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::RelocationSection &Section,
-    ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  assert((Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_REL ||
-          Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA) &&
-         "Section type is not SHT_REL nor SHT_RELA");
-  bool IsRela = Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA;
-  SHeader.sh_entsize = IsRela ? sizeof(Elf_Rela) : sizeof(Elf_Rel);
-  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize * Section.Relocations.size();
-  // For relocation section set link to .symtab by default.
-  if (Section.Link.empty())
-    SHeader.sh_link = SN2I.get(".symtab");
-  unsigned Index = 0;
-  if (!Section.RelocatableSec.empty() &&
-      !convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Section.Name, Section.RelocatableSec, Index))
-    return false;
-  SHeader.sh_info = Index;
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  for (const auto &Rel : Section.Relocations) {
-    unsigned SymIdx = 0;
-    // If a relocation references a symbol, try to look one up in the symbol
-    // table. If it is not there, treat the value as a symbol index.
-    if (Rel.Symbol && !SymN2I.lookup(*Rel.Symbol, SymIdx) &&
-        !to_integer(*Rel.Symbol, SymIdx)) {
-      WithColor::error() << "Unknown symbol referenced: '" << *Rel.Symbol
-                         << "' at YAML section '" << Section.Name << "'.\n";
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (IsRela) {
-      Elf_Rela REntry;
-      zero(REntry);
-      REntry.r_offset = Rel.Offset;
-      REntry.r_addend = Rel.Addend;
-      REntry.setSymbolAndType(SymIdx, Rel.Type, isMips64EL(Doc));
-      OS.write((const char *)&REntry, sizeof(REntry));
-    } else {
-      Elf_Rel REntry;
-      zero(REntry);
-      REntry.r_offset = Rel.Offset;
-      REntry.setSymbolAndType(SymIdx, Rel.Type, isMips64EL(Doc));
-      OS.write((const char *)&REntry, sizeof(REntry));
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::Group &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_GROUP &&
-         "Section type is not SHT_GROUP");
-  SHeader.sh_entsize = 4;
-  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize * Section.Members.size();
-  unsigned SymIdx;
-  if (!SymN2I.lookup(Section.Signature, SymIdx) &&
-      !to_integer(Section.Signature, SymIdx)) {
-    WithColor::error() << "Unknown symbol referenced: '" << Section.Signature
-                       << "' at YAML section '" << Section.Name << "'.\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  SHeader.sh_info = SymIdx;
-  raw_ostream &OS =
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  for (const ELFYAML::SectionOrType &Member : Section.Members) {
-    unsigned int SectionIndex = 0;
-    if (Member.sectionNameOrType == "GRP_COMDAT")
-      SectionIndex = llvm::ELF::GRP_COMDAT;
-    else if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Section.Name, Member.sectionNameOrType,
-                                  SectionIndex))
-      return false;
-    support::endian::write<uint32_t>(OS, SectionIndex, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
-  }
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::SymverSection &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  raw_ostream &OS =
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  for (uint16_t Version : Section.Entries)
-    support::endian::write<uint16_t>(OS, Version, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
-  SHeader.sh_entsize = Section.EntSize ? (uint64_t)*Section.EntSize : 2;
-  SHeader.sh_size = Section.Entries.size() * SHeader.sh_entsize;
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::VerdefSection &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  typedef typename ELFT::Verdef Elf_Verdef;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Verdaux Elf_Verdaux;
-  raw_ostream &OS =
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  uint64_t AuxCnt = 0;
-  for (size_t I = 0; I < Section.Entries.size(); ++I) {
-    const ELFYAML::VerdefEntry &E = Section.Entries[I];
-    Elf_Verdef VerDef;
-    VerDef.vd_version = E.Version;
-    VerDef.vd_flags = E.Flags;
-    VerDef.vd_ndx = E.VersionNdx;
-    VerDef.vd_hash = E.Hash;
-    VerDef.vd_aux = sizeof(Elf_Verdef);
-    VerDef.vd_cnt = E.VerNames.size();
-    if (I == Section.Entries.size() - 1)
-      VerDef.vd_next = 0;
-    else
-      VerDef.vd_next =
-          sizeof(Elf_Verdef) + E.VerNames.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
-    OS.write((const char *)&VerDef, sizeof(Elf_Verdef));
-    for (size_t J = 0; J < E.VerNames.size(); ++J, ++AuxCnt) {
-      Elf_Verdaux VernAux;
-      VernAux.vda_name = DotDynstr.getOffset(E.VerNames[J]);
-      if (J == E.VerNames.size() - 1)
-        VernAux.vda_next = 0;
-      else
-        VernAux.vda_next = sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
-      OS.write((const char *)&VernAux, sizeof(Elf_Verdaux));
-    }
-  }
-  SHeader.sh_size = Section.Entries.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verdef) +
-                    AuxCnt * sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
-  SHeader.sh_info = Section.Info;
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::VerneedSection &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  typedef typename ELFT::Verneed Elf_Verneed;
-  typedef typename ELFT::Vernaux Elf_Vernaux;
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  uint64_t AuxCnt = 0;
-  for (size_t I = 0; I < Section.VerneedV.size(); ++I) {
-    const ELFYAML::VerneedEntry &VE = Section.VerneedV[I];
-    Elf_Verneed VerNeed;
-    VerNeed.vn_version = VE.Version;
-    VerNeed.vn_file = DotDynstr.getOffset(VE.File);
-    if (I == Section.VerneedV.size() - 1)
-      VerNeed.vn_next = 0;
-    else
-      VerNeed.vn_next =
-          sizeof(Elf_Verneed) + VE.AuxV.size() * sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
-    VerNeed.vn_cnt = VE.AuxV.size();
-    VerNeed.vn_aux = sizeof(Elf_Verneed);
-    OS.write((const char *)&VerNeed, sizeof(Elf_Verneed));
-    for (size_t J = 0; J < VE.AuxV.size(); ++J, ++AuxCnt) {
-      const ELFYAML::VernauxEntry &VAuxE = VE.AuxV[J];
-      Elf_Vernaux VernAux;
-      VernAux.vna_hash = VAuxE.Hash;
-      VernAux.vna_flags = VAuxE.Flags;
-      VernAux.vna_other = VAuxE.Other;
-      VernAux.vna_name = DotDynstr.getOffset(VAuxE.Name);
-      if (J == VE.AuxV.size() - 1)
-        VernAux.vna_next = 0;
-      else
-        VernAux.vna_next = sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
-      OS.write((const char *)&VernAux, sizeof(Elf_Vernaux));
-    }
-  }
-  SHeader.sh_size = Section.VerneedV.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verneed) +
-                    AuxCnt * sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
-  SHeader.sh_info = Section.Info;
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS &&
-         "Section type is not SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS");
-  object::Elf_Mips_ABIFlags<ELFT> Flags;
-  zero(Flags);
-  SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Flags);
-  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize;
-  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  Flags.version = Section.Version;
-  Flags.isa_level = Section.ISALevel;
-  Flags.isa_rev = Section.ISARevision;
-  Flags.gpr_size = Section.GPRSize;
-  Flags.cpr1_size = Section.CPR1Size;
-  Flags.cpr2_size = Section.CPR2Size;
-  Flags.fp_abi = Section.FpABI;
-  Flags.isa_ext = Section.ISAExtension;
-  Flags.ases = Section.ASEs;
-  Flags.flags1 = Section.Flags1;
-  Flags.flags2 = Section.Flags2;
-  OS.write((const char *)&Flags, sizeof(Flags));
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
-                                         const ELFYAML::DynamicSection &Section,
-                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
-  typedef typename ELFT::uint uintX_t;
-  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_DYNAMIC &&
-         "Section type is not SHT_DYNAMIC");
-  if (!Section.Entries.empty() && Section.Content) {
-    WithColor::error()
-        << "Cannot specify both raw content and explicit entries "
-           "for dynamic section '"
-        << Section.Name << "'.\n";
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (Section.Content)
-    SHeader.sh_size = Section.Content->binary_size();
-  else
-    SHeader.sh_size = 2 * sizeof(uintX_t) * Section.Entries.size();
-  if (Section.EntSize)
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = *Section.EntSize;
-  else
-    SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Elf_Dyn);
-  raw_ostream &OS =
-      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
-  for (const ELFYAML::DynamicEntry &DE : Section.Entries) {
-    support::endian::write<uintX_t>(OS, DE.Tag, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
-    support::endian::write<uintX_t>(OS, DE.Val, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
-  }
-  if (Section.Content)
-    Section.Content->writeAsBinary(OS);
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT> bool ELFState<ELFT>::buildSectionIndex() {
-  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Doc.Sections.size(); I != E; ++I) {
-    StringRef Name = Doc.Sections[I]->Name;
-    if (Name.empty())
-      continue;
-    DotShStrtab.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Name));
-    if (!SN2I.addName(Name, I)) {
-      WithColor::error() << "Repeated section name: '" << Name
-                         << "' at YAML section number " << I << ".\n";
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  DotShStrtab.finalize();
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT>
-bool ELFState<ELFT>::buildSymbolIndex(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols) {
-  bool GlobalSymbolSeen = false;
-  std::size_t I = 0;
-  for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
-    ++I;
-    StringRef Name = Sym.Name;
-    if (Sym.Binding.value == ELF::STB_LOCAL && GlobalSymbolSeen) {
-      WithColor::error() << "Local symbol '" + Name +
-                                "' after global in Symbols list.\n";
-      return false;
-    }
-    if (Sym.Binding.value != ELF::STB_LOCAL)
-      GlobalSymbolSeen = true;
-    if (!Name.empty() && !SymN2I.addName(Name, I)) {
-      WithColor::error() << "Repeated symbol name: '" << Name << "'.\n";
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-template <class ELFT> void ELFState<ELFT>::finalizeStrings() {
-  // Add the regular symbol names to .strtab section.
-  for (const ELFYAML::Symbol &Sym : Doc.Symbols)
-    DotStrtab.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
-  DotStrtab.finalize();
-  // Add the dynamic symbol names to .dynstr section.
-  for (const ELFYAML::Symbol &Sym : Doc.DynamicSymbols)
-    DotDynstr.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
-  // SHT_GNU_verdef and SHT_GNU_verneed sections might also
-  // add strings to .dynstr section.
-  for (const std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> &Sec : Doc.Sections) {
-    if (auto VerNeed = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerneedSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      for (const ELFYAML::VerneedEntry &VE : VerNeed->VerneedV) {
-        DotDynstr.add(VE.File);
-        for (const ELFYAML::VernauxEntry &Aux : VE.AuxV)
-          DotDynstr.add(Aux.Name);
-      }
-    } else if (auto VerDef = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerdefSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      for (const ELFYAML::VerdefEntry &E : VerDef->Entries)
-        for (StringRef Name : E.VerNames)
-          DotDynstr.add(Name);
-    }
-  }
-  DotDynstr.finalize();
-template <class ELFT>
-int ELFState<ELFT>::writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
-  ELFState<ELFT> State(Doc);
-  // Finalize .strtab and .dynstr sections. We do that early because want to
-  // finalize the string table builders before writing the content of the
-  // sections that might want to use them.
-  State.finalizeStrings();
-  if (!State.buildSectionIndex())
-    return 1;
-  if (!State.buildSymbolIndex(Doc.Symbols))
-    return 1;
-  Elf_Ehdr Header;
-  State.initELFHeader(Header);
-  // TODO: Flesh out section header support.
-  std::vector<Elf_Phdr> PHeaders;
-  State.initProgramHeaders(PHeaders);
-  // XXX: This offset is tightly coupled with the order that we write
-  // things to `OS`.
-  const size_t SectionContentBeginOffset = Header.e_ehsize +
-                                           Header.e_phentsize * Header.e_phnum +
-                                           Header.e_shentsize * Header.e_shnum;
-  ContiguousBlobAccumulator CBA(SectionContentBeginOffset);
-  std::vector<Elf_Shdr> SHeaders;
-  if (!State.initSectionHeaders(State, SHeaders, CBA))
-    return 1;
-  // Now we can decide segment offsets
-  State.setProgramHeaderLayout(PHeaders, SHeaders);
-  OS.write((const char *)&Header, sizeof(Header));
-  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(PHeaders));
-  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(SHeaders));
-  CBA.writeBlobToStream(OS);
-  return 0;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-int yaml2elf(llvm::ELFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
-  bool IsLE = Doc.Header.Data == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFDATA(ELF::ELFDATA2LSB);
-  bool Is64Bit = Doc.Header.Class == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFCLASS(ELF::ELFCLASS64);
-  if (Is64Bit) {
-    if (IsLE)
-      return ELFState<object::ELF64LE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
-    return ELFState<object::ELF64BE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
-  }
-  if (IsLE)
-    return ELFState<object::ELF32LE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
-  return ELFState<object::ELF32BE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/LLVMBuild.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/LLVMBuild.txt?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/LLVMBuild.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/LLVMBuild.txt Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
 type = Library
 name = ObjectYAML
 parent = Libraries
-required_libraries = Object Support DebugInfoCodeView MC
+required_libraries = Object Support DebugInfoCodeView

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MachOEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MachOEmitter.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MachOEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MachOEmitter.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-//===- yaml2macho - Convert YAML to a Mach object file --------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// The Mach component of yaml2obj.
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/DWARFEmitter.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
-class MachOWriter {
-  MachOWriter(MachOYAML::Object &Obj) : Obj(Obj), is64Bit(true), fileStart(0) {
-    is64Bit = Obj.Header.magic == MachO::MH_MAGIC_64 ||
-              Obj.Header.magic == MachO::MH_CIGAM_64;
-    memset(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&Header), 0, sizeof(MachO::mach_header_64));
-  }
-  Error writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeHeader(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeLoadCommands(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeSectionData(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeLinkEditData(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void writeBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS,
-                        std::vector<MachOYAML::BindOpcode> &BindOpcodes);
-  // LinkEdit writers
-  Error writeRebaseOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeBasicBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeWeakBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeLazyBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeNameList(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeStringTable(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeExportTrie(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void dumpExportEntry(raw_ostream &OS, MachOYAML::ExportEntry &Entry);
-  void ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t offset);
-  MachOYAML::Object &Obj;
-  bool is64Bit;
-  uint64_t fileStart;
-  MachO::mach_header_64 Header;
-Error MachOWriter::writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  fileStart = OS.tell();
-  if (auto Err = writeHeader(OS))
-    return Err;
-  if (auto Err = writeLoadCommands(OS))
-    return Err;
-  if (auto Err = writeSectionData(OS))
-    return Err;
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeHeader(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  Header.magic = Obj.Header.magic;
-  Header.cputype = Obj.Header.cputype;
-  Header.cpusubtype = Obj.Header.cpusubtype;
-  Header.filetype = Obj.Header.filetype;
-  Header.ncmds = Obj.Header.ncmds;
-  Header.sizeofcmds = Obj.Header.sizeofcmds;
-  Header.flags = Obj.Header.flags;
-  Header.reserved = Obj.Header.reserved;
-  if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-    MachO::swapStruct(Header);
-  auto header_size =
-      is64Bit ? sizeof(MachO::mach_header_64) : sizeof(MachO::mach_header);
-  OS.write((const char *)&Header, header_size);
-  return Error::success();
-template <typename SectionType>
-SectionType constructSection(MachOYAML::Section Sec) {
-  SectionType TempSec;
-  memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TempSec.sectname[0]), &Sec.sectname[0], 16);
-  memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TempSec.segname[0]), &Sec.segname[0], 16);
-  TempSec.addr = Sec.addr;
-  TempSec.size = Sec.size;
-  TempSec.offset = Sec.offset;
-  TempSec.align = Sec.align;
-  TempSec.reloff = Sec.reloff;
-  TempSec.nreloc = Sec.nreloc;
-  TempSec.flags = Sec.flags;
-  TempSec.reserved1 = Sec.reserved1;
-  TempSec.reserved2 = Sec.reserved2;
-  return TempSec;
-template <typename StructType>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS,
-                            bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  return 0;
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::segment_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
-                                                    raw_ostream &OS,
-                                                    bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
-  for (const auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
-    auto TempSec = constructSection<MachO::section>(Sec);
-    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-      MachO::swapStruct(TempSec);
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(TempSec)),
-             sizeof(MachO::section));
-    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::section);
-  }
-  return BytesWritten;
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::segment_command_64>(
-    MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
-  for (const auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
-    auto TempSec = constructSection<MachO::section_64>(Sec);
-    TempSec.reserved3 = Sec.reserved3;
-    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-      MachO::swapStruct(TempSec);
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(TempSec)),
-             sizeof(MachO::section_64));
-    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::section_64);
-  }
-  return BytesWritten;
-size_t writePayloadString(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
-  if (!LC.PayloadString.empty()) {
-    OS.write(LC.PayloadString.c_str(), LC.PayloadString.length());
-    BytesWritten = LC.PayloadString.length();
-  }
-  return BytesWritten;
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::dylib_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
-                                                  raw_ostream &OS,
-                                                  bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::dylinker_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
-                                                     raw_ostream &OS,
-                                                     bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::rpath_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
-                                                  raw_ostream &OS,
-                                                  bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
-template <>
-size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::build_version_command>(
-    MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
-  for (const auto &T : LC.Tools) {
-    struct MachO::build_tool_version tool = T;
-    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-      MachO::swapStruct(tool);
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&tool),
-             sizeof(MachO::build_tool_version));
-    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::build_tool_version);
-  }
-  return BytesWritten;
-void ZeroFillBytes(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Size) {
-  std::vector<uint8_t> FillData;
-  FillData.insert(FillData.begin(), Size, 0);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(FillData.data()), Size);
-void Fill(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Size, uint32_t Data) {
-  std::vector<uint32_t> FillData;
-  FillData.insert(FillData.begin(), (Size / 4) + 1, Data);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(FillData.data()), Size);
-void MachOWriter::ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Offset) {
-  auto currOffset = OS.tell() - fileStart;
-  if (currOffset < Offset)
-    ZeroFillBytes(OS, Offset - currOffset);
-Error MachOWriter::writeLoadCommands(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
-    size_t BytesWritten = 0;
-    llvm::MachO::macho_load_command Data = LC.Data;
-#define HANDLE_LOAD_COMMAND(LCName, LCValue, LCStruct)                         \
-  case MachO::LCName:                                                          \
-    if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)                         \
-      MachO::swapStruct(Data.LCStruct##_data);                                 \
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(Data.LCStruct##_data)),          \
-             sizeof(MachO::LCStruct));                                         \
-    BytesWritten = sizeof(MachO::LCStruct);                                    \
-    BytesWritten +=                                                            \
-        writeLoadCommandData<MachO::LCStruct>(LC, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);     \
-    break;
-    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
-    default:
-      if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-        MachO::swapStruct(Data.load_command_data);
-      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(Data.load_command_data)),
-               sizeof(MachO::load_command));
-      BytesWritten = sizeof(MachO::load_command);
-      BytesWritten +=
-          writeLoadCommandData<MachO::load_command>(LC, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
-      break;
-#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.def"
-    }
-    if (LC.PayloadBytes.size() > 0) {
-      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(LC.PayloadBytes.data()),
-               LC.PayloadBytes.size());
-      BytesWritten += LC.PayloadBytes.size();
-    }
-    if (LC.ZeroPadBytes > 0) {
-      ZeroFillBytes(OS, LC.ZeroPadBytes);
-      BytesWritten += LC.ZeroPadBytes;
-    }
-    // Fill remaining bytes with 0. This will only get hit in partially
-    // specified test cases.
