[PATCH] D38073: [XRay][compiler-rt] Use pthread for initializing thread-local data

David Blaikie via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Sep 20 07:41:47 PDT 2017

dblaikie added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:110
 // call so that it can be initialized on first use instead of as a global.
-struct ThreadLocalData {
+struct alignas(64) ThreadLocalData {
   BufferQueue::Buffer Buffer;
Presumably this should use LLVM_ALIGNAS?

Is this related to the rest of the patch, if so, how? Is it for correctness or performance?

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:145
+// the FDR logging implementation. The implementation details require a bit of
+// care to maintain, so document the semantics that we want to achieve here.
"so document the semantics that we want to achieve here" seems weird - that sounds like a patch note or feature request (& somewhat redundant, it feels like - the reader can probably see that the semantics are documented below), rather than a statement of fact.

"the semantics are documented below" or maybe "The following semantics are intended:" or skip this comment entirely? Not sure.

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:149
+//   - XRay handlers should strive to not call any memory allocation routines
+//     that may delegate to an instrumented implementation. This means we should
"strive to" may be removed if this is a hard requirement? "should not call ... "

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:150-152
+//     that may delegate to an instrumented implementation. This means we should
+//     not be calling functions like malloc() and free() while we're
+//     instrumenting.
Maybe remove the personalization (here and in the following)? "This means functions like malloc() and free() should not be called while instrumenting"? Though I think the first sentence probably already says that?

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:175-183
+// We're doing this to avoid using a `thread_local` object that has a
+// non-trivial destructor, because the C++ runtime might call std::malloc(...)
+// to register calls to destructors. Deadlocks may arise when, for example, an
+// externally provided malloc implementation is XRay instrumented, and
+// initializing the thread-locals involves calling into malloc. A malloc
+// implementation that does global synchronization might be holding a lock for a
+// critical section, calling a function that might be XRay instrumented (and
Maybe this goes into more detail than needed if the XRay runtime in general shouldn't be using the standard library for all these reasons - that's a general requirement that wouldn't need to be rejustified at every use case/implementation detail?

Comment at: lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h:190-191
+  thread_local pthread_once_t key_once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
+  thread_local std::aligned_storage<sizeof(ThreadLocalData),
+                                    alignof(ThreadLocalData)>::type TLSBuffer;
+  // Ensure that we only actually ever do the pthread initialization once.
Seems the goal in general was/is to move away from C++ standard library usage in the runtime library, right? Is there an attempt to pick and choose which parts can be relied upon, or is the overall goal to actually remove C++ standard library usage entirely, like other parts of compiler-rt?

If not, then maybe std::aligned_union<1, ThreadLocalData> might be marginally simpler here, but only marginally. (& I wouldn't say it's strictly better - since a union of only one thing is a bit strange)


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