[PATCH] D26201: [ELF/GC] Fix pending references to garbage collected sections

Davide Italiano via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 1 11:08:54 PDT 2016

davide added inline comments.

Comment at: test/ELF/gc-debuginfo-tls.s:19-28
+      .file   1 "patatino.cpp"
+      .globl  main
+      .loc    1 2 0
+      .cfi_startproc
+      .cfi_endproc
+      .cfi_startproc
Bigcheese wrote:
> This is a pretty obfuscated way to get a TLS symbol to a gced section. I think this can be simplified to something like:
> ```
>   .section .tbss,"awT", at nobits
> patatino:
>   .long 0
>   .section .noalloc,""
>   .quad patatino
> ```
This is reduced from the original testcase. But sure, I can add another test case if you want.


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