-    auto BytesRemaining = LC.Data.load_command_data.cmdsize - BytesWritten;
-    if (BytesRemaining > 0) {
-      ZeroFillBytes(OS, BytesRemaining);
-    }
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-static bool isVirtualSection(uint8_t type) {
-  return (type == MachO::S_ZEROFILL || type == MachO::S_GB_ZEROFILL ||
-          type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL);
-Error MachOWriter::writeSectionData(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  bool FoundLinkEditSeg = false;
-  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
-    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
-    case MachO::LC_SEGMENT:
-    case MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64:
-      uint64_t segOff = is64Bit ? LC.Data.segment_command_64_data.fileoff
-                                : LC.Data.segment_command_data.fileoff;
-      if (0 ==
-          strncmp(&LC.Data.segment_command_data.segname[0], "__LINKEDIT", 16)) {
-        FoundLinkEditSeg = true;
-        if (auto Err = writeLinkEditData(OS))
-          return Err;
-      }
-      for (auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
-        ZeroToOffset(OS, Sec.offset);
-        // Zero Fill any data between the end of the last thing we wrote and the
-        // start of this section.
-        assert((OS.tell() - fileStart <= Sec.offset ||
-                Sec.offset == (uint32_t)0) &&
-               "Wrote too much data somewhere, section offsets don't line up.");
-        if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.segname[0], "__DWARF", 16)) {
-          if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_str", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugStr(OS, Obj.DWARF);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_abbrev", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugAbbrev(OS, Obj.DWARF);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_aranges", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugAranges(OS, Obj.DWARF);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_pubnames", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitPubSection(OS, Obj.DWARF.PubNames,
-                                      Obj.IsLittleEndian);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_pubtypes", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitPubSection(OS, Obj.DWARF.PubTypes,
-                                      Obj.IsLittleEndian);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_info", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugInfo(OS, Obj.DWARF);
-          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_line", 16)) {
-            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugLine(OS, Obj.DWARF);
-          }
-          continue;
-        }
-        // Skip if it's a virtual section.
-        if (isVirtualSection(Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE))
-          continue;
-        // Fill section data with 0xDEADBEEF
-        Fill(OS, Sec.size, 0xDEADBEEFu);
-      }
-      uint64_t segSize = is64Bit ? LC.Data.segment_command_64_data.filesize
-                                 : LC.Data.segment_command_data.filesize;
-      ZeroToOffset(OS, segOff + segSize);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // Old PPC Object Files didn't have __LINKEDIT segments, the data was just
-  // stuck at the end of the file.
-  if (!FoundLinkEditSeg) {
-    if (auto Err = writeLinkEditData(OS))
-      return Err;
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-void MachOWriter::writeBindOpcodes(
-    raw_ostream &OS, std::vector<MachOYAML::BindOpcode> &BindOpcodes) {
-  for (auto Opcode : BindOpcodes) {
-    uint8_t OpByte = Opcode.Opcode | Opcode.Imm;
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&OpByte), 1);
-    for (auto Data : Opcode.ULEBExtraData) {
-      encodeULEB128(Data, OS);
-    }
-    for (auto Data : Opcode.SLEBExtraData) {
-      encodeSLEB128(Data, OS);
-    }
-    if (!Opcode.Symbol.empty()) {
-      OS.write(Opcode.Symbol.data(), Opcode.Symbol.size());
-      OS.write('\0');
-    }
-  }
-void MachOWriter::dumpExportEntry(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                  MachOYAML::ExportEntry &Entry) {
-  encodeSLEB128(Entry.TerminalSize, OS);
-  if (Entry.TerminalSize > 0) {
-    encodeSLEB128(Entry.Flags, OS);
-    if (Entry.Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT) {
-      encodeSLEB128(Entry.Other, OS);
-      OS << Entry.ImportName;
-      OS.write('\0');
-    } else {
-      encodeSLEB128(Entry.Address, OS);
-        encodeSLEB128(Entry.Other, OS);
-    }
-  }
-  OS.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(Entry.Children.size()));
-  for (auto EE : Entry.Children) {
-    OS << EE.Name;
-    OS.write('\0');
-    encodeSLEB128(EE.NodeOffset, OS);
-  }
-  for (auto EE : Entry.Children)
-    dumpExportEntry(OS, EE);
-Error MachOWriter::writeExportTrie(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  dumpExportEntry(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.ExportTrie);
-  return Error::success();
-template <typename NListType>
-void writeNListEntry(MachOYAML::NListEntry &NLE, raw_ostream &OS,
-                     bool IsLittleEndian) {
-  NListType ListEntry;
-  ListEntry.n_strx = NLE.n_strx;
-  ListEntry.n_type = NLE.n_type;
-  ListEntry.n_sect = NLE.n_sect;
-  ListEntry.n_desc = NLE.n_desc;
-  ListEntry.n_value = NLE.n_value;
-  if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-    MachO::swapStruct(ListEntry);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&ListEntry), sizeof(NListType));
-Error MachOWriter::writeLinkEditData(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  typedef Error (MachOWriter::*writeHandler)(raw_ostream &);
-  typedef std::pair<uint64_t, writeHandler> writeOperation;
-  std::vector<writeOperation> WriteQueue;
-  MachO::dyld_info_command *DyldInfoOnlyCmd = 0;
-  MachO::symtab_command *SymtabCmd = 0;
-  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
-    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
-    case MachO::LC_SYMTAB:
-      SymtabCmd = &LC.Data.symtab_command_data;
-      WriteQueue.push_back(
-          std::make_pair(SymtabCmd->symoff, &MachOWriter::writeNameList));
-      WriteQueue.push_back(
-          std::make_pair(SymtabCmd->stroff, &MachOWriter::writeStringTable));
-      break;
-    case MachO::LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY:
-      DyldInfoOnlyCmd = &LC.Data.dyld_info_command_data;
-      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->rebase_off,
-                                          &MachOWriter::writeRebaseOpcodes));
-      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->bind_off,
-                                          &MachOWriter::writeBasicBindOpcodes));
-      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->weak_bind_off,
-                                          &MachOWriter::writeWeakBindOpcodes));
-      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->lazy_bind_off,
-                                          &MachOWriter::writeLazyBindOpcodes));
-      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->export_off,
-                                          &MachOWriter::writeExportTrie));
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  llvm::sort(WriteQueue, [](const writeOperation &a, const writeOperation &b) {
-    return a.first < b.first;
-  });
-  for (auto writeOp : WriteQueue) {
-    ZeroToOffset(OS, writeOp.first);
-    if (auto Err = (this->*writeOp.second)(OS))
-      return Err;
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeRebaseOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  MachOYAML::LinkEditData &LinkEdit = Obj.LinkEdit;
-  for (auto Opcode : LinkEdit.RebaseOpcodes) {
-    uint8_t OpByte = Opcode.Opcode | Opcode.Imm;
-    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&OpByte), 1);
-    for (auto Data : Opcode.ExtraData) {
-      encodeULEB128(Data, OS);
-    }
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeBasicBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.BindOpcodes);
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeWeakBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.WeakBindOpcodes);
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeLazyBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.LazyBindOpcodes);
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeNameList(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  for (auto NLE : Obj.LinkEdit.NameList) {
-    if (is64Bit)
-      writeNListEntry<MachO::nlist_64>(NLE, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
-    else
-      writeNListEntry<MachO::nlist>(NLE, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-Error MachOWriter::writeStringTable(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  for (auto Str : Obj.LinkEdit.StringTable) {
-    OS.write(Str.data(), Str.size());
-    OS.write('\0');
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-class UniversalWriter {
-  UniversalWriter(yaml::YamlObjectFile &ObjectFile)
-      : ObjectFile(ObjectFile), fileStart(0) {}
-  Error writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeFatHeader(raw_ostream &OS);
-  Error writeFatArchs(raw_ostream &OS);
-  void ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t offset);
-  yaml::YamlObjectFile &ObjectFile;
-  uint64_t fileStart;
-Error UniversalWriter::writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  fileStart = OS.tell();
-  if (ObjectFile.MachO) {
-    MachOWriter Writer(*ObjectFile.MachO);
-    return Writer.writeMachO(OS);
-  }
-  if (auto Err = writeFatHeader(OS))
-    return Err;
-  if (auto Err = writeFatArchs(OS))
-    return Err;
-  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
-  assert(FatFile.FatArchs.size() == FatFile.Slices.size());
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < FatFile.Slices.size(); i++) {
-    ZeroToOffset(OS, FatFile.FatArchs[i].offset);
-    MachOWriter Writer(FatFile.Slices[i]);
-    if (auto Err = Writer.writeMachO(OS))
-      return Err;
-    auto SliceEnd = FatFile.FatArchs[i].offset + FatFile.FatArchs[i].size;
-    ZeroToOffset(OS, SliceEnd);
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-Error UniversalWriter::writeFatHeader(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
-  MachO::fat_header header;
-  header.magic = FatFile.Header.magic;
-  header.nfat_arch = FatFile.Header.nfat_arch;
-  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-    swapStruct(header);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&header), sizeof(MachO::fat_header));
-  return Error::success();
-template <typename FatArchType>
-FatArchType constructFatArch(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch) {
-  FatArchType FatArch;
-  FatArch.cputype = Arch.cputype;
-  FatArch.cpusubtype = Arch.cpusubtype;
-  FatArch.offset = Arch.offset;
-  FatArch.size = Arch.size;
-  FatArch.align = Arch.align;
-  return FatArch;
-template <typename StructType>
-void writeFatArch(MachOYAML::FatArch &LC, raw_ostream &OS) {}
-template <>
-void writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  auto FatArch = constructFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(Arch);
-  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-    swapStruct(FatArch);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&FatArch), sizeof(MachO::fat_arch));
-template <>
-void writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch,
-                                      raw_ostream &OS) {
-  auto FatArch = constructFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(Arch);
-  FatArch.reserved = Arch.reserved;
-  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
-    swapStruct(FatArch);
-  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&FatArch),
-           sizeof(MachO::fat_arch_64));
-Error UniversalWriter::writeFatArchs(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
-  bool is64Bit = FatFile.Header.magic == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64;
-  for (auto Arch : FatFile.FatArchs) {
-    if (is64Bit)
-      writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(Arch, OS);
-    else
-      writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(Arch, OS);
-  }
-  return Error::success();
-void UniversalWriter::ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Offset) {
-  auto currOffset = OS.tell() - fileStart;
-  if (currOffset < Offset)
-    ZeroFillBytes(OS, Offset - currOffset);
-} // end anonymous namespace
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-int yaml2macho(YamlObjectFile &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
-  UniversalWriter Writer(Doc);
-  if (auto Err = Writer.writeMachO(Out)) {
-    errs() << toString(std::move(Err));
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MinidumpEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MinidumpEmitter.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MinidumpEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/MinidumpEmitter.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-//===- yaml2minidump.cpp - Convert a YAML file to a minidump file ---------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/MinidumpYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-int yaml2minidump(MinidumpYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
-  writeAsBinary(Doc, Out);
-  return 0;
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/WasmEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/WasmEmitter.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/WasmEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/WasmEmitter.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
-//===- yaml2wasm - Convert YAML to a Wasm object file --------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-/// \file
-/// The Wasm component of yaml2obj.
-#include "llvm/Object/Wasm.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
-/// This parses a yaml stream that represents a Wasm object file.
-/// See docs/yaml2obj for the yaml scheema.
-class WasmWriter {
-  WasmWriter(WasmYAML::Object &Obj) : Obj(Obj) {}
-  int writeWasm(raw_ostream &OS);
-  int writeRelocSection(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::Section &Sec,
-                        uint32_t SectionIndex);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::CustomSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::TypeSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ImportSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::FunctionSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::TableSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::MemorySection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::GlobalSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::EventSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ExportSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::StartSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ElemSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::CodeSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DataSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DataCountSection &Section);
-  // Custom section types
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DylinkSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::NameSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::LinkingSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ProducersSection &Section);
-  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                          WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection &Section);
-  WasmYAML::Object &Obj;
-  uint32_t NumImportedFunctions = 0;
-  uint32_t NumImportedGlobals = 0;
-  uint32_t NumImportedEvents = 0;
-class SubSectionWriter {
-  raw_ostream &OS;
-  std::string OutString;
-  raw_string_ostream StringStream;
-  SubSectionWriter(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS), StringStream(OutString) {}
-  void done() {
-    StringStream.flush();
-    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
-    OS << OutString;
-    OutString.clear();
-  }
-  raw_ostream &getStream() { return StringStream; }
-} // end anonymous namespace
-static int writeUint64(raw_ostream &OS, uint64_t Value) {
-  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
-  support::endian::write64le(Data, Value);
-  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
-  return 0;
-static int writeUint32(raw_ostream &OS, uint32_t Value) {
-  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
-  support::endian::write32le(Data, Value);
-  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
-  return 0;
-static int writeUint8(raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t Value) {
-  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
-  memcpy(Data, &Value, sizeof(Data));
-  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
-  return 0;
-static int writeStringRef(const StringRef &Str, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  encodeULEB128(Str.size(), OS);
-  OS << Str;
-  return 0;
-static int writeLimits(const WasmYAML::Limits &Lim, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  writeUint8(OS, Lim.Flags);
-  encodeULEB128(Lim.Initial, OS);
-  if (Lim.Flags & wasm::WASM_LIMITS_FLAG_HAS_MAX)
-    encodeULEB128(Lim.Maximum, OS);
-  return 0;
-static int writeInitExpr(const wasm::WasmInitExpr &InitExpr, raw_ostream &OS) {
-  writeUint8(OS, InitExpr.Opcode);
-  switch (InitExpr.Opcode) {
-  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_I32_CONST:
-    encodeSLEB128(InitExpr.Value.Int32, OS);
-    break;
-  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_I64_CONST:
-    encodeSLEB128(InitExpr.Value.Int64, OS);
-    break;
-  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_F32_CONST:
-    writeUint32(OS, InitExpr.Value.Float32);
-    break;
-  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_F64_CONST:
-    writeUint64(OS, InitExpr.Value.Float64);
-    break;
-    encodeULEB128(InitExpr.Value.Global, OS);
-    break;
-  default:
-    errs() << "Unknown opcode in init_expr: " << InitExpr.Opcode << "\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_OPCODE_END);
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::DylinkSection &Section) {
-  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.MemorySize, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.MemoryAlignment, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.TableSize, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.TableAlignment, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Needed.size(), OS);
-  for (StringRef Needed : Section.Needed) {
-    writeStringRef(Needed, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::LinkingSection &Section) {
-  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Version, OS);
-  SubSectionWriter SubSection(OS);
-  // SYMBOL_TABLE subsection
-  if (Section.SymbolTable.size()) {
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TABLE);
-    encodeULEB128(Section.SymbolTable.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    uint32_t SymbolIndex = 0;
-    for (const WasmYAML::SymbolInfo &Info : Section.SymbolTable) {
-      assert(Info.Index == SymbolIndex++);
-      writeUint8(SubSection.getStream(), Info.Kind);
-      encodeULEB128(Info.Flags, SubSection.getStream());
-      switch (Info.Kind) {
-      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_FUNCTION:
-      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_GLOBAL:
-      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_EVENT:
-        encodeULEB128(Info.ElementIndex, SubSection.getStream());
-        if ((Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED) == 0 ||
-            (Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_EXPLICIT_NAME) != 0)
-          writeStringRef(Info.Name, SubSection.getStream());
-        break;
-      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA:
-        writeStringRef(Info.Name, SubSection.getStream());
-        if ((Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED) == 0) {
-          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Segment, SubSection.getStream());
-          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Offset, SubSection.getStream());
-          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Size, SubSection.getStream());
-        }
-        break;
-      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_SECTION:
-        encodeULEB128(Info.ElementIndex, SubSection.getStream());
-        break;
-      default:
-        llvm_unreachable("unexpected kind");
-      }
-    }
-    SubSection.done();
-  }
-  // SEGMENT_NAMES subsection
-  if (Section.SegmentInfos.size()) {
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_INFO);
-    encodeULEB128(Section.SegmentInfos.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-    for (const WasmYAML::SegmentInfo &SegmentInfo : Section.SegmentInfos) {
-      writeStringRef(SegmentInfo.Name, SubSection.getStream());
-      encodeULEB128(SegmentInfo.Alignment, SubSection.getStream());
-      encodeULEB128(SegmentInfo.Flags, SubSection.getStream());
-    }
-    SubSection.done();
-  }
-  // INIT_FUNCS subsection
-  if (Section.InitFunctions.size()) {
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_INIT_FUNCS);
-    encodeULEB128(Section.InitFunctions.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-    for (const WasmYAML::InitFunction &Func : Section.InitFunctions) {
-      encodeULEB128(Func.Priority, SubSection.getStream());
-      encodeULEB128(Func.Symbol, SubSection.getStream());
-    }
-    SubSection.done();
-  }
-  // COMDAT_INFO subsection
-  if (Section.Comdats.size()) {
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_COMDAT_INFO);
-    encodeULEB128(Section.Comdats.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-    for (const auto &C : Section.Comdats) {
-      writeStringRef(C.Name, SubSection.getStream());
-      encodeULEB128(0, SubSection.getStream()); // flags for future use
-      encodeULEB128(C.Entries.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-      for (const WasmYAML::ComdatEntry &Entry : C.Entries) {
-        writeUint8(SubSection.getStream(), Entry.Kind);
-        encodeULEB128(Entry.Index, SubSection.getStream());
-      }
-    }
-    SubSection.done();
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::NameSection &Section) {
-  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-  if (Section.FunctionNames.size()) {
