[PATCH] D33643: [ELF] - Allow multiple comdats when producing relocatable output.

George Rimar via Phabricator via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 5 08:16:15 PDT 2017

grimar added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D33643#772824, @ruiu wrote:

> How can this happen? I believe we dedup SHT_GROUP sections even if the -r option is given, so we want to emit only one SHT_GROUP for each unique name, no?

Dedup does not help here, because groups are different. We have group A and section named ".group" + group .B with section ".group" too.
Afted deduplication we still have 2 sections named ".group". And idea is that we should emit different output sections for each, because
after deduplication we definetely know them are different groups.


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