[PATCH] D43271: [Sparc] Include __tls_get_addr in symbol table for TLS calls to it

Rafael Avila de Espindola via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Feb 20 15:22:39 PST 2018

James Clarke <jrtc27 at jrtc27.com> writes:

> On 20 Feb 2018, at 19:14, Rafael Avila de Espindola <rafael.espindola at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This can be tested with llvm-mc, no?
> If by that you mean writing a test that invokes llvm-mc to assemble
> hand-written TLS sequences, no; llvm-mc currently gives an error[1] when told
> to parse an add with four arguments, an ld with three arguments or a call with
> two arguments on sparc (the last argument being the relocation information).

So llvm-mc cannot parse the code that llc prints? It so, that is a
pretty horrible bug. Could you please report it?


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