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_NAMES_FUNCTION);
-    SubSectionWriter SubSection(OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Section.FunctionNames.size(), SubSection.getStream());
-    for (const WasmYAML::NameEntry &NameEntry : Section.FunctionNames) {
-      encodeULEB128(NameEntry.Index, SubSection.getStream());
-      writeStringRef(NameEntry.Name, SubSection.getStream());
-    }
-    SubSection.done();
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::ProducersSection &Section) {
-  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-  int Fields = int(!Section.Languages.empty()) + int(!Section.Tools.empty()) +
-               int(!Section.SDKs.empty());
-  if (Fields == 0)
-    return 0;
-  encodeULEB128(Fields, OS);
-  for (auto &Field : {std::make_pair(StringRef("language"), &Section.Languages),
-                      std::make_pair(StringRef("processed-by"), &Section.Tools),
-                      std::make_pair(StringRef("sdk"), &Section.SDKs)}) {
-    if (Field.second->empty())
-      continue;
-    writeStringRef(Field.first, OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Field.second->size(), OS);
-    for (auto &Entry : *Field.second) {
-      writeStringRef(Entry.Name, OS);
-      writeStringRef(Entry.Version, OS);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection &Section) {
-  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Features.size(), OS);
-  for (auto &E : Section.Features) {
-    writeUint8(OS, E.Prefix);
-    writeStringRef(E.Name, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::CustomSection &Section) {
-  if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DylinkSection>(&Section)) {
-    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
-      return Err;
-  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::NameSection>(&Section)) {
-    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
-      return Err;
-  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::LinkingSection>(&Section)) {
-    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
-      return Err;
-  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ProducersSection>(&Section)) {
-    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
-      return Err;
-  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection>(&Section)) {
-    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
-      return Err;
-  } else {
-    writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
-    Section.Payload.writeAsBinary(OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::TypeSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Signatures.size(), OS);
-  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = 0;
-  for (const WasmYAML::Signature &Sig : Section.Signatures) {
-    if (Sig.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
-      errs() << "Unexpected type index: " << Sig.Index << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    ++ExpectedIndex;
-    writeUint8(OS, Sig.Form);
-    encodeULEB128(Sig.ParamTypes.size(), OS);
-    for (auto ParamType : Sig.ParamTypes)
-      writeUint8(OS, ParamType);
-    if (Sig.ReturnType == wasm::WASM_TYPE_NORESULT) {
-      encodeULEB128(0, OS);
-    } else {
-      encodeULEB128(1, OS);
-      writeUint8(OS, Sig.ReturnType);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::ImportSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Imports.size(), OS);
-  for (const WasmYAML::Import &Import : Section.Imports) {
-    writeStringRef(Import.Module, OS);
-    writeStringRef(Import.Field, OS);
-    writeUint8(OS, Import.Kind);
-    switch (Import.Kind) {
-      encodeULEB128(Import.SigIndex, OS);
-      NumImportedFunctions++;
-      break;
-    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_GLOBAL:
-      writeUint8(OS, Import.GlobalImport.Type);
-      writeUint8(OS, Import.GlobalImport.Mutable);
-      NumImportedGlobals++;
-      break;
-    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_EVENT:
-      writeUint32(OS, Import.EventImport.Attribute);
-      writeUint32(OS, Import.EventImport.SigIndex);
-      NumImportedGlobals++;
-      break;
-    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_MEMORY:
-      writeLimits(Import.Memory, OS);
-      break;
-    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_TABLE:
-      writeUint8(OS, Import.TableImport.ElemType);
-      writeLimits(Import.TableImport.TableLimits, OS);
-      break;
-    default:
-      errs() << "Unknown import type: " << Import.Kind << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::FunctionSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.FunctionTypes.size(), OS);
-  for (uint32_t FuncType : Section.FunctionTypes) {
-    encodeULEB128(FuncType, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::ExportSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Exports.size(), OS);
-  for (const WasmYAML::Export &Export : Section.Exports) {
-    writeStringRef(Export.Name, OS);
-    writeUint8(OS, Export.Kind);
-    encodeULEB128(Export.Index, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::StartSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.StartFunction, OS);
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::TableSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Tables.size(), OS);
-  for (auto &Table : Section.Tables) {
-    writeUint8(OS, Table.ElemType);
-    writeLimits(Table.TableLimits, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::MemorySection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Memories.size(), OS);
-  for (const WasmYAML::Limits &Mem : Section.Memories) {
-    writeLimits(Mem, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::GlobalSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Globals.size(), OS);
-  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedGlobals;
-  for (auto &Global : Section.Globals) {
-    if (Global.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
-      errs() << "Unexpected global index: " << Global.Index << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    ++ExpectedIndex;
-    writeUint8(OS, Global.Type);
-    writeUint8(OS, Global.Mutable);
-    writeInitExpr(Global.InitExpr, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::EventSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Events.size(), OS);
-  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedEvents;
-  for (auto &Event : Section.Events) {
-    if (Event.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
-      errs() << "Unexpected event index: " << Event.Index << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    ++ExpectedIndex;
-    encodeULEB128(Event.Attribute, OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Event.SigIndex, OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::ElemSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Segments.size(), OS);
-  for (auto &Segment : Section.Segments) {
-    encodeULEB128(Segment.TableIndex, OS);
-    writeInitExpr(Segment.Offset, OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Segment.Functions.size(), OS);
-    for (auto &Function : Segment.Functions) {
-      encodeULEB128(Function, OS);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::CodeSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Functions.size(), OS);
-  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedFunctions;
-  for (auto &Func : Section.Functions) {
-    std::string OutString;
-    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
-    if (Func.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
-      errs() << "Unexpected function index: " << Func.Index << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    ++ExpectedIndex;
-    encodeULEB128(Func.Locals.size(), StringStream);
-    for (auto &LocalDecl : Func.Locals) {
-      encodeULEB128(LocalDecl.Count, StringStream);
-      writeUint8(StringStream, LocalDecl.Type);
-    }
-    Func.Body.writeAsBinary(StringStream);
-    // Write the section size followed by the content
-    StringStream.flush();
-    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
-    OS << OutString;
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::DataSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Segments.size(), OS);
-  for (auto &Segment : Section.Segments) {
-    encodeULEB128(Segment.InitFlags, OS);
-    if (Segment.InitFlags & wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_HAS_MEMINDEX)
-      encodeULEB128(Segment.MemoryIndex, OS);
-    if ((Segment.InitFlags & wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_IS_PASSIVE) == 0)
-      writeInitExpr(Segment.Offset, OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Segment.Content.binary_size(), OS);
-    Segment.Content.writeAsBinary(OS);
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
-                                    WasmYAML::DataCountSection &Section) {
-  encodeULEB128(Section.Count, OS);
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeRelocSection(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::Section &Sec,
-                                  uint32_t SectionIndex) {
-  switch (Sec.Type) {
-  case wasm::WASM_SEC_CODE:
-    writeStringRef("reloc.CODE", OS);
-    break;
-  case wasm::WASM_SEC_DATA:
-    writeStringRef("reloc.DATA", OS);
-    break;
-  case wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM: {
-    auto CustomSection = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(&Sec);
-    writeStringRef(("reloc." + CustomSection->Name).str(), OS);
-    break;
-  }
-  default:
-    llvm_unreachable("not yet implemented");
-    return 1;
-  }
-  encodeULEB128(SectionIndex, OS);
-  encodeULEB128(Sec.Relocations.size(), OS);
-  for (auto Reloc : Sec.Relocations) {
-    writeUint8(OS, Reloc.Type);
-    encodeULEB128(Reloc.Offset, OS);
-    encodeULEB128(Reloc.Index, OS);
-    switch (Reloc.Type) {
-    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_LEB:
-    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_SLEB:
-    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32:
-    case wasm::R_WASM_FUNCTION_OFFSET_I32:
-    case wasm::R_WASM_SECTION_OFFSET_I32:
-      encodeULEB128(Reloc.Addend, OS);
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-int WasmWriter::writeWasm(raw_ostream &OS) {
-  // Write headers
-  OS.write(wasm::WasmMagic, sizeof(wasm::WasmMagic));
-  writeUint32(OS, Obj.Header.Version);
-  // Write each section
-  llvm::object::WasmSectionOrderChecker Checker;
-  for (const std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section> &Sec : Obj.Sections) {
-    StringRef SecName = "";
-    if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(Sec.get()))
-      SecName = S->Name;
-    if (!Checker.isValidSectionOrder(Sec->Type, SecName)) {
-      errs() << "Out of order section type: " << Sec->Type << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    encodeULEB128(Sec->Type, OS);
-    std::string OutString;
-    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
-    if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TypeSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ImportSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::FunctionSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TableSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::MemorySection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::GlobalSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::EventSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ExportSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::StartSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ElemSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CodeSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DataSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DataCountSection>(Sec.get())) {
-      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
-        return Err;
-    } else {
-      errs() << "Unknown section type: " << Sec->Type << "\n";
-      return 1;
-    }
-    StringStream.flush();
-    // Write the section size followed by the content
-    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
-    OS << OutString;
-  }
-  // write reloc sections for any section that have relocations
-  uint32_t SectionIndex = 0;
-  for (const std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section> &Sec : Obj.Sections) {
-    if (Sec->Relocations.empty()) {
-      SectionIndex++;
-      continue;
-    }
-    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM);
-    std::string OutString;
-    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
-    writeRelocSection(StringStream, *Sec, SectionIndex++);
-    StringStream.flush();
-    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
-    OS << OutString;
-  }
-  return 0;
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-int yaml2wasm(WasmYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
-  WasmWriter Writer(Doc);
-  return Writer.writeWasm(Out);
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Removed: llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-//===-- yaml2obj.cpp ------------------------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
-namespace llvm {
-namespace yaml {
-Error convertYAML(yaml::Input &YIn, raw_ostream &Out, unsigned DocNum) {
-  // TODO: make yaml2* functions return Error instead of int.
-  auto IntToErr = [](int Ret) -> Error {
-    if (Ret)
-      return createStringError(errc::invalid_argument, "yaml2obj failed");
-    return Error::success();
-  };
-  unsigned CurDocNum = 0;
-  do {
-    if (++CurDocNum == DocNum) {
-      yaml::YamlObjectFile Doc;
-      YIn >> Doc;
-      if (std::error_code EC = YIn.error())
-        return createStringError(EC, "Failed to parse YAML input!");
-      if (Doc.Elf)
-        return IntToErr(yaml2elf(*Doc.Elf, Out));
-      if (Doc.Coff)
-        return IntToErr(yaml2coff(*Doc.Coff, Out));
-      if (Doc.MachO || Doc.FatMachO)
-        return IntToErr(yaml2macho(Doc, Out));
-      if (Doc.Minidump)
-        return IntToErr(yaml2minidump(*Doc.Minidump, Out));
-      if (Doc.Wasm)
-        return IntToErr(yaml2wasm(*Doc.Wasm, Out));
-      return createStringError(errc::invalid_argument,
-                               "Unknown document type!");
-    }
-  } while (YIn.nextDocument());
-  return createStringError(errc::invalid_argument,
-                           "Cannot find the %u%s document", DocNum,
-                           getOrdinalSuffix(DocNum).data());
-yaml2ObjectFile(SmallVectorImpl<char> &Storage, StringRef Yaml) {
-  Storage.clear();
-  raw_svector_ostream OS(Storage);
-  yaml::Input YIn(Yaml);
-  if (Error E = convertYAML(YIn, OS))
-    return std::move(E);
-  return object::ObjectFile::createObjectFile(
-      MemoryBufferRef(OS.str(), "YamlObject"));
-} // namespace yaml
-} // namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/empty-or-invalid-doc.yaml
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/empty-or-invalid-doc.yaml?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/empty-or-invalid-doc.yaml (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/empty-or-invalid-doc.yaml Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # RUN: echo -n "" | not yaml2obj 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: echo " " | not yaml2obj 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
 # RUN: echo "  " | not yaml2obj 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK: yaml2obj: error: Unknown document type!
+# CHECK: yaml2obj: Unknown document type!
 # RUN: echo -e -n "\xff" | not yaml2obj 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=INVALID
-# INVALID: yaml2obj: error: Failed to parse YAML input!
+# INVALID: yaml2obj: Failed to parse YAML file!

Removed: llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/invalid-docnum.test
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/invalid-docnum.test?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/invalid-docnum.test (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/invalid-docnum.test (removed)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-## Test that an error is reported when a docnum is specified, which is
-## greater than the number of YAML inputs in the file.
-# RUN: not yaml2obj %s --docnum=3 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-# CHECK: yaml2obj: error: Cannot find the 3rd document
-# RUN: not yaml2obj %s --docnum=76768677 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=TWO
-# TWO: yaml2obj: error: Cannot find the 76768677th document
---- !ELF
-  Class:   ELFCLASS64
-  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
-  Type:    ET_DYN
-  Machine: EM_X86_64
---- !ELF
-  Class:   ELFCLASS64
-  Data:    ELFDATA2LSB
-  Type:    ET_DYN
-  Machine: EM_X86_64

Modified: llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/missing_document_tag.yaml
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/missing_document_tag.yaml?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/missing_document_tag.yaml (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/tools/yaml2obj/missing_document_tag.yaml Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ DummyData:
 # CHECK: YAML:4:1: error: YAML Object File missing document type tag!
-# CHECK: yaml2obj: error: Failed to parse YAML input!
+# CHECK: yaml2obj: Failed to parse YAML file!

Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/CMakeLists.txt?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/CMakeLists.txt Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
+  DebugInfoCodeView
+  MC
+  Object
+  yaml2coff.cpp
+  yaml2elf.cpp
+  yaml2macho.cpp
+  yaml2minidump.cpp
+  yaml2wasm.cpp

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2coff.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2coff.cpp?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2coff.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2coff.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+//===- yaml2coff - Convert YAML to a COFF object file ---------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// The COFF component of yaml2obj.
+#include "yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/DebugStringTableSubsection.h"
+#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/StringsAndChecksums.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace llvm;
+/// This parses a yaml stream that represents a COFF object file.
+/// See docs/yaml2obj for the yaml scheema.
+struct COFFParser {
+  COFFParser(COFFYAML::Object &Obj)
+      : Obj(Obj), SectionTableStart(0), SectionTableSize(0) {
+    // A COFF string table always starts with a 4 byte size field. Offsets into
+    // it include this size, so allocate it now.
+    StringTable.append(4, char(0));
+  }
+  bool useBigObj() const {
+    return static_cast<int32_t>(Obj.Sections.size()) >
+           COFF::MaxNumberOfSections16;
+  }
+  bool isPE() const { return Obj.OptionalHeader.hasValue(); }
+  bool is64Bit() const {
+    return Obj.Header.Machine == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64 ||
+           Obj.Header.Machine == COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64;
+  }
+  uint32_t getFileAlignment() const {
+    return Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.FileAlignment;
+  }
+  unsigned getHeaderSize() const {
+    return useBigObj() ? COFF::Header32Size : COFF::Header16Size;
+  }
+  unsigned getSymbolSize() const {
+    return useBigObj() ? COFF::Symbol32Size : COFF::Symbol16Size;
+  }
+  bool parseSections() {
+    for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Section>::iterator i = Obj.Sections.begin(),
+           e = Obj.Sections.end(); i != e; ++i) {
+      COFFYAML::Section &Sec = *i;
+      // If the name is less than 8 bytes, store it in place, otherwise
+      // store it in the string table.
+      StringRef Name = Sec.Name;
+      if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize) {
+        std::copy(Name.begin(), Name.end(), Sec.Header.Name);
+      } else {
+        // Add string to the string table and format the index for output.
+        unsigned Index = getStringIndex(Name);
+        std::string str = utostr(Index);
+        if (str.size() > 7) {
+          errs() << "String table got too large\n";
+          return false;
+        }
+        Sec.Header.Name[0] = '/';
+        std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), Sec.Header.Name + 1);
+      }
+      if (Sec.Alignment) {
+        if (Sec.Alignment > 8192) {
+          errs() << "Section alignment is too large\n";
+          return false;
+        }
+        if (!isPowerOf2_32(Sec.Alignment)) {
+          errs() << "Section alignment is not a power of 2\n";
+          return false;
+        }
+        Sec.Header.Characteristics |= (Log2_32(Sec.Alignment) + 1) << 20;
+      }
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool parseSymbols() {
+    for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator i = Obj.Symbols.begin(),
+           e = Obj.Symbols.end(); i != e; ++i) {
+      COFFYAML::Symbol &Sym = *i;
+      // If the name is less than 8 bytes, store it in place, otherwise
+      // store it in the string table.
+      StringRef Name = Sym.Name;
+      if (Name.size() <= COFF::NameSize) {
+        std::copy(Name.begin(), Name.end(), Sym.Header.Name);
+      } else {
+        // Add string to the string table and format the index for output.
+        unsigned Index = getStringIndex(Name);
+        *reinterpret_cast<support::aligned_ulittle32_t*>(
+            Sym.Header.Name + 4) = Index;
+      }
+      Sym.Header.Type = Sym.SimpleType;
+      Sym.Header.Type |= Sym.ComplexType << COFF::SCT_COMPLEX_TYPE_SHIFT;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool parse() {
+    if (!parseSections())
+      return false;
+    if (!parseSymbols())
+      return false;
+    return true;
+  }
+  unsigned getStringIndex(StringRef Str) {
+    StringMap<unsigned>::iterator i = StringTableMap.find(Str);
+    if (i == StringTableMap.end()) {
+      unsigned Index = StringTable.size();
+      StringTable.append(Str.begin(), Str.end());
+      StringTable.push_back(0);
+      StringTableMap[Str] = Index;
+      return Index;
+    }
+    return i->second;
+  }
+  COFFYAML::Object &Obj;
+  codeview::StringsAndChecksums StringsAndChecksums;
+  BumpPtrAllocator Allocator;
+  StringMap<unsigned> StringTableMap;
+  std::string StringTable;
+  uint32_t SectionTableStart;
+  uint32_t SectionTableSize;
+// Take a CP and assign addresses and sizes to everything. Returns false if the
+// layout is not valid to do.
