[PATCH] D28569: Remove all variants of DWARFDie::getAttributeValueAs...() that had parameters that specified default values.

Adrian Prantl via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Wed Jan 11 12:26:10 PST 2017

> On Jan 11, 2017, at 12:07 PM, David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 12:00 PM Adrian Prantl <aprantl at apple.com> wrote:
>> > On Jan 11, 2017, at 11:33 AM, David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jan 11, 2017 at 11:08 AM Greg Clayton <clayborg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> On Jan 11, 2017, at 10:36 AM, David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Would it make sense to push the value retrieval down into DWARFFormValue to separate getting the value from a DIE from getting the value into some particular type - they seem pretty orthogonal & it's odd that DWARFDie handles the type handling side of that rather than an attribute/form abstraction.
>> >>>
>> >>> Perhaps it'd be a bit abusive, but we could even overload op[](dwarf::Attribute) on DWARFDie for easy map-like attribute lookup. Maybe 'find' would be a better name, though.
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm OK omitting the 'attribute' part of the name entirely if everyone's OK with overloading in this context & if the callsites tend to be pretty self documenting. (mostly if you're searching for a particular attribute you've probably got the attribute name in a literal at the callsite anyway, right?)
>> >>>
>> >>> So code like this, perhaps:
>> >>>
>> >>>   x = Die.find(DW_AT_name).asString();
>> >>>
>> >>> or perhaps:
>> >>>
>> >>>   x = asString(Die.find(DW_AT_name));
>> >>>
>> >>> (so that find/findAttr/[] whatever we call it can continue to return Optional<DWARFFormValue> which asString can pass along as NOne if it's passed None (or passed a non-string value), and otherwise decompose into a string, etc)
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> We basically have find already in:
>> >>
>> >> Optional<DWARFFormValue> DWARFDie::getAttributeValue(dwarf::Attribute);
>> >>
>> >> We can easily rename it.
>> >>
>> >> If find returns an optional then your first code example would need to be:
>> >>
>> >> x = Die.find(DW_AT_name).getValueOr(DWARFFormValue()).asString();
>> >>
>> >> The second form could be made to work but it doesn’t look as natural IMHO.
>> >>
>> >> Because of the first is awkward and the second seems less clear than just asking the DIE for the value I do think there is value in having the calls on DWARFDie. Let me know what you think.
>> >
>> > I'd still probably go towards the second - for orthogonality of features. Means a DWARFFormValue can be passed around and its value retrieved later, etc.
>> >
>> > But would be good to hear from Adrian too.
>> No matter which version we end up using I would expect any heavy users of this to re-wrap it in something more specialized again so
>>   x = asString(Die.find(DW_AT_name).getValueOr(DWARFFormValue()));
>> becomes
>>   x = getAttrAsOr<StringRef>(Die, DW_AT_name, "")
> Not sure I follow. I would figure:
>   x = asString(Die.find(DW_AT_name)).getValueOr("");

Ok. That is different from how I understood the proposal, since asString here takes and returns an Optional. This also answers my other question, since we then can do getValueOr to unwrap the optional result of asString.

> to be pretty readable/not be worth having wrappers, but I can see what you mean.

It's not awesome :-)
The order of execution/reading is: 
  2            1                 3  
Sure it's readable, but it takes a second look to correctly parse it mentally.

> I'm not sure if there would be a nice way to keep the orthogonality (so that asString/asAddress/etc didn't all need to support/reimplement default handling) while making it much more terse. It seems like there are 3 different things happening there.

Would it make sense to provide both variants?
I think it would be fine to compose the terse variant out of the generic orthogonal building blocks. 

> But, yes, if it comes up often enough to be annoyingly verbose - sacrificing the orthogonality (by creating/paying in the form of duplication) for convenience by writing asFoo functions that handle the defaulting - asString(Die.find(DW_AT_name), "") - same as we had before, except now the conversion is orthogonal to the lookup so adding "bool recurse"/"find_recursively" doesn't explode the API surface area along another axis.
>> to reclaim some readability again. From that point of view I don't think the decision of where asString lives is very important. I am wondering how to pass any default value other than an empty value into getValueOr(DWARFFormValue Default)? Is it easy to construct an on-the-fly DWARFFormValue for e.g., a string?
> I don't think we'd want people to construct DWARFFormValues to represent values that weren't present in the DWARF as a main/common means of handling situations like this. That seems to be the wrong layer - I think at the point you want an appropriately typed value, then you collapse the optionality and values pace into that type if you want to, until then it remains Optional.

Yes, I think I was misguided by the 

-- adrian
>> >
>> >
>> > Another option that Adrian might have thoughts on, would be to remove the Optional wrapper around the DWARFFormValue from getAttributeValue. It's not something I'd be totally happy with - Optional's nice and explicit about the fact that there might not be a value, but if DWARFFormValue already has a "not present" state in it, we could arguably use that state to indicate that.
>> I think the answer to this depends on my previous question.
>> -- adrian

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