[PATCH] D38570: Support: Rewrite Windows implementation of sys::fs::rename to be more POSIXy.

Adrian McCarthy via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Oct 9 10:35:59 PDT 2017

I just came across this, too.  I'm testing this fix:

std::copy(ToWide.begin(), ToWide.end(), &RenameInfo.FileName[0]);

which makes the target argument a plain old pointer rather than an array of
length 1.

On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 10:13 AM, George Rimar via Phabricator <
reviews at reviews.llvm.org> wrote:

> grimar added inline comments.
> ================
> Comment at: llvm/trunk/lib/Support/Windows/Path.inc:375
> +  RenameInfo.FileNameLength = ToWide.size();
> +  std::copy(ToWide.begin(), ToWide.end(), RenameInfo.FileName);
> +
> ----------------
> This asserts under windows/debug.
> `RenameInfo.FileName` here is `WCHAR  FileName[1];` and std::copy checks
> it's size
> for overflow and fails:
> ```
>         _Myiter& operator+=(difference_type _Off)
>                 {       // increment by integer
>                 if (_Size < _Idx + _Off)
>                         {       // report error
>                         _DEBUG_ERROR("array iterator + offset out of
> range");
>                         _SCL_SECURE_OUT_OF_RANGE;
>                         }
> ```
> ```
> template<class _InIt,
>         class _OutTy,
>         size_t _OutSize> inline
>         _OutTy *copy(_InIt _First, _InIt _Last,
>                 _OutTy (&_Dest)[_OutSize])
>         {       // copy [_First, _Last) to [_Dest, ...)
> ```
> I would suggest to use memcpy instead.
> Repository:
>   rL LLVM
> https://reviews.llvm.org/D38570
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