+static bool layoutOptionalHeader(COFFParser &CP) {
+  if (!CP.isPE())
+    return true;
+  unsigned PEHeaderSize = CP.is64Bit() ? sizeof(object::pe32plus_header)
+                                       : sizeof(object::pe32_header);
+  CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader =
+      PEHeaderSize +
+      sizeof(object::data_directory) * (COFF::NUM_DATA_DIRECTORIES + 1);
+  return true;
+namespace {
+enum { DOSStubSize = 128 };
+static yaml::BinaryRef
+toDebugS(ArrayRef<CodeViewYAML::YAMLDebugSubsection> Subsections,
+         const codeview::StringsAndChecksums &SC, BumpPtrAllocator &Allocator) {
+  using namespace codeview;
+  ExitOnError Err("Error occurred writing .debug$S section");
+  auto CVSS =
+      Err(CodeViewYAML::toCodeViewSubsectionList(Allocator, Subsections, SC));
+  std::vector<DebugSubsectionRecordBuilder> Builders;
+  uint32_t Size = sizeof(uint32_t);
+  for (auto &SS : CVSS) {
+    DebugSubsectionRecordBuilder B(SS, CodeViewContainer::ObjectFile);
+    Size += B.calculateSerializedLength();
+    Builders.push_back(std::move(B));
+  }
+  uint8_t *Buffer = Allocator.Allocate<uint8_t>(Size);
+  MutableArrayRef<uint8_t> Output(Buffer, Size);
+  BinaryStreamWriter Writer(Output, support::little);
+  Err(Writer.writeInteger<uint32_t>(COFF::DEBUG_SECTION_MAGIC));
+  for (const auto &B : Builders) {
+    Err(B.commit(Writer));
+  }
+  return {Output};
+// Take a CP and assign addresses and sizes to everything. Returns false if the
+// layout is not valid to do.
+static bool layoutCOFF(COFFParser &CP) {
+  // The section table starts immediately after the header, including the
+  // optional header.
+  CP.SectionTableStart =
+      CP.getHeaderSize() + CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader;
+  if (CP.isPE())
+    CP.SectionTableStart += DOSStubSize + sizeof(COFF::PEMagic);
+  CP.SectionTableSize = COFF::SectionSize * CP.Obj.Sections.size();
+  uint32_t CurrentSectionDataOffset =
+      CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize;
+  for (COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
+    // We support specifying exactly one of SectionData or Subsections.  So if
+    // there is already some SectionData, then we don't need to do any of this.
+    if (S.Name == ".debug$S" && S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0) {
+      CodeViewYAML::initializeStringsAndChecksums(S.DebugS,
+                                                  CP.StringsAndChecksums);
+      if (CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasChecksums() &&
+          CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasStrings())
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Assign each section data address consecutively.
+  for (COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
+    if (S.Name == ".debug$S") {
+      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0) {
+        assert(CP.StringsAndChecksums.hasStrings() &&
+               "Object file does not have debug string table!");
+        S.SectionData =
+            toDebugS(S.DebugS, CP.StringsAndChecksums, CP.Allocator);
+      }
+    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$T") {
+      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
+        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugT(S.DebugT, CP.Allocator, S.Name);
+    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$P") {
+      if (S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
+        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugT(S.DebugP, CP.Allocator, S.Name);
+    } else if (S.Name == ".debug$H") {
+      if (S.DebugH.hasValue() && S.SectionData.binary_size() == 0)
+        S.SectionData = CodeViewYAML::toDebugH(*S.DebugH, CP.Allocator);
+    }
+    if (S.SectionData.binary_size() > 0) {
+      CurrentSectionDataOffset = alignTo(CurrentSectionDataOffset,
+                                         CP.isPE() ? CP.getFileAlignment() : 4);
+      S.Header.SizeOfRawData = S.SectionData.binary_size();
+      if (CP.isPE())
+        S.Header.SizeOfRawData =
+            alignTo(S.Header.SizeOfRawData, CP.getFileAlignment());
+      S.Header.PointerToRawData = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
+      CurrentSectionDataOffset += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
+      if (!S.Relocations.empty()) {
+        S.Header.PointerToRelocations = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
+        S.Header.NumberOfRelocations = S.Relocations.size();
+        CurrentSectionDataOffset +=
+            S.Header.NumberOfRelocations * COFF::RelocationSize;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Leave SizeOfRawData unaltered. For .bss sections in object files, it
+      // carries the section size.
+      S.Header.PointerToRawData = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  uint32_t SymbolTableStart = CurrentSectionDataOffset;
+  // Calculate number of symbols.
+  uint32_t NumberOfSymbols = 0;
+  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator i = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
+                                               e = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
+                                               i != e; ++i) {
+    uint32_t NumberOfAuxSymbols = 0;
+    if (i->FunctionDefinition)
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
+    if (i->bfAndefSymbol)
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
+    if (i->WeakExternal)
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
+    if (!i->File.empty())
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols +=
+          (i->File.size() + CP.getSymbolSize() - 1) / CP.getSymbolSize();
+    if (i->SectionDefinition)
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
+    if (i->CLRToken)
+      NumberOfAuxSymbols += 1;
+    i->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols = NumberOfAuxSymbols;
+    NumberOfSymbols += 1 + NumberOfAuxSymbols;
+  }
+  // Store all the allocated start addresses in the header.
+  CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections = CP.Obj.Sections.size();
+  CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols = NumberOfSymbols;
+  if (NumberOfSymbols > 0 || CP.StringTable.size() > 4)
+    CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable = SymbolTableStart;
+  else
+    CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable = 0;
+  *reinterpret_cast<support::ulittle32_t *>(&CP.StringTable[0])
+    = CP.StringTable.size();
+  return true;
+template <typename value_type>
+struct binary_le_impl {
+  value_type Value;
+  binary_le_impl(value_type V) : Value(V) {}
+template <typename value_type>
+raw_ostream &operator <<( raw_ostream &OS
+                        , const binary_le_impl<value_type> &BLE) {
+  char Buffer[sizeof(BLE.Value)];
+  support::endian::write<value_type, support::little, support::unaligned>(
+    Buffer, BLE.Value);
+  OS.write(Buffer, sizeof(BLE.Value));
+  return OS;
+template <typename value_type>
+binary_le_impl<value_type> binary_le(value_type V) {
+  return binary_le_impl<value_type>(V);
+template <size_t NumBytes> struct zeros_impl {};
+template <size_t NumBytes>
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const zeros_impl<NumBytes> &) {
+  char Buffer[NumBytes];
+  memset(Buffer, 0, sizeof(Buffer));
+  OS.write(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer));
+  return OS;
+template <typename T>
+zeros_impl<sizeof(T)> zeros(const T &) {
+  return zeros_impl<sizeof(T)>();
+template <typename T>
+static uint32_t initializeOptionalHeader(COFFParser &CP, uint16_t Magic, T Header) {
+  memset(Header, 0, sizeof(*Header));
+  Header->Magic = Magic;
+  Header->SectionAlignment = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SectionAlignment;
+  Header->FileAlignment = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.FileAlignment;
+  uint32_t SizeOfCode = 0, SizeOfInitializedData = 0,
+           SizeOfUninitializedData = 0;
+  uint32_t SizeOfHeaders = alignTo(CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize,
+                                   Header->FileAlignment);
+  uint32_t SizeOfImage = alignTo(SizeOfHeaders, Header->SectionAlignment);
+  uint32_t BaseOfData = 0;
+  for (const COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
+    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE)
+      SizeOfCode += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
+    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA)
+      SizeOfInitializedData += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
+    if (S.Header.Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA)
+      SizeOfUninitializedData += S.Header.SizeOfRawData;
+    if (S.Name.equals(".text"))
+      Header->BaseOfCode = S.Header.VirtualAddress; // RVA
+    else if (S.Name.equals(".data"))
+      BaseOfData = S.Header.VirtualAddress; // RVA
+    if (S.Header.VirtualAddress)
+      SizeOfImage += alignTo(S.Header.VirtualSize, Header->SectionAlignment);
+  }
+  Header->SizeOfCode = SizeOfCode;
+  Header->SizeOfInitializedData = SizeOfInitializedData;
+  Header->SizeOfUninitializedData = SizeOfUninitializedData;
+  Header->AddressOfEntryPoint =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.AddressOfEntryPoint; // RVA
+  Header->ImageBase = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.ImageBase;
+  Header->MajorOperatingSystemVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
+  Header->MinorOperatingSystemVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
+  Header->MajorImageVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorImageVersion;
+  Header->MinorImageVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorImageVersion;
+  Header->MajorSubsystemVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MajorSubsystemVersion;
+  Header->MinorSubsystemVersion =
+      CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.MinorSubsystemVersion;
+  Header->SizeOfImage = SizeOfImage;
+  Header->SizeOfHeaders = SizeOfHeaders;
+  Header->Subsystem = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.Subsystem;
+  Header->DLLCharacteristics = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.DLLCharacteristics;
+  Header->SizeOfStackReserve = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfStackReserve;
+  Header->SizeOfStackCommit = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfStackCommit;
+  Header->SizeOfHeapReserve = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfHeapReserve;
+  Header->SizeOfHeapCommit = CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->Header.SizeOfHeapCommit;
+  Header->NumberOfRvaAndSize = COFF::NUM_DATA_DIRECTORIES + 1;
+  return BaseOfData;
+static bool writeCOFF(COFFParser &CP, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  if (CP.isPE()) {
+    // PE files start with a DOS stub.
+    object::dos_header DH;
+    memset(&DH, 0, sizeof(DH));
+    // DOS EXEs start with "MZ" magic.
+    DH.Magic[0] = 'M';
+    DH.Magic[1] = 'Z';
+    // Initializing the AddressOfRelocationTable is strictly optional but
+    // mollifies certain tools which expect it to have a value greater than
+    // 0x40.
+    DH.AddressOfRelocationTable = sizeof(DH);
+    // This is the address of the PE signature.
+    DH.AddressOfNewExeHeader = DOSStubSize;
+    // Write out our DOS stub.
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&DH), sizeof(DH));
+    // Write padding until we reach the position of where our PE signature
+    // should live.
+    OS.write_zeros(DOSStubSize - sizeof(DH));
+    // Write out the PE signature.
+    OS.write(COFF::PEMagic, sizeof(COFF::PEMagic));
+  }
+  if (CP.useBigObj()) {
+    OS << binary_le(static_cast<uint16_t>(COFF::IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN))
+       << binary_le(static_cast<uint16_t>(0xffff))
+       << binary_le(static_cast<uint16_t>(COFF::BigObjHeader::MinBigObjectVersion))
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Machine)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.TimeDateStamp);
+    OS.write(COFF::BigObjMagic, sizeof(COFF::BigObjMagic));
+    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0))
+       << zeros(uint32_t(0))
+       << zeros(uint32_t(0))
+       << zeros(uint32_t(0))
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols);
+  } else {
+    OS << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Machine)
+       << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSections))
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.TimeDateStamp)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.NumberOfSymbols)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.SizeOfOptionalHeader)
+       << binary_le(CP.Obj.Header.Characteristics);
+  }
+  if (CP.isPE()) {
+    if (CP.is64Bit()) {
+      object::pe32plus_header PEH;
+      initializeOptionalHeader(CP, COFF::PE32Header::PE32_PLUS, &PEH);
+      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&PEH), sizeof(PEH));
+    } else {
+      object::pe32_header PEH;
+      uint32_t BaseOfData = initializeOptionalHeader(CP, COFF::PE32Header::PE32, &PEH);
+      PEH.BaseOfData = BaseOfData;
+      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&PEH), sizeof(PEH));
+    }
+    for (const Optional<COFF::DataDirectory> &DD :
+         CP.Obj.OptionalHeader->DataDirectories) {
+      if (!DD.hasValue()) {
+        OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
+        OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
+      } else {
+        OS << binary_le(DD->RelativeVirtualAddress);
+        OS << binary_le(DD->Size);
+      }
+    }
+    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
+    OS << zeros(uint32_t(0));
+  }
+  assert(OS.tell() == CP.SectionTableStart);
+  // Output section table.
+  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Section>::iterator i = CP.Obj.Sections.begin(),
+                                                e = CP.Obj.Sections.end();
+                                                i != e; ++i) {
+    OS.write(i->Header.Name, COFF::NameSize);
+    OS << binary_le(i->Header.VirtualSize)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.VirtualAddress)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.SizeOfRawData)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToRawData)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToRelocations)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.PointerToLineNumbers)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfRelocations)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfLineNumbers)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.Characteristics);
+  }
+  assert(OS.tell() == CP.SectionTableStart + CP.SectionTableSize);
+  unsigned CurSymbol = 0;
+  StringMap<unsigned> SymbolTableIndexMap;
+  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::iterator I = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
+                                               E = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
+       I != E; ++I) {
+    SymbolTableIndexMap[I->Name] = CurSymbol;
+    CurSymbol += 1 + I->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols;
+  }
+  // Output section data.
+  for (const COFFYAML::Section &S : CP.Obj.Sections) {
+    if (S.Header.SizeOfRawData == 0 || S.Header.PointerToRawData == 0)
+      continue;
+    assert(S.Header.PointerToRawData >= OS.tell());
+    OS.write_zeros(S.Header.PointerToRawData - OS.tell());
+    S.SectionData.writeAsBinary(OS);
+    assert(S.Header.SizeOfRawData >= S.SectionData.binary_size());
+    OS.write_zeros(S.Header.SizeOfRawData - S.SectionData.binary_size());
+    for (const COFFYAML::Relocation &R : S.Relocations) {
+      uint32_t SymbolTableIndex;
+      if (R.SymbolTableIndex) {
+        if (!R.SymbolName.empty())
+          WithColor::error()
+              << "Both SymbolName and SymbolTableIndex specified\n";
+        SymbolTableIndex = *R.SymbolTableIndex;
+      } else {
+        SymbolTableIndex = SymbolTableIndexMap[R.SymbolName];
+      }
+      OS << binary_le(R.VirtualAddress)
+         << binary_le(SymbolTableIndex)
+         << binary_le(R.Type);
+    }
+  }
+  // Output symbol table.
+  for (std::vector<COFFYAML::Symbol>::const_iterator i = CP.Obj.Symbols.begin(),
+                                                     e = CP.Obj.Symbols.end();
+                                                     i != e; ++i) {
+    OS.write(i->Header.Name, COFF::NameSize);
+    OS << binary_le(i->Header.Value);
+    if (CP.useBigObj())
+       OS << binary_le(i->Header.SectionNumber);
+    else
+       OS << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->Header.SectionNumber));
+    OS << binary_le(i->Header.Type)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.StorageClass)
+       << binary_le(i->Header.NumberOfAuxSymbols);
+    if (i->FunctionDefinition) {
+      OS << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->TagIndex)
+         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->TotalSize)
+         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->PointerToLinenumber)
+         << binary_le(i->FunctionDefinition->PointerToNextFunction)
+         << zeros(i->FunctionDefinition->unused);
+      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
+    }
+    if (i->bfAndefSymbol) {
+      OS << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused1)
+         << binary_le(i->bfAndefSymbol->Linenumber)
+         << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused2)
+         << binary_le(i->bfAndefSymbol->PointerToNextFunction)
+         << zeros(i->bfAndefSymbol->unused3);
+      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
+    }
+    if (i->WeakExternal) {
+      OS << binary_le(i->WeakExternal->TagIndex)
+         << binary_le(i->WeakExternal->Characteristics)
+         << zeros(i->WeakExternal->unused);
+      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
+    }
+    if (!i->File.empty()) {
+      unsigned SymbolSize = CP.getSymbolSize();
+      uint32_t NumberOfAuxRecords =
+          (i->File.size() + SymbolSize - 1) / SymbolSize;
+      uint32_t NumberOfAuxBytes = NumberOfAuxRecords * SymbolSize;
+      uint32_t NumZeros = NumberOfAuxBytes - i->File.size();
+      OS.write(i->File.data(), i->File.size());
+      OS.write_zeros(NumZeros);
+    }
+    if (i->SectionDefinition) {
+      OS << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->Length)
+         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->NumberOfRelocations)
+         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->NumberOfLinenumbers)
+         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->CheckSum)
+         << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->SectionDefinition->Number))
+         << binary_le(i->SectionDefinition->Selection)
+         << zeros(i->SectionDefinition->unused)
+         << binary_le(static_cast<int16_t>(i->SectionDefinition->Number >> 16));
+      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
+    }
+    if (i->CLRToken) {
+      OS << binary_le(i->CLRToken->AuxType)
+         << zeros(i->CLRToken->unused1)
+         << binary_le(i->CLRToken->SymbolTableIndex)
+         << zeros(i->CLRToken->unused2);
+      OS.write_zeros(CP.getSymbolSize() - COFF::Symbol16Size);
+    }
+  }
+  // Output string table.
+  if (CP.Obj.Header.PointerToSymbolTable)
+    OS.write(&CP.StringTable[0], CP.StringTable.size());
+  return true;
+int yaml2coff(llvm::COFFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  COFFParser CP(Doc);
+  if (!CP.parse()) {
+    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to parse YAML file!\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (!layoutOptionalHeader(CP)) {
+    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to layout optional header for COFF file!\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (!layoutCOFF(CP)) {
+    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to layout COFF file!\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (!writeCOFF(CP, Out)) {
+    errs() << "yaml2obj: Failed to write COFF file!\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2elf.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+//===- yaml2elf - Convert YAML to a ELF object file -----------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// The ELF component of yaml2obj.
+#include "yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
+#include "llvm/MC/StringTableBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ELFObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ELFYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/EndianStream.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+// This class is used to build up a contiguous binary blob while keeping
+// track of an offset in the output (which notionally begins at
+// `InitialOffset`).
+namespace {
+class ContiguousBlobAccumulator {
+  const uint64_t InitialOffset;
+  SmallVector<char, 128> Buf;
+  raw_svector_ostream OS;
+  /// \returns The new offset.
+  uint64_t padToAlignment(unsigned Align) {
+    if (Align == 0)
+      Align = 1;
+    uint64_t CurrentOffset = InitialOffset + OS.tell();
+    uint64_t AlignedOffset = alignTo(CurrentOffset, Align);
+    OS.write_zeros(AlignedOffset - CurrentOffset);
+    return AlignedOffset; // == CurrentOffset;
+  }
+  ContiguousBlobAccumulator(uint64_t InitialOffset_)
+      : InitialOffset(InitialOffset_), Buf(), OS(Buf) {}
+  template <class Integer>
+  raw_ostream &getOSAndAlignedOffset(Integer &Offset, unsigned Align) {
+    Offset = padToAlignment(Align);
+    return OS;
+  }
+  void writeBlobToStream(raw_ostream &Out) { Out << OS.str(); }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+// Used to keep track of section and symbol names, so that in the YAML file
+// sections and symbols can be referenced by name instead of by index.
+namespace {
+class NameToIdxMap {
+  StringMap<unsigned> Map;
+  /// \Returns false if name is already present in the map.
+  bool addName(StringRef Name, unsigned Ndx) {
+    return Map.insert({Name, Ndx}).second;
+  }
+  /// \Returns false if name is not present in the map.
+  bool lookup(StringRef Name, unsigned &Idx) const {
+    auto I = Map.find(Name);
+    if (I == Map.end())
+      return false;
+    Idx = I->getValue();
+    return true;
+  }
+  /// Asserts if name is not present in the map.
+  unsigned get(StringRef Name) const {
+    unsigned Idx;
+    if (lookup(Name, Idx))
+      return Idx;
+    assert(false && "Expected section not found in index");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  unsigned size() const { return Map.size(); }
+} // end anonymous namespace
+template <class T>
+static size_t arrayDataSize(ArrayRef<T> A) {
+  return A.size() * sizeof(T);
+template <class T>
+static void writeArrayData(raw_ostream &OS, ArrayRef<T> A) {
+  OS.write((const char *)A.data(), arrayDataSize(A));
+template <class T>
+static void zero(T &Obj) {
+  memset(&Obj, 0, sizeof(Obj));
+namespace {
+/// "Single point of truth" for the ELF file construction.
+/// TODO: This class still has a ways to go before it is truly a "single
+/// point of truth".
+template <class ELFT>
+class ELFState {
+  typedef typename ELFT::Ehdr Elf_Ehdr;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Phdr Elf_Phdr;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Shdr Elf_Shdr;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Sym Elf_Sym;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Rel Elf_Rel;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Rela Elf_Rela;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Relr Elf_Relr;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Dyn Elf_Dyn;
+  enum class SymtabType { Static, Dynamic };
+  /// The future ".strtab" section.
+  StringTableBuilder DotStrtab{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
+  /// The future ".shstrtab" section.
+  StringTableBuilder DotShStrtab{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
+  /// The future ".dynstr" section.
+  StringTableBuilder DotDynstr{StringTableBuilder::ELF};
+  NameToIdxMap SN2I;
+  NameToIdxMap SymN2I;
+  ELFYAML::Object &Doc;
+  bool buildSectionIndex();
+  bool buildSymbolIndex(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols);
+  void initELFHeader(Elf_Ehdr &Header);
+  void initProgramHeaders(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders);
+  bool initImplicitHeader(ELFState<ELFT> &State, ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                          Elf_Shdr &Header, StringRef SecName,
+                          ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
+  bool initSectionHeaders(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
+                          std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders,
+                          ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  void initSymtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, SymtabType STType,
+                               ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                               ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
+  void initStrtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, StringRef Name,
+                               StringTableBuilder &STB,
+                               ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                               ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec);
+  void setProgramHeaderLayout(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders,
+                              std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::RelocationSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::Group &Group,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::SymverSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::VerneedSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::VerdefSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  bool writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                           const ELFYAML::DynamicSection &Section,
+                           ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA);
+  ELFState(ELFYAML::Object &D);
+  static int writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, ELFYAML::Object &Doc);
+  void finalizeStrings();
+} // end anonymous namespace
+template <class ELFT>
+ELFState<ELFT>::ELFState(ELFYAML::Object &D) : Doc(D) {
+  StringSet<> DocSections;
+  for (std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> &D : Doc.Sections)
+    if (!D->Name.empty())
+      DocSections.insert(D->Name);
+  // Insert SHT_NULL section implicitly when it is not defined in YAML.
+  if (Doc.Sections.empty() || Doc.Sections.front()->Type != ELF::SHT_NULL)
+    Doc.Sections.insert(
+        Doc.Sections.begin(),
+        llvm::make_unique<ELFYAML::Section>(
+          ELFYAML::Section::SectionKind::RawContent, /*IsImplicit=*/true));
+  std::vector<StringRef> ImplicitSections = {".symtab", ".strtab", ".shstrtab"};
+  if (!Doc.DynamicSymbols.empty())
+    ImplicitSections.insert(ImplicitSections.end(), {".dynsym", ".dynstr"});
+  // Insert placeholders for implicit sections that are not
+  // defined explicitly in YAML.
+  for (StringRef SecName : ImplicitSections) {
+    if (DocSections.count(SecName))
+      continue;
+    std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> Sec = llvm::make_unique<ELFYAML::Section>(
+        ELFYAML::Section::SectionKind::RawContent, true /*IsImplicit*/);
+    Sec->Name = SecName;
+    Doc.Sections.push_back(std::move(Sec));
+  }
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFState<ELFT>::initELFHeader(Elf_Ehdr &Header) {
+  using namespace llvm::ELF;
+  zero(Header);
+  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG0] = 0x7f;
+  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG1] = 'E';
+  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG2] = 'L';
+  Header.e_ident[EI_MAG3] = 'F';
+  Header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = ELFT::Is64Bits ? ELFCLASS64 : ELFCLASS32;
+  Header.e_ident[EI_DATA] = Doc.Header.Data;
+  Header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
+  Header.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = Doc.Header.OSABI;
+  Header.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = Doc.Header.ABIVersion;
+  Header.e_type = Doc.Header.Type;
+  Header.e_machine = Doc.Header.Machine;
+  Header.e_version = EV_CURRENT;
+  Header.e_entry = Doc.Header.Entry;
+  Header.e_phoff = sizeof(Header);
+  Header.e_flags = Doc.Header.Flags;
+  Header.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
+  Header.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr);
+  Header.e_phnum = Doc.ProgramHeaders.size();
+  Header.e_shentsize =
+      Doc.Header.SHEntSize ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHEntSize : sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
+  // Immediately following the ELF header and program headers.
+  Header.e_shoff =
+      Doc.Header.SHOffset
+          ? (typename ELFT::uint)(*Doc.Header.SHOffset)
+          : sizeof(Header) + sizeof(Elf_Phdr) * Doc.ProgramHeaders.size();
+  Header.e_shnum =
+      Doc.Header.SHNum ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHNum : Doc.Sections.size();
+  Header.e_shstrndx = Doc.Header.SHStrNdx ? (uint16_t)*Doc.Header.SHStrNdx
+                                          : SN2I.get(".shstrtab");
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFState<ELFT>::initProgramHeaders(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders) {
+  for (const auto &YamlPhdr : Doc.ProgramHeaders) {
+    Elf_Phdr Phdr;
+    Phdr.p_type = YamlPhdr.Type;
+    Phdr.p_flags = YamlPhdr.Flags;
+    Phdr.p_vaddr = YamlPhdr.VAddr;
+    Phdr.p_paddr = YamlPhdr.PAddr;
+    PHeaders.push_back(Phdr);
+  }
+static bool convertSectionIndex(NameToIdxMap &SN2I, StringRef SecName,
+                                StringRef IndexSrc, unsigned &IndexDest) {
+  if (!SN2I.lookup(IndexSrc, IndexDest) && !to_integer(IndexSrc, IndexDest)) {
+    WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << IndexSrc
+                       << "' at YAML section '" << SecName << "'.\n";
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::initImplicitHeader(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
+                                        ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                                        Elf_Shdr &Header, StringRef SecName,
+                                        ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
+  // Check if the header was already initialized.
+  if (Header.sh_offset)
+    return false;
+  if (SecName == ".symtab")
+    State.initSymtabSectionHeader(Header, SymtabType::Static, CBA, YAMLSec);
+  else if (SecName == ".strtab")
+    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotStrtab, CBA,
+                                  YAMLSec);
+  else if (SecName == ".shstrtab")
+    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotShStrtab, CBA,
+                                  YAMLSec);
+  else if (SecName == ".dynsym")
+    State.initSymtabSectionHeader(Header, SymtabType::Dynamic, CBA, YAMLSec);
+  else if (SecName == ".dynstr")
+    State.initStrtabSectionHeader(Header, SecName, State.DotDynstr, CBA,
+                                  YAMLSec);
+  else
+    return false;
+  // Override the sh_offset/sh_size fields if requested.
+  if (YAMLSec) {
+    if (YAMLSec->ShOffset)
+      Header.sh_offset = *YAMLSec->ShOffset;
+    if (YAMLSec->ShSize)
+      Header.sh_size = *YAMLSec->ShSize;
+  }
+  return true;
+static StringRef dropUniqueSuffix(StringRef S) {
+  size_t SuffixPos = S.rfind(" [");
+  if (SuffixPos == StringRef::npos)
+    return S;
+  return S.substr(0, SuffixPos);
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::initSectionHeaders(ELFState<ELFT> &State,
+                                        std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders,
+                                        ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  // Ensure SHN_UNDEF entry is present. An all-zero section header is a
+  // valid SHN_UNDEF entry since SHT_NULL == 0.
+  SHeaders.resize(Doc.Sections.size());
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < Doc.Sections.size(); ++I) {
+    ELFYAML::Section *Sec = Doc.Sections[I].get();
+    if (I == 0 && Sec->IsImplicit)
+      continue;
+    // We have a few sections like string or symbol tables that are usually
+    // added implicitly to the end. However, if they are explicitly specified
+    // in the YAML, we need to write them here. This ensures the file offset
+    // remains correct.
+    Elf_Shdr &SHeader = SHeaders[I];
+    if (initImplicitHeader(State, CBA, SHeader, Sec->Name,
+                           Sec->IsImplicit ? nullptr : Sec))
+      continue;
+    assert(Sec && "It can't be null unless it is an implicit section. But all "
+                  "implicit sections should already have been handled above.");
+    SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(dropUniqueSuffix(Sec->Name));
+    SHeader.sh_type = Sec->Type;
+    if (Sec->Flags)
+      SHeader.sh_flags = *Sec->Flags;
+    SHeader.sh_addr = Sec->Address;
+    SHeader.sh_addralign = Sec->AddressAlign;
+    if (!Sec->Link.empty()) {
+      unsigned Index;
+      if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Sec->Name, Sec->Link, Index))
+        return false;
+      SHeader.sh_link = Index;
+    }
+    if (I == 0) {
+      if (auto RawSec = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(Sec)) {
+        // We do not write any content for special SHN_UNDEF section.
+        if (RawSec->Size)
+          SHeader.sh_size = *RawSec->Size;
+        if (RawSec->Info)
+          SHeader.sh_info = *RawSec->Info;
+      }
+      if (Sec->EntSize)
+        SHeader.sh_entsize = *Sec->EntSize;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::RelocationSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::Group>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::NoBitsSection>(Sec)) {
+      SHeader.sh_entsize = 0;
+      SHeader.sh_size = S->Size;
+      // SHT_NOBITS section does not have content
+      // so just to setup the section offset.
+      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::DynamicSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::SymverSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerneedSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerdefSection>(Sec)) {
+      if (!writeSectionContent(SHeader, *S, CBA))
+        return false;
+    } else
+      llvm_unreachable("Unknown section type");
+    // Override the sh_offset/sh_size fields if requested.
+    if (Sec) {
+      if (Sec->ShOffset)
+        SHeader.sh_offset = *Sec->ShOffset;
+      if (Sec->ShSize)
+        SHeader.sh_size = *Sec->ShSize;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+static size_t findFirstNonGlobal(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols) {
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < Symbols.size(); ++I)
+    if (Symbols[I].Binding.value != ELF::STB_LOCAL)
+      return I;
+  return Symbols.size();
+static uint64_t writeRawSectionData(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &RawSec) {
+  size_t ContentSize = 0;
+  if (RawSec.Content) {
+    RawSec.Content->writeAsBinary(OS);
+    ContentSize = RawSec.Content->binary_size();
+  }
+  if (!RawSec.Size)
+    return ContentSize;
+  OS.write_zeros(*RawSec.Size - ContentSize);
+  return *RawSec.Size;
+template <class ELFT>
+static std::vector<typename ELFT::Sym>
+toELFSymbols(NameToIdxMap &SN2I, ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols,
+             const StringTableBuilder &Strtab) {
+  using Elf_Sym = typename ELFT::Sym;
+  std::vector<Elf_Sym> Ret;
+  Ret.resize(Symbols.size() + 1);
+  size_t I = 0;
+  for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
+    Elf_Sym &Symbol = Ret[++I];
+    // If NameIndex, which contains the name offset, is explicitly specified, we
+    // use it. This is useful for preparing broken objects. Otherwise, we add
+    // the specified Name to the string table builder to get its offset.
+    if (Sym.NameIndex)
+      Symbol.st_name = *Sym.NameIndex;
+    else if (!Sym.Name.empty())
+      Symbol.st_name = Strtab.getOffset(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
+    Symbol.setBindingAndType(Sym.Binding, Sym.Type);
+    if (!Sym.Section.empty()) {
+      unsigned Index;
+      if (!SN2I.lookup(Sym.Section, Index)) {
+        WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << Sym.Section
+                           << "' by YAML symbol " << Sym.Name << ".\n";
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      Symbol.st_shndx = Index;
+    } else if (Sym.Index) {
+      Symbol.st_shndx = *Sym.Index;
+    }
+    // else Symbol.st_shndex == SHN_UNDEF (== 0), since it was zero'd earlier.
+    Symbol.st_value = Sym.Value;
+    Symbol.st_other = Sym.Other;
+    Symbol.st_size = Sym.Size;
+  }
+  return Ret;
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFState<ELFT>::initSymtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                             SymtabType STType,
+                                             ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                                             ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
+  bool IsStatic = STType == SymtabType::Static;
+  const auto &Symbols = IsStatic ? Doc.Symbols : Doc.DynamicSymbols;
+  ELFYAML::RawContentSection *RawSec =
+      dyn_cast_or_null<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(YAMLSec);
+  if (RawSec && !Symbols.empty() && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
+    if (RawSec->Content)
+      WithColor::error() << "Cannot specify both `Content` and " +
+                                (IsStatic ? Twine("`Symbols`")
+                                          : Twine("`DynamicSymbols`")) +
+                                " for symbol table section '"
+                         << RawSec->Name << "'.\n";
+    if (RawSec->Size)
+      WithColor::error() << "Cannot specify both `Size` and " +
+                                (IsStatic ? Twine("`Symbols`")
+                                          : Twine("`DynamicSymbols`")) +
+                                " for symbol table section '"
+                         << RawSec->Name << "'.\n";
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  zero(SHeader);
+  SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(IsStatic ? ".symtab" : ".dynsym");
+  if (YAMLSec)
+    SHeader.sh_type = YAMLSec->Type;
+  else
+    SHeader.sh_type = IsStatic ? ELF::SHT_SYMTAB : ELF::SHT_DYNSYM;
+  if (RawSec && !RawSec->Link.empty()) {
+    // If the Link field is explicitly defined in the document,
+    // we should use it.
+    unsigned Index;
+    if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, RawSec->Name, RawSec->Link, Index))
+      return;
+    SHeader.sh_link = Index;
+  } else {
+    // When we describe the .dynsym section in the document explicitly, it is
+    // allowed to omit the "DynamicSymbols" tag. In this case .dynstr is not
+    // added implicitly and we should be able to leave the Link zeroed if
+    // .dynstr is not defined.
+    unsigned Link = 0;
+    if (IsStatic)
+      Link = SN2I.get(".strtab");
+    else
+      SN2I.lookup(".dynstr", Link);
+    SHeader.sh_link = Link;
+  }
+  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->Flags)
+    SHeader.sh_flags = *YAMLSec->Flags;
+  else if (!IsStatic)
+    SHeader.sh_flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
+  // If the symbol table section is explicitly described in the YAML
+  // then we should set the fields requested.
+  SHeader.sh_info = (RawSec && RawSec->Info) ? (unsigned)(*RawSec->Info)
+                                             : findFirstNonGlobal(Symbols) + 1;
+  SHeader.sh_entsize = (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->EntSize)
+                           ? (uint64_t)(*YAMLSec->EntSize)
+                           : sizeof(Elf_Sym);
+  SHeader.sh_addralign = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->AddressAlign : 8;
+  SHeader.sh_addr = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->Address : 0;
+  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  if (RawSec && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
+    assert(Symbols.empty());
+    SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, *RawSec);
+    return;
+  }
+  std::vector<Elf_Sym> Syms =
+      toELFSymbols<ELFT>(SN2I, Symbols, IsStatic ? DotStrtab : DotDynstr);
+  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(Syms));
+  SHeader.sh_size = arrayDataSize(makeArrayRef(Syms));
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFState<ELFT>::initStrtabSectionHeader(Elf_Shdr &SHeader, StringRef Name,
+                                             StringTableBuilder &STB,
+                                             ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA,
+                                             ELFYAML::Section *YAMLSec) {
+  zero(SHeader);
+  SHeader.sh_name = DotShStrtab.getOffset(Name);
+  SHeader.sh_type = YAMLSec ? YAMLSec->Type : ELF::SHT_STRTAB;
+  SHeader.sh_addralign = YAMLSec ? (uint64_t)YAMLSec->AddressAlign : 1;
+  ELFYAML::RawContentSection *RawSec =
+      dyn_cast_or_null<ELFYAML::RawContentSection>(YAMLSec);
+  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  if (RawSec && (RawSec->Content || RawSec->Size)) {
+    SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, *RawSec);
+  } else {
+    STB.write(OS);
+    SHeader.sh_size = STB.getSize();
+  }
+  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->EntSize)
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = *YAMLSec->EntSize;
+  if (RawSec && RawSec->Info)
+    SHeader.sh_info = *RawSec->Info;
+  if (YAMLSec && YAMLSec->Flags)
+    SHeader.sh_flags = *YAMLSec->Flags;
+  else if (Name == ".dynstr")
+    SHeader.sh_flags = ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
+  // If the section is explicitly described in the YAML
+  // then we want to use its section address.
+  if (YAMLSec)
+    SHeader.sh_addr = YAMLSec->Address;
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFState<ELFT>::setProgramHeaderLayout(std::vector<Elf_Phdr> &PHeaders,
+                                            std::vector<Elf_Shdr> &SHeaders) {
+  uint32_t PhdrIdx = 0;
+  for (auto &YamlPhdr : Doc.ProgramHeaders) {
+    Elf_Phdr &PHeader = PHeaders[PhdrIdx++];
+    std::vector<Elf_Shdr *> Sections;
+    for (const ELFYAML::SectionName &SecName : YamlPhdr.Sections) {
+      unsigned Index;
+      if (!SN2I.lookup(SecName.Section, Index)) {
+        WithColor::error() << "Unknown section referenced: '" << SecName.Section
+                           << "' by program header.\n";
+        exit(1);
+      }
+      Sections.push_back(&SHeaders[Index]);
+    }
+    if (YamlPhdr.Offset) {
+      PHeader.p_offset = *YamlPhdr.Offset;
+    } else {
+      if (YamlPhdr.Sections.size())
+        PHeader.p_offset = UINT32_MAX;
+      else
+        PHeader.p_offset = 0;
+      // Find the minimum offset for the program header.
+      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
+        PHeader.p_offset = std::min(PHeader.p_offset, SHeader->sh_offset);
+    }
+    // Find the maximum offset of the end of a section in order to set p_filesz,
+    // if not set explicitly.
+    if (YamlPhdr.FileSize) {
+      PHeader.p_filesz = *YamlPhdr.FileSize;
+    } else {
+      PHeader.p_filesz = 0;
+      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections) {
+        uint64_t EndOfSection;
+        if (SHeader->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_NOBITS)
+          EndOfSection = SHeader->sh_offset;
+        else
+          EndOfSection = SHeader->sh_offset + SHeader->sh_size;
+        uint64_t EndOfSegment = PHeader.p_offset + PHeader.p_filesz;
+        EndOfSegment = std::max(EndOfSegment, EndOfSection);
+        PHeader.p_filesz = EndOfSegment - PHeader.p_offset;
+      }
+    }
+    // If not set explicitly, find the memory size by adding the size of
+    // sections at the end of the segment. These should be empty (size of zero)
+    // and NOBITS sections.
+    if (YamlPhdr.MemSize) {
+      PHeader.p_memsz = *YamlPhdr.MemSize;
+    } else {
+      PHeader.p_memsz = PHeader.p_filesz;
+      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
+        if (SHeader->sh_offset == PHeader.p_offset + PHeader.p_filesz)
+          PHeader.p_memsz += SHeader->sh_size;
+    }
+    // Set the alignment of the segment to be the same as the maximum alignment
+    // of the sections with the same offset so that by default the segment
+    // has a valid and sensible alignment.
+    if (YamlPhdr.Align) {
+      PHeader.p_align = *YamlPhdr.Align;
+    } else {
+      PHeader.p_align = 1;
+      for (Elf_Shdr *SHeader : Sections)
+        if (SHeader->sh_offset == PHeader.p_offset)
+          PHeader.p_align = std::max(PHeader.p_align, SHeader->sh_addralign);
+    }
+  }
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(
+    Elf_Shdr &SHeader, const ELFYAML::RawContentSection &Section,
+    ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  raw_ostream &OS =
+      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  SHeader.sh_size = writeRawSectionData(OS, Section);
+  if (Section.EntSize)
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = *Section.EntSize;
+  else if (Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELR)
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Elf_Relr);
+  else
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = 0;
+  if (Section.Info)
+    SHeader.sh_info = *Section.Info;
+  return true;
+static bool isMips64EL(const ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
+  return Doc.Header.Machine == ELFYAML::ELF_EM(llvm::ELF::EM_MIPS) &&
+         Doc.Header.Class == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFCLASS(ELF::ELFCLASS64) &&
+         Doc.Header.Data == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFDATA(ELF::ELFDATA2LSB);
+template <class ELFT>
+ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                    const ELFYAML::RelocationSection &Section,
+                                    ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  assert((Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_REL ||
+          Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA) &&
+         "Section type is not SHT_REL nor SHT_RELA");
+  bool IsRela = Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA;
+  SHeader.sh_entsize = IsRela ? sizeof(Elf_Rela) : sizeof(Elf_Rel);
+  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize * Section.Relocations.size();
+  // For relocation section set link to .symtab by default.
+  if (Section.Link.empty())
+    SHeader.sh_link = SN2I.get(".symtab");
+  unsigned Index = 0;
+  if (!Section.RelocatableSec.empty() &&
+      !convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Section.Name, Section.RelocatableSec, Index))
+    return false;
+  SHeader.sh_info = Index;
+  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  for (const auto &Rel : Section.Relocations) {
+    unsigned SymIdx = 0;
+    // If a relocation references a symbol, try to look one up in the symbol
+    // table. If it is not there, treat the value as a symbol index.
+    if (Rel.Symbol && !SymN2I.lookup(*Rel.Symbol, SymIdx) &&
+        !to_integer(*Rel.Symbol, SymIdx)) {
+      WithColor::error() << "Unknown symbol referenced: '" << *Rel.Symbol
+                         << "' at YAML section '" << Section.Name << "'.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (IsRela) {
+      Elf_Rela REntry;
+      zero(REntry);
+      REntry.r_offset = Rel.Offset;
+      REntry.r_addend = Rel.Addend;
+      REntry.setSymbolAndType(SymIdx, Rel.Type, isMips64EL(Doc));
+      OS.write((const char *)&REntry, sizeof(REntry));
+    } else {
+      Elf_Rel REntry;
+      zero(REntry);
+      REntry.r_offset = Rel.Offset;
+      REntry.setSymbolAndType(SymIdx, Rel.Type, isMips64EL(Doc));
+      OS.write((const char *)&REntry, sizeof(REntry));
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::Group &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_GROUP &&
+         "Section type is not SHT_GROUP");
+  SHeader.sh_entsize = 4;
+  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize * Section.Members.size();
+  unsigned SymIdx;
+  if (!SymN2I.lookup(Section.Signature, SymIdx) &&
+      !to_integer(Section.Signature, SymIdx)) {
+    WithColor::error() << "Unknown symbol referenced: '" << Section.Signature
+                       << "' at YAML section '" << Section.Name << "'.\n";
+    return false;
+  }
+  SHeader.sh_info = SymIdx;
+  raw_ostream &OS =
+      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  for (const ELFYAML::SectionOrType &Member : Section.Members) {
+    unsigned int SectionIndex = 0;
+    if (Member.sectionNameOrType == "GRP_COMDAT")
+      SectionIndex = llvm::ELF::GRP_COMDAT;
+    else if (!convertSectionIndex(SN2I, Section.Name, Member.sectionNameOrType,
+                                  SectionIndex))
+      return false;
+    support::endian::write<uint32_t>(OS, SectionIndex, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
+  }
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::SymverSection &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  raw_ostream &OS =
+      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  for (uint16_t Version : Section.Entries)
+    support::endian::write<uint16_t>(OS, Version, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
+  SHeader.sh_entsize = Section.EntSize ? (uint64_t)*Section.EntSize : 2;
+  SHeader.sh_size = Section.Entries.size() * SHeader.sh_entsize;
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::VerdefSection &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  typedef typename ELFT::Verdef Elf_Verdef;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Verdaux Elf_Verdaux;
+  raw_ostream &OS =
+      CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  uint64_t AuxCnt = 0;
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < Section.Entries.size(); ++I) {
+    const ELFYAML::VerdefEntry &E = Section.Entries[I];
+    Elf_Verdef VerDef;
+    VerDef.vd_version = E.Version;
+    VerDef.vd_flags = E.Flags;
+    VerDef.vd_ndx = E.VersionNdx;
+    VerDef.vd_hash = E.Hash;
+    VerDef.vd_aux = sizeof(Elf_Verdef);
+    VerDef.vd_cnt = E.VerNames.size();
+    if (I == Section.Entries.size() - 1)
+      VerDef.vd_next = 0;
+    else
+      VerDef.vd_next =
+          sizeof(Elf_Verdef) + E.VerNames.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
+    OS.write((const char *)&VerDef, sizeof(Elf_Verdef));
+    for (size_t J = 0; J < E.VerNames.size(); ++J, ++AuxCnt) {
+      Elf_Verdaux VernAux;
+      VernAux.vda_name = DotDynstr.getOffset(E.VerNames[J]);
+      if (J == E.VerNames.size() - 1)
+        VernAux.vda_next = 0;
+      else
+        VernAux.vda_next = sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
+      OS.write((const char *)&VernAux, sizeof(Elf_Verdaux));
+    }
+  }
+  SHeader.sh_size = Section.Entries.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verdef) +
+                    AuxCnt * sizeof(Elf_Verdaux);
+  SHeader.sh_info = Section.Info;
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::VerneedSection &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  typedef typename ELFT::Verneed Elf_Verneed;
+  typedef typename ELFT::Vernaux Elf_Vernaux;
+  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  uint64_t AuxCnt = 0;
+  for (size_t I = 0; I < Section.VerneedV.size(); ++I) {
+    const ELFYAML::VerneedEntry &VE = Section.VerneedV[I];
+    Elf_Verneed VerNeed;
+    VerNeed.vn_version = VE.Version;
+    VerNeed.vn_file = DotDynstr.getOffset(VE.File);
+    if (I == Section.VerneedV.size() - 1)
+      VerNeed.vn_next = 0;
+    else
+      VerNeed.vn_next =
+          sizeof(Elf_Verneed) + VE.AuxV.size() * sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
+    VerNeed.vn_cnt = VE.AuxV.size();
+    VerNeed.vn_aux = sizeof(Elf_Verneed);
+    OS.write((const char *)&VerNeed, sizeof(Elf_Verneed));
+    for (size_t J = 0; J < VE.AuxV.size(); ++J, ++AuxCnt) {
+      const ELFYAML::VernauxEntry &VAuxE = VE.AuxV[J];
+      Elf_Vernaux VernAux;
+      VernAux.vna_hash = VAuxE.Hash;
+      VernAux.vna_flags = VAuxE.Flags;
+      VernAux.vna_other = VAuxE.Other;
+      VernAux.vna_name = DotDynstr.getOffset(VAuxE.Name);
+      if (J == VE.AuxV.size() - 1)
+        VernAux.vna_next = 0;
+      else
+        VernAux.vna_next = sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
+      OS.write((const char *)&VernAux, sizeof(Elf_Vernaux));
+    }
+  }
+  SHeader.sh_size = Section.VerneedV.size() * sizeof(Elf_Verneed) +
+                    AuxCnt * sizeof(Elf_Vernaux);
+  SHeader.sh_info = Section.Info;
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::MipsABIFlags &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS &&
+         "Section type is not SHT_MIPS_ABIFLAGS");
+  object::Elf_Mips_ABIFlags<ELFT> Flags;
+  zero(Flags);
+  SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Flags);
+  SHeader.sh_size = SHeader.sh_entsize;
+  auto &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  Flags.version = Section.Version;
+  Flags.isa_level = Section.ISALevel;
+  Flags.isa_rev = Section.ISARevision;
+  Flags.gpr_size = Section.GPRSize;
+  Flags.cpr1_size = Section.CPR1Size;
+  Flags.cpr2_size = Section.CPR2Size;
+  Flags.fp_abi = Section.FpABI;
+  Flags.isa_ext = Section.ISAExtension;
+  Flags.ases = Section.ASEs;
+  Flags.flags1 = Section.Flags1;
+  Flags.flags2 = Section.Flags2;
+  OS.write((const char *)&Flags, sizeof(Flags));
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::writeSectionContent(Elf_Shdr &SHeader,
+                                         const ELFYAML::DynamicSection &Section,
+                                         ContiguousBlobAccumulator &CBA) {
+  typedef typename ELFT::uint uintX_t;
+  assert(Section.Type == llvm::ELF::SHT_DYNAMIC &&
+         "Section type is not SHT_DYNAMIC");
+  if (!Section.Entries.empty() && Section.Content) {
+    WithColor::error()
+        << "Cannot specify both raw content and explicit entries "
+           "for dynamic section '"
+        << Section.Name << "'.\n";
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (Section.Content)
+    SHeader.sh_size = Section.Content->binary_size();
+  else
+    SHeader.sh_size = 2 * sizeof(uintX_t) * Section.Entries.size();
+  if (Section.EntSize)
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = *Section.EntSize;
+  else
+    SHeader.sh_entsize = sizeof(Elf_Dyn);
+  raw_ostream &OS = CBA.getOSAndAlignedOffset(SHeader.sh_offset, SHeader.sh_addralign);
+  for (const ELFYAML::DynamicEntry &DE : Section.Entries) {
+    support::endian::write<uintX_t>(OS, DE.Tag, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
+    support::endian::write<uintX_t>(OS, DE.Val, ELFT::TargetEndianness);
+  }
+  if (Section.Content)
+    Section.Content->writeAsBinary(OS);
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT> bool ELFState<ELFT>::buildSectionIndex() {
+  for (unsigned I = 0, E = Doc.Sections.size(); I != E; ++I) {
+    StringRef Name = Doc.Sections[I]->Name;
+    if (Name.empty())
+      continue;
+    DotShStrtab.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Name));
+    if (!SN2I.addName(Name, I)) {
+      WithColor::error() << "Repeated section name: '" << Name
+                         << "' at YAML section number " << I << ".\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  DotShStrtab.finalize();
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFState<ELFT>::buildSymbolIndex(ArrayRef<ELFYAML::Symbol> Symbols) {
+  bool GlobalSymbolSeen = false;
+  std::size_t I = 0;
+  for (const auto &Sym : Symbols) {
+    ++I;
+    StringRef Name = Sym.Name;
+    if (Sym.Binding.value == ELF::STB_LOCAL && GlobalSymbolSeen) {
+      WithColor::error() << "Local symbol '" + Name +
+                                "' after global in Symbols list.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (Sym.Binding.value != ELF::STB_LOCAL)
+      GlobalSymbolSeen = true;
+    if (!Name.empty() && !SymN2I.addName(Name, I)) {
+      WithColor::error() << "Repeated symbol name: '" << Name << "'.\n";
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+template <class ELFT> void ELFState<ELFT>::finalizeStrings() {
+  // Add the regular symbol names to .strtab section.
+  for (const ELFYAML::Symbol &Sym : Doc.Symbols)
+    DotStrtab.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
+  DotStrtab.finalize();
+  // Add the dynamic symbol names to .dynstr section.
+  for (const ELFYAML::Symbol &Sym : Doc.DynamicSymbols)
+    DotDynstr.add(dropUniqueSuffix(Sym.Name));
+  // SHT_GNU_verdef and SHT_GNU_verneed sections might also
+  // add strings to .dynstr section.
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<ELFYAML::Section> &Sec : Doc.Sections) {
+    if (auto VerNeed = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerneedSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      for (const ELFYAML::VerneedEntry &VE : VerNeed->VerneedV) {
+        DotDynstr.add(VE.File);
+        for (const ELFYAML::VernauxEntry &Aux : VE.AuxV)
+          DotDynstr.add(Aux.Name);
+      }
+    } else if (auto VerDef = dyn_cast<ELFYAML::VerdefSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      for (const ELFYAML::VerdefEntry &E : VerDef->Entries)
+        for (StringRef Name : E.VerNames)
+          DotDynstr.add(Name);
+    }
+  }
+  DotDynstr.finalize();
+template <class ELFT>
+int ELFState<ELFT>::writeELF(raw_ostream &OS, ELFYAML::Object &Doc) {
+  ELFState<ELFT> State(Doc);
+  // Finalize .strtab and .dynstr sections. We do that early because want to
+  // finalize the string table builders before writing the content of the
+  // sections that might want to use them.
+  State.finalizeStrings();
+  if (!State.buildSectionIndex())
+    return 1;
+  if (!State.buildSymbolIndex(Doc.Symbols))
+    return 1;
+  Elf_Ehdr Header;
+  State.initELFHeader(Header);
+  // TODO: Flesh out section header support.
+  std::vector<Elf_Phdr> PHeaders;
+  State.initProgramHeaders(PHeaders);
+  // XXX: This offset is tightly coupled with the order that we write
+  // things to `OS`.
+  const size_t SectionContentBeginOffset = Header.e_ehsize +
+                                           Header.e_phentsize * Header.e_phnum +
+                                           Header.e_shentsize * Header.e_shnum;
+  ContiguousBlobAccumulator CBA(SectionContentBeginOffset);
+  std::vector<Elf_Shdr> SHeaders;
+  if (!State.initSectionHeaders(State, SHeaders, CBA))
+    return 1;
+  // Now we can decide segment offsets
+  State.setProgramHeaderLayout(PHeaders, SHeaders);
+  OS.write((const char *)&Header, sizeof(Header));
+  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(PHeaders));
+  writeArrayData(OS, makeArrayRef(SHeaders));
+  CBA.writeBlobToStream(OS);
+  return 0;
+int yaml2elf(llvm::ELFYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  bool IsLE = Doc.Header.Data == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFDATA(ELF::ELFDATA2LSB);
+  bool Is64Bit = Doc.Header.Class == ELFYAML::ELF_ELFCLASS(ELF::ELFCLASS64);
+  if (Is64Bit) {
+    if (IsLE)
+      return ELFState<object::ELF64LE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
+    return ELFState<object::ELF64BE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
+  }
+  if (IsLE)
+    return ELFState<object::ELF32LE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);
+  return ELFState<object::ELF32BE>::writeELF(Out, Doc);

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2macho.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2macho.cpp?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2macho.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2macho.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+//===- yaml2macho - Convert YAML to a Mach object file --------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// The Mach component of yaml2obj.
+#include "yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/DWARFEmitter.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+class MachOWriter {
+  MachOWriter(MachOYAML::Object &Obj) : Obj(Obj), is64Bit(true), fileStart(0) {
+    is64Bit = Obj.Header.magic == MachO::MH_MAGIC_64 ||
+              Obj.Header.magic == MachO::MH_CIGAM_64;
+    memset(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&Header), 0, sizeof(MachO::mach_header_64));
+  }
+  Error writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeHeader(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeLoadCommands(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeSectionData(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeLinkEditData(raw_ostream &OS);
+  void writeBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS,
+                        std::vector<MachOYAML::BindOpcode> &BindOpcodes);
+  // LinkEdit writers
+  Error writeRebaseOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeBasicBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeWeakBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeLazyBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeNameList(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeStringTable(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeExportTrie(raw_ostream &OS);
+  void dumpExportEntry(raw_ostream &OS, MachOYAML::ExportEntry &Entry);
+  void ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t offset);
+  MachOYAML::Object &Obj;
+  bool is64Bit;
+  uint64_t fileStart;
+  MachO::mach_header_64 Header;
+Error MachOWriter::writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  fileStart = OS.tell();
+  if (auto Err = writeHeader(OS))
+    return Err;
+  if (auto Err = writeLoadCommands(OS))
+    return Err;
+  if (auto Err = writeSectionData(OS))
+    return Err;
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeHeader(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  Header.magic = Obj.Header.magic;
+  Header.cputype = Obj.Header.cputype;
+  Header.cpusubtype = Obj.Header.cpusubtype;
+  Header.filetype = Obj.Header.filetype;
+  Header.ncmds = Obj.Header.ncmds;
+  Header.sizeofcmds = Obj.Header.sizeofcmds;
+  Header.flags = Obj.Header.flags;
+  Header.reserved = Obj.Header.reserved;
+  if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+    MachO::swapStruct(Header);
+  auto header_size =
+      is64Bit ? sizeof(MachO::mach_header_64) : sizeof(MachO::mach_header);
+  OS.write((const char *)&Header, header_size);
+  return Error::success();
+template <typename SectionType>
+SectionType constructSection(MachOYAML::Section Sec) {
+  SectionType TempSec;
+  memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TempSec.sectname[0]), &Sec.sectname[0], 16);
+  memcpy(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&TempSec.segname[0]), &Sec.segname[0], 16);
+  TempSec.addr = Sec.addr;
+  TempSec.size = Sec.size;
+  TempSec.offset = Sec.offset;
+  TempSec.align = Sec.align;
+  TempSec.reloff = Sec.reloff;
+  TempSec.nreloc = Sec.nreloc;
+  TempSec.flags = Sec.flags;
+  TempSec.reserved1 = Sec.reserved1;
+  TempSec.reserved2 = Sec.reserved2;
+  return TempSec;
+template <typename StructType>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS,
+                            bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  return 0;
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::segment_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
+                                                    raw_ostream &OS,
+                                                    bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
+  for (const auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
+    auto TempSec = constructSection<MachO::section>(Sec);
+    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+      MachO::swapStruct(TempSec);
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(TempSec)),
+             sizeof(MachO::section));
+    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::section);
+  }
+  return BytesWritten;
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::segment_command_64>(
+    MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
+  for (const auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
+    auto TempSec = constructSection<MachO::section_64>(Sec);
+    TempSec.reserved3 = Sec.reserved3;
+    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+      MachO::swapStruct(TempSec);
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(TempSec)),
+             sizeof(MachO::section_64));
+    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::section_64);
+  }
+  return BytesWritten;
+size_t writePayloadString(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
+  if (!LC.PayloadString.empty()) {
+    OS.write(LC.PayloadString.c_str(), LC.PayloadString.length());
+    BytesWritten = LC.PayloadString.length();
+  }
+  return BytesWritten;
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::dylib_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
+                                                  raw_ostream &OS,
+                                                  bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::dylinker_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
+                                                     raw_ostream &OS,
+                                                     bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::rpath_command>(MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC,
+                                                  raw_ostream &OS,
+                                                  bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  return writePayloadString(LC, OS);
+template <>
+size_t writeLoadCommandData<MachO::build_version_command>(
+    MachOYAML::LoadCommand &LC, raw_ostream &OS, bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  size_t BytesWritten = 0;
+  for (const auto &T : LC.Tools) {
+    struct MachO::build_tool_version tool = T;
+    if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+      MachO::swapStruct(tool);
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&tool),
+             sizeof(MachO::build_tool_version));
+    BytesWritten += sizeof(MachO::build_tool_version);
+  }
+  return BytesWritten;
+void ZeroFillBytes(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Size) {
+  std::vector<uint8_t> FillData;
+  FillData.insert(FillData.begin(), Size, 0);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(FillData.data()), Size);
+void Fill(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Size, uint32_t Data) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> FillData;
+  FillData.insert(FillData.begin(), (Size / 4) + 1, Data);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(FillData.data()), Size);
+void MachOWriter::ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Offset) {
+  auto currOffset = OS.tell() - fileStart;
+  if (currOffset < Offset)
+    ZeroFillBytes(OS, Offset - currOffset);
+Error MachOWriter::writeLoadCommands(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
+    size_t BytesWritten = 0;
+    llvm::MachO::macho_load_command Data = LC.Data;
+#define HANDLE_LOAD_COMMAND(LCName, LCValue, LCStruct)                         \
+  case MachO::LCName:                                                          \
+    if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)                         \
+      MachO::swapStruct(Data.LCStruct##_data);                                 \
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(Data.LCStruct##_data)),          \
+             sizeof(MachO::LCStruct));                                         \
+    BytesWritten = sizeof(MachO::LCStruct);                                    \
+    BytesWritten +=                                                            \
+        writeLoadCommandData<MachO::LCStruct>(LC, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);     \
+    break;
+    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
+    default:
+      if (Obj.IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+        MachO::swapStruct(Data.load_command_data);
+      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&(Data.load_command_data)),
+               sizeof(MachO::load_command));
+      BytesWritten = sizeof(MachO::load_command);
+      BytesWritten +=
+          writeLoadCommandData<MachO::load_command>(LC, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
+      break;
+#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MachO.def"
+    }
+    if (LC.PayloadBytes.size() > 0) {
+      OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(LC.PayloadBytes.data()),
+               LC.PayloadBytes.size());
+      BytesWritten += LC.PayloadBytes.size();
+    }
+    if (LC.ZeroPadBytes > 0) {
+      ZeroFillBytes(OS, LC.ZeroPadBytes);
+      BytesWritten += LC.ZeroPadBytes;
+    }
+    // Fill remaining bytes with 0. This will only get hit in partially
+    // specified test cases.
+    auto BytesRemaining = LC.Data.load_command_data.cmdsize - BytesWritten;
+    if (BytesRemaining > 0) {
+      ZeroFillBytes(OS, BytesRemaining);
+    }
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+static bool isVirtualSection(uint8_t type) {
+  return (type == MachO::S_ZEROFILL ||
+          type == MachO::S_GB_ZEROFILL ||
+          type == MachO::S_THREAD_LOCAL_ZEROFILL);
+Error MachOWriter::writeSectionData(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  bool FoundLinkEditSeg = false;
+  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
+    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
+    case MachO::LC_SEGMENT:
+    case MachO::LC_SEGMENT_64:
+      uint64_t segOff = is64Bit ? LC.Data.segment_command_64_data.fileoff
+                                : LC.Data.segment_command_data.fileoff;
+      if (0 == strncmp(&LC.Data.segment_command_data.segname[0], "__LINKEDIT", 16)) {
+        FoundLinkEditSeg = true;
+        if (auto Err = writeLinkEditData(OS))
+          return Err;
+      }
+      for (auto &Sec : LC.Sections) {
+        ZeroToOffset(OS, Sec.offset);
+        // Zero Fill any data between the end of the last thing we wrote and the
+        // start of this section.
+        assert((OS.tell() - fileStart <= Sec.offset ||
+                Sec.offset == (uint32_t)0) &&
+               "Wrote too much data somewhere, section offsets don't line up.");
+        if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.segname[0], "__DWARF", 16)) {
+          if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_str", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugStr(OS, Obj.DWARF);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_abbrev", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugAbbrev(OS, Obj.DWARF);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_aranges", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugAranges(OS, Obj.DWARF);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_pubnames", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitPubSection(OS, Obj.DWARF.PubNames,
+                                      Obj.IsLittleEndian);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_pubtypes", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitPubSection(OS, Obj.DWARF.PubTypes,
+                                      Obj.IsLittleEndian);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_info", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugInfo(OS, Obj.DWARF);
+          } else if (0 == strncmp(&Sec.sectname[0], "__debug_line", 16)) {
+            DWARFYAML::EmitDebugLine(OS, Obj.DWARF);
+          }
+          continue;
+        }
+        // Skip if it's a virtual section.
+        if (isVirtualSection(Sec.flags & MachO::SECTION_TYPE))
+          continue;
+        // Fill section data with 0xDEADBEEF
+        Fill(OS, Sec.size, 0xDEADBEEFu);
+      }
+      uint64_t segSize = is64Bit ? LC.Data.segment_command_64_data.filesize
+                                 : LC.Data.segment_command_data.filesize;
+      ZeroToOffset(OS, segOff + segSize);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Old PPC Object Files didn't have __LINKEDIT segments, the data was just
+  // stuck at the end of the file.
+  if (!FoundLinkEditSeg) {
+    if (auto Err = writeLinkEditData(OS))
+      return Err;
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+void MachOWriter::writeBindOpcodes(
+    raw_ostream &OS, std::vector<MachOYAML::BindOpcode> &BindOpcodes) {
+  for (auto Opcode : BindOpcodes) {
+    uint8_t OpByte = Opcode.Opcode | Opcode.Imm;
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&OpByte), 1);
+    for (auto Data : Opcode.ULEBExtraData) {
+      encodeULEB128(Data, OS);
+    }
+    for (auto Data : Opcode.SLEBExtraData) {
+      encodeSLEB128(Data, OS);
+    }
+    if (!Opcode.Symbol.empty()) {
+      OS.write(Opcode.Symbol.data(), Opcode.Symbol.size());
+      OS.write('\0');
+    }
+  }
+void MachOWriter::dumpExportEntry(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                  MachOYAML::ExportEntry &Entry) {
+  encodeSLEB128(Entry.TerminalSize, OS);
+  if (Entry.TerminalSize > 0) {
+    encodeSLEB128(Entry.Flags, OS);
+    if (Entry.Flags & MachO::EXPORT_SYMBOL_FLAGS_REEXPORT) {
+      encodeSLEB128(Entry.Other, OS);
+      OS << Entry.ImportName;
+      OS.write('\0');
+    } else {
+      encodeSLEB128(Entry.Address, OS);
+        encodeSLEB128(Entry.Other, OS);
+    }
+  }
+  OS.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(Entry.Children.size()));
+  for (auto EE : Entry.Children) {
+    OS << EE.Name;
+    OS.write('\0');
+    encodeSLEB128(EE.NodeOffset, OS);
+  }
+  for (auto EE : Entry.Children)
+    dumpExportEntry(OS, EE);
+Error MachOWriter::writeExportTrie(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  dumpExportEntry(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.ExportTrie);
+  return Error::success();
+template <typename NListType>
+void writeNListEntry(MachOYAML::NListEntry &NLE, raw_ostream &OS,
+                     bool IsLittleEndian) {
+  NListType ListEntry;
+  ListEntry.n_strx = NLE.n_strx;
+  ListEntry.n_type = NLE.n_type;
+  ListEntry.n_sect = NLE.n_sect;
+  ListEntry.n_desc = NLE.n_desc;
+  ListEntry.n_value = NLE.n_value;
+  if (IsLittleEndian != sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+    MachO::swapStruct(ListEntry);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&ListEntry), sizeof(NListType));
+Error MachOWriter::writeLinkEditData(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  typedef Error (MachOWriter::*writeHandler)(raw_ostream &);
+  typedef std::pair<uint64_t, writeHandler> writeOperation;
+  std::vector<writeOperation> WriteQueue;
+  MachO::dyld_info_command *DyldInfoOnlyCmd = 0;
+  MachO::symtab_command *SymtabCmd = 0;
+  for (auto &LC : Obj.LoadCommands) {
+    switch (LC.Data.load_command_data.cmd) {
+    case MachO::LC_SYMTAB:
+      SymtabCmd = &LC.Data.symtab_command_data;
+      WriteQueue.push_back(
+          std::make_pair(SymtabCmd->symoff, &MachOWriter::writeNameList));
+      WriteQueue.push_back(
+          std::make_pair(SymtabCmd->stroff, &MachOWriter::writeStringTable));
+      break;
+    case MachO::LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY:
+      DyldInfoOnlyCmd = &LC.Data.dyld_info_command_data;
+      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->rebase_off,
+                                          &MachOWriter::writeRebaseOpcodes));
+      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->bind_off,
+                                          &MachOWriter::writeBasicBindOpcodes));
+      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->weak_bind_off,
+                                          &MachOWriter::writeWeakBindOpcodes));
+      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->lazy_bind_off,
+                                          &MachOWriter::writeLazyBindOpcodes));
+      WriteQueue.push_back(std::make_pair(DyldInfoOnlyCmd->export_off,
+                                          &MachOWriter::writeExportTrie));
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  llvm::sort(WriteQueue, [](const writeOperation &a, const writeOperation &b) {
+    return a.first < b.first;
+  });
+  for (auto writeOp : WriteQueue) {
+    ZeroToOffset(OS, writeOp.first);
+    if (auto Err = (this->*writeOp.second)(OS))
+      return Err;
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeRebaseOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  MachOYAML::LinkEditData &LinkEdit = Obj.LinkEdit;
+  for (auto Opcode : LinkEdit.RebaseOpcodes) {
+    uint8_t OpByte = Opcode.Opcode | Opcode.Imm;
+    OS.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&OpByte), 1);
+    for (auto Data : Opcode.ExtraData) {
+      encodeULEB128(Data, OS);
+    }
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeBasicBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.BindOpcodes);
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeWeakBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.WeakBindOpcodes);
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeLazyBindOpcodes(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  writeBindOpcodes(OS, Obj.LinkEdit.LazyBindOpcodes);
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeNameList(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  for (auto NLE : Obj.LinkEdit.NameList) {
+    if (is64Bit)
+      writeNListEntry<MachO::nlist_64>(NLE, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
+    else
+      writeNListEntry<MachO::nlist>(NLE, OS, Obj.IsLittleEndian);
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+Error MachOWriter::writeStringTable(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  for (auto Str : Obj.LinkEdit.StringTable) {
+    OS.write(Str.data(), Str.size());
+    OS.write('\0');
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+class UniversalWriter {
+  UniversalWriter(yaml::YamlObjectFile &ObjectFile)
+      : ObjectFile(ObjectFile), fileStart(0) {}
+  Error writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeFatHeader(raw_ostream &OS);
+  Error writeFatArchs(raw_ostream &OS);
+  void ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t offset);
+  yaml::YamlObjectFile &ObjectFile;
+  uint64_t fileStart;
+Error UniversalWriter::writeMachO(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  fileStart = OS.tell();
+  if (ObjectFile.MachO) {
+    MachOWriter Writer(*ObjectFile.MachO);
+    return Writer.writeMachO(OS);
+  }
+  if (auto Err = writeFatHeader(OS))
+    return Err;
+  if (auto Err = writeFatArchs(OS))
+    return Err;
+  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
+  assert(FatFile.FatArchs.size() == FatFile.Slices.size());
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < FatFile.Slices.size(); i++) {
+    ZeroToOffset(OS, FatFile.FatArchs[i].offset);
+    MachOWriter Writer(FatFile.Slices[i]);
+    if (auto Err = Writer.writeMachO(OS))
+      return Err;
+    auto SliceEnd = FatFile.FatArchs[i].offset + FatFile.FatArchs[i].size;
+    ZeroToOffset(OS, SliceEnd);
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+Error UniversalWriter::writeFatHeader(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
+  MachO::fat_header header;
+  header.magic = FatFile.Header.magic;
+  header.nfat_arch = FatFile.Header.nfat_arch;
+  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+    swapStruct(header);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&header), sizeof(MachO::fat_header));
+  return Error::success();
+template <typename FatArchType>
+FatArchType constructFatArch(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch) {
+  FatArchType FatArch;
+  FatArch.cputype = Arch.cputype;
+  FatArch.cpusubtype = Arch.cpusubtype;
+  FatArch.offset = Arch.offset;
+  FatArch.size = Arch.size;
+  FatArch.align = Arch.align;
+  return FatArch;
+template <typename StructType>
+void writeFatArch(MachOYAML::FatArch &LC, raw_ostream &OS) {}
+template <>
+void writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  auto FatArch = constructFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(Arch);
+  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+    swapStruct(FatArch);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&FatArch), sizeof(MachO::fat_arch));
+template <>
+void writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(MachOYAML::FatArch &Arch,
+                                      raw_ostream &OS) {
+  auto FatArch = constructFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(Arch);
+  FatArch.reserved = Arch.reserved;
+  if (sys::IsLittleEndianHost)
+    swapStruct(FatArch);
+  OS.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&FatArch),
+           sizeof(MachO::fat_arch_64));
+Error UniversalWriter::writeFatArchs(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  auto &FatFile = *ObjectFile.FatMachO;
+  bool is64Bit = FatFile.Header.magic == MachO::FAT_MAGIC_64;
+  for (auto Arch : FatFile.FatArchs) {
+    if (is64Bit)
+      writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch_64>(Arch, OS);
+    else
+      writeFatArch<MachO::fat_arch>(Arch, OS);
+  }
+  return Error::success();
+void UniversalWriter::ZeroToOffset(raw_ostream &OS, size_t Offset) {
+  auto currOffset = OS.tell() - fileStart;
+  if (currOffset < Offset)
+    ZeroFillBytes(OS, Offset - currOffset);
+} // end anonymous namespace
+int yaml2macho(yaml::YamlObjectFile &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  UniversalWriter Writer(Doc);
+  if (auto Err = Writer.writeMachO(Out)) {
+    errs() << toString(std::move(Err));
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2minidump.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2minidump.cpp?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2minidump.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2minidump.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+//===- yaml2minidump.cpp - Convert a YAML file to a minidump file ---------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include "yaml2obj.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/MinidumpYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+int yaml2minidump(MinidumpYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  writeAsBinary(Doc, Out);
+  return 0;

Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.cpp?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
+#include "yaml2obj.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
 #include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/ToolOutputFile.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/WithColor.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
 #include <system_error>
@@ -43,6 +42,32 @@ LLVM_ATTRIBUTE_NORETURN static void erro
+static int convertYAML(yaml::Input &YIn, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  unsigned CurDocNum = 0;
+  do {
+    if (++CurDocNum == DocNum) {
+      yaml::YamlObjectFile Doc;
+      YIn >> Doc;
+      if (YIn.error())
+        error("yaml2obj: Failed to parse YAML file!");
+      if (Doc.Elf)
+        return yaml2elf(*Doc.Elf, Out);
+      if (Doc.Coff)
+        return yaml2coff(*Doc.Coff, Out);
+      if (Doc.MachO || Doc.FatMachO)
+        return yaml2macho(Doc, Out);
+      if (Doc.Minidump)
+        return yaml2minidump(*Doc.Minidump, Out);
+      if (Doc.Wasm)
+        return yaml2wasm(*Doc.Wasm, Out);
+      error("yaml2obj: Unknown document type!");
+    }
+  } while (YIn.nextDocument());
+  error("yaml2obj: Cannot find the " + Twine(DocNum) +
+        llvm::getOrdinalSuffix(DocNum) + " document");
 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   InitLLVM X(argc, argv);
   cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
@@ -62,12 +87,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
     return 1;
   yaml::Input YIn(Buf.get()->getBuffer());
-  if (Error E = convertYAML(YIn, Out->os(), DocNum)) {
-    logAllUnhandledErrors(std::move(E), WithColor::error(errs(), argv[0]));
-    return 1;
-  }
+  int Res = convertYAML(YIn, Out->os());
+  if (Res == 0)
+    Out->keep();
-  Out->keep();
-  return 0;
+  return Res;

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.h?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.h (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2obj.h Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+//===--- yaml2obj.h - -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// Common declarations for yaml2obj
+namespace llvm {
+class raw_ostream;
+namespace COFFYAML {
+struct Object;
+namespace ELFYAML {
+struct Object;
+namespace MinidumpYAML {
+struct Object;
+namespace WasmYAML {
+struct Object;
+namespace yaml {
+class Input;
+struct YamlObjectFile;
+int yaml2coff(llvm::COFFYAML::Object &Doc, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
+int yaml2elf(llvm::ELFYAML::Object &Doc, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
+int yaml2macho(llvm::yaml::YamlObjectFile &Doc, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
+int yaml2minidump(llvm::MinidumpYAML::Object &Doc, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
+int yaml2wasm(llvm::WasmYAML::Object &Doc, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);

Added: llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2wasm.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2wasm.cpp?rev=368035&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2wasm.cpp (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/yaml2obj/yaml2wasm.cpp Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+//===- yaml2wasm - Convert YAML to a Wasm object file --------------------===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/// \file
+/// The Wasm component of yaml2obj.
+#include "llvm/Object/Wasm.h"
+#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/ObjectYAML.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/LEB128.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+/// This parses a yaml stream that represents a Wasm object file.
+/// See docs/yaml2obj for the yaml scheema.
+class WasmWriter {
+  WasmWriter(WasmYAML::Object &Obj) : Obj(Obj) {}
+  int writeWasm(raw_ostream &OS);
+  int writeRelocSection(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::Section &Sec,
+                        uint32_t SectionIndex);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::CustomSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::TypeSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ImportSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::FunctionSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::TableSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::MemorySection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::GlobalSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::EventSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ExportSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::StartSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ElemSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::CodeSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DataSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DataCountSection &Section);
+  // Custom section types
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::DylinkSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::NameSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::LinkingSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::ProducersSection &Section);
+  int writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                          WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection &Section);
+  WasmYAML::Object &Obj;
+  uint32_t NumImportedFunctions = 0;
+  uint32_t NumImportedGlobals = 0;
+  uint32_t NumImportedEvents = 0;
+static int writeUint64(raw_ostream &OS, uint64_t Value) {
+  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
+  support::endian::write64le(Data, Value);
+  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
+  return 0;
+static int writeUint32(raw_ostream &OS, uint32_t Value) {
+  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
+  support::endian::write32le(Data, Value);
+  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
+  return 0;
+static int writeUint8(raw_ostream &OS, uint8_t Value) {
+  char Data[sizeof(Value)];
+  memcpy(Data, &Value, sizeof(Data));
+  OS.write(Data, sizeof(Data));
+  return 0;
+static int writeStringRef(const StringRef &Str, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  encodeULEB128(Str.size(), OS);
+  OS << Str;
+  return 0;
+static int writeLimits(const WasmYAML::Limits &Lim, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  writeUint8(OS, Lim.Flags);
+  encodeULEB128(Lim.Initial, OS);
+  if (Lim.Flags & wasm::WASM_LIMITS_FLAG_HAS_MAX)
+    encodeULEB128(Lim.Maximum, OS);
+  return 0;
+static int writeInitExpr(const wasm::WasmInitExpr &InitExpr, raw_ostream &OS) {
+  writeUint8(OS, InitExpr.Opcode);
+  switch (InitExpr.Opcode) {
+  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_I32_CONST:
+    encodeSLEB128(InitExpr.Value.Int32, OS);
+    break;
+  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_I64_CONST:
+    encodeSLEB128(InitExpr.Value.Int64, OS);
+    break;
+  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_F32_CONST:
+    writeUint32(OS, InitExpr.Value.Float32);
+    break;
+  case wasm::WASM_OPCODE_F64_CONST:
+    writeUint64(OS, InitExpr.Value.Float64);
+    break;
+    encodeULEB128(InitExpr.Value.Global, OS);
+    break;
+  default:
+    errs() << "Unknown opcode in init_expr: " << InitExpr.Opcode << "\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_OPCODE_END);
+  return 0;
+class SubSectionWriter {
+  raw_ostream &OS;
+  std::string OutString;
+  raw_string_ostream StringStream;
+  SubSectionWriter(raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS), StringStream(OutString) {}
+  void done() {
+    StringStream.flush();
+    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
+    OS << OutString;
+    OutString.clear();
+  }
+  raw_ostream &getStream() { return StringStream; }
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::DylinkSection &Section) {
+  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.MemorySize, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.MemoryAlignment, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.TableSize, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.TableAlignment, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Needed.size(), OS);
+  for (StringRef Needed : Section.Needed) {
+    writeStringRef(Needed, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::LinkingSection &Section) {
+  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Version, OS);
+  SubSectionWriter SubSection(OS);
+  // SYMBOL_TABLE subsection
+  if (Section.SymbolTable.size()) {
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TABLE);
+    encodeULEB128(Section.SymbolTable.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    uint32_t SymbolIndex = 0;
+    for (const WasmYAML::SymbolInfo &Info : Section.SymbolTable) {
+      assert(Info.Index == SymbolIndex++);
+      writeUint8(SubSection.getStream(), Info.Kind);
+      encodeULEB128(Info.Flags, SubSection.getStream());
+      switch (Info.Kind) {
+      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_FUNCTION:
+      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_GLOBAL:
+      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_EVENT:
+        encodeULEB128(Info.ElementIndex, SubSection.getStream());
+        if ((Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED) == 0 ||
+            (Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_EXPLICIT_NAME) != 0)
+          writeStringRef(Info.Name, SubSection.getStream());
+        break;
+      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_DATA:
+        writeStringRef(Info.Name, SubSection.getStream());
+        if ((Info.Flags & wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_UNDEFINED) == 0) {
+          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Segment, SubSection.getStream());
+          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Offset, SubSection.getStream());
+          encodeULEB128(Info.DataRef.Size, SubSection.getStream());
+        }
+        break;
+      case wasm::WASM_SYMBOL_TYPE_SECTION:
+        encodeULEB128(Info.ElementIndex, SubSection.getStream());
+        break;
+      default:
+        llvm_unreachable("unexpected kind");
+      }
+    }
+    SubSection.done();
+  }
+  // SEGMENT_NAMES subsection
+  if (Section.SegmentInfos.size()) {
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_INFO);
+    encodeULEB128(Section.SegmentInfos.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+    for (const WasmYAML::SegmentInfo &SegmentInfo : Section.SegmentInfos) {
+      writeStringRef(SegmentInfo.Name, SubSection.getStream());
+      encodeULEB128(SegmentInfo.Alignment, SubSection.getStream());
+      encodeULEB128(SegmentInfo.Flags, SubSection.getStream());
+    }
+    SubSection.done();
+  }
+  // INIT_FUNCS subsection
+  if (Section.InitFunctions.size()) {
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_INIT_FUNCS);
+    encodeULEB128(Section.InitFunctions.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+    for (const WasmYAML::InitFunction &Func : Section.InitFunctions) {
+      encodeULEB128(Func.Priority, SubSection.getStream());
+      encodeULEB128(Func.Symbol, SubSection.getStream());
+    }
+    SubSection.done();
+  }
+  // COMDAT_INFO subsection
+  if (Section.Comdats.size()) {
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_COMDAT_INFO);
+    encodeULEB128(Section.Comdats.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+    for (const auto &C : Section.Comdats) {
+      writeStringRef(C.Name, SubSection.getStream());
+      encodeULEB128(0, SubSection.getStream()); // flags for future use
+      encodeULEB128(C.Entries.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+      for (const WasmYAML::ComdatEntry &Entry : C.Entries) {
+        writeUint8(SubSection.getStream(), Entry.Kind);
+        encodeULEB128(Entry.Index, SubSection.getStream());
+      }
+    }
+    SubSection.done();
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::NameSection &Section) {
+  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+  if (Section.FunctionNames.size()) {
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_NAMES_FUNCTION);
+    SubSectionWriter SubSection(OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Section.FunctionNames.size(), SubSection.getStream());
+    for (const WasmYAML::NameEntry &NameEntry : Section.FunctionNames) {
+      encodeULEB128(NameEntry.Index, SubSection.getStream());
+      writeStringRef(NameEntry.Name, SubSection.getStream());
+    }
+    SubSection.done();
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::ProducersSection &Section) {
+  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+  int Fields = int(!Section.Languages.empty()) + int(!Section.Tools.empty()) +
+               int(!Section.SDKs.empty());
+  if (Fields == 0)
+    return 0;
+  encodeULEB128(Fields, OS);
+  for (auto &Field : {std::make_pair(StringRef("language"), &Section.Languages),
+                      std::make_pair(StringRef("processed-by"), &Section.Tools),
+                      std::make_pair(StringRef("sdk"), &Section.SDKs)}) {
+    if (Field.second->empty())
+      continue;
+    writeStringRef(Field.first, OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Field.second->size(), OS);
+    for (auto &Entry : *Field.second) {
+      writeStringRef(Entry.Name, OS);
+      writeStringRef(Entry.Version, OS);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection &Section) {
+  writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Features.size(), OS);
+  for (auto &E : Section.Features) {
+    writeUint8(OS, E.Prefix);
+    writeStringRef(E.Name, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::CustomSection &Section) {
+  if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DylinkSection>(&Section)) {
+    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
+      return Err;
+  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::NameSection>(&Section)) {
+    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
+      return Err;
+  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::LinkingSection>(&Section)) {
+    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
+      return Err;
+  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ProducersSection>(&Section)) {
+    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
+      return Err;
+  } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TargetFeaturesSection>(&Section)) {
+    if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(OS, *S))
+      return Err;
+  } else {
+    writeStringRef(Section.Name, OS);
+    Section.Payload.writeAsBinary(OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::TypeSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Signatures.size(), OS);
+  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = 0;
+  for (const WasmYAML::Signature &Sig : Section.Signatures) {
+    if (Sig.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
+      errs() << "Unexpected type index: " << Sig.Index << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    ++ExpectedIndex;
+    writeUint8(OS, Sig.Form);
+    encodeULEB128(Sig.ParamTypes.size(), OS);
+    for (auto ParamType : Sig.ParamTypes)
+      writeUint8(OS, ParamType);
+    if (Sig.ReturnType == wasm::WASM_TYPE_NORESULT) {
+      encodeULEB128(0, OS);
+    } else {
+      encodeULEB128(1, OS);
+      writeUint8(OS, Sig.ReturnType);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::ImportSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Imports.size(), OS);
+  for (const WasmYAML::Import &Import : Section.Imports) {
+    writeStringRef(Import.Module, OS);
+    writeStringRef(Import.Field, OS);
+    writeUint8(OS, Import.Kind);
+    switch (Import.Kind) {
+      encodeULEB128(Import.SigIndex, OS);
+      NumImportedFunctions++;
+      break;
+    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_GLOBAL:
+      writeUint8(OS, Import.GlobalImport.Type);
+      writeUint8(OS, Import.GlobalImport.Mutable);
+      NumImportedGlobals++;
+      break;
+    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_EVENT:
+      writeUint32(OS, Import.EventImport.Attribute);
+      writeUint32(OS, Import.EventImport.SigIndex);
+      NumImportedGlobals++;
+      break;
+    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_MEMORY:
+      writeLimits(Import.Memory, OS);
+      break;
+    case wasm::WASM_EXTERNAL_TABLE:
+      writeUint8(OS, Import.TableImport.ElemType);
+      writeLimits(Import.TableImport.TableLimits, OS);
+      break;
+    default:
+      errs() << "Unknown import type: " << Import.Kind << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::FunctionSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.FunctionTypes.size(), OS);
+  for (uint32_t FuncType : Section.FunctionTypes) {
+    encodeULEB128(FuncType, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::ExportSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Exports.size(), OS);
+  for (const WasmYAML::Export &Export : Section.Exports) {
+    writeStringRef(Export.Name, OS);
+    writeUint8(OS, Export.Kind);
+    encodeULEB128(Export.Index, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::StartSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.StartFunction, OS);
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::TableSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Tables.size(), OS);
+  for (auto &Table : Section.Tables) {
+    writeUint8(OS, Table.ElemType);
+    writeLimits(Table.TableLimits, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::MemorySection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Memories.size(), OS);
+  for (const WasmYAML::Limits &Mem : Section.Memories) {
+    writeLimits(Mem, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::GlobalSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Globals.size(), OS);
+  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedGlobals;
+  for (auto &Global : Section.Globals) {
+    if (Global.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
+      errs() << "Unexpected global index: " << Global.Index << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    ++ExpectedIndex;
+    writeUint8(OS, Global.Type);
+    writeUint8(OS, Global.Mutable);
+    writeInitExpr(Global.InitExpr, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::EventSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Events.size(), OS);
+  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedEvents;
+  for (auto &Event : Section.Events) {
+    if (Event.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
+      errs() << "Unexpected event index: " << Event.Index << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    ++ExpectedIndex;
+    encodeULEB128(Event.Attribute, OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Event.SigIndex, OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::ElemSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Segments.size(), OS);
+  for (auto &Segment : Section.Segments) {
+    encodeULEB128(Segment.TableIndex, OS);
+    writeInitExpr(Segment.Offset, OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Segment.Functions.size(), OS);
+    for (auto &Function : Segment.Functions) {
+      encodeULEB128(Function, OS);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::CodeSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Functions.size(), OS);
+  uint32_t ExpectedIndex = NumImportedFunctions;
+  for (auto &Func : Section.Functions) {
+    std::string OutString;
+    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
+    if (Func.Index != ExpectedIndex) {
+      errs() << "Unexpected function index: " << Func.Index << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    ++ExpectedIndex;
+    encodeULEB128(Func.Locals.size(), StringStream);
+    for (auto &LocalDecl : Func.Locals) {
+      encodeULEB128(LocalDecl.Count, StringStream);
+      writeUint8(StringStream, LocalDecl.Type);
+    }
+    Func.Body.writeAsBinary(StringStream);
+    // Write the section size followed by the content
+    StringStream.flush();
+    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
+    OS << OutString;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::DataSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Segments.size(), OS);
+  for (auto &Segment : Section.Segments) {
+    encodeULEB128(Segment.InitFlags, OS);
+    if (Segment.InitFlags & wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_HAS_MEMINDEX)
+      encodeULEB128(Segment.MemoryIndex, OS);
+    if ((Segment.InitFlags & wasm::WASM_SEGMENT_IS_PASSIVE) == 0)
+      writeInitExpr(Segment.Offset, OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Segment.Content.binary_size(), OS);
+    Segment.Content.writeAsBinary(OS);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeSectionContent(raw_ostream &OS,
+                                    WasmYAML::DataCountSection &Section) {
+  encodeULEB128(Section.Count, OS);
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeRelocSection(raw_ostream &OS, WasmYAML::Section &Sec,
+                                  uint32_t SectionIndex) {
+  switch (Sec.Type) {
+  case wasm::WASM_SEC_CODE:
+    writeStringRef("reloc.CODE", OS);
+    break;
+  case wasm::WASM_SEC_DATA:
+    writeStringRef("reloc.DATA", OS);
+    break;
+  case wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM: {
+    auto CustomSection = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(&Sec);
+    writeStringRef(("reloc." + CustomSection->Name).str(), OS);
+    break;
+  }
+  default:
+    llvm_unreachable("not yet implemented");
+    return 1;
+  }
+  encodeULEB128(SectionIndex, OS);
+  encodeULEB128(Sec.Relocations.size(), OS);
+  for (auto Reloc : Sec.Relocations) {
+    writeUint8(OS, Reloc.Type);
+    encodeULEB128(Reloc.Offset, OS);
+    encodeULEB128(Reloc.Index, OS);
+    switch (Reloc.Type) {
+    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_LEB:
+    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_SLEB:
+    case wasm::R_WASM_MEMORY_ADDR_I32:
+    case wasm::R_WASM_FUNCTION_OFFSET_I32:
+    case wasm::R_WASM_SECTION_OFFSET_I32:
+      encodeULEB128(Reloc.Addend, OS);
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int WasmWriter::writeWasm(raw_ostream &OS) {
+  // Write headers
+  OS.write(wasm::WasmMagic, sizeof(wasm::WasmMagic));
+  writeUint32(OS, Obj.Header.Version);
+  // Write each section
+  llvm::object::WasmSectionOrderChecker Checker;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section> &Sec : Obj.Sections) {
+    StringRef SecName = "";
+    if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(Sec.get()))
+      SecName = S->Name;
+    if (!Checker.isValidSectionOrder(Sec->Type, SecName)) {
+      errs() << "Out of order section type: " << Sec->Type << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    encodeULEB128(Sec->Type, OS);
+    std::string OutString;
+    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
+    if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CustomSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TypeSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ImportSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::FunctionSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::TableSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::MemorySection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::GlobalSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::EventSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ExportSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::StartSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::ElemSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::CodeSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DataSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else if (auto S = dyn_cast<WasmYAML::DataCountSection>(Sec.get())) {
+      if (auto Err = writeSectionContent(StringStream, *S))
+        return Err;
+    } else {
+      errs() << "Unknown section type: " << Sec->Type << "\n";
+      return 1;
+    }
+    StringStream.flush();
+    // Write the section size followed by the content
+    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
+    OS << OutString;
+  }
+  // write reloc sections for any section that have relocations
+  uint32_t SectionIndex = 0;
+  for (const std::unique_ptr<WasmYAML::Section> &Sec : Obj.Sections) {
+    if (Sec->Relocations.empty()) {
+      SectionIndex++;
+      continue;
+    }
+    writeUint8(OS, wasm::WASM_SEC_CUSTOM);
+    std::string OutString;
+    raw_string_ostream StringStream(OutString);
+    writeRelocSection(StringStream, *Sec, SectionIndex++);
+    StringStream.flush();
+    encodeULEB128(OutString.size(), OS);
+    OS << OutString;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int yaml2wasm(llvm::WasmYAML::Object &Doc, raw_ostream &Out) {
+  WasmWriter Writer(Doc);
+  return Writer.writeWasm(Out);

Modified: llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt?rev=368035&r1=368034&r2=368035&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/CMakeLists.txt Tue Aug  6 06:39:50 2019
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ set(LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS
-  YAML2ObjTest.cpp

Removed: llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/YAML2ObjTest.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/YAML2ObjTest.cpp?rev=368034&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/YAML2ObjTest.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/unittests/ObjectYAML/YAML2ObjTest.cpp (removed)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-//===- YAML2ObjTest.cpp --------------------------------------------===//
-// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
-// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
-#include "llvm/ObjectYAML/yaml2obj.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Testing/Support/Error.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-using namespace object;
-using namespace yaml;
-TEST(yaml2ObjectFile, ELF) {
-  SmallString<0> Storage;
-  Expected<std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile>> ErrOrObj = yaml2ObjectFile(Storage, R"(
---- !ELF
-  Class:    ELFCLASS64
-  Data:     ELFDATA2LSB
-  Type:     ET_REL
-  Machine:  EM_X86_64)");
-  ASSERT_THAT_EXPECTED(ErrOrObj, Succeeded());
-  std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile> ObjFile = std::move(ErrOrObj.get());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(ObjFile->isELF());
-  ASSERT_TRUE(ObjFile->isRelocatableObject());

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