[PATCH] D21271: Fix `InstCombine` to not widen metadata on store-to-load forwarding

Yichao Yu via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Mon Jun 13 08:03:15 PDT 2016

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Daniel Berlin <dberlin at dberlin.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Yichao Yu <yyc1992 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Alias analysis results should not be confused with value equivalence
>>> > (though
>>> > it is common).  MustAlias or NoAlias implies nothing about the actual
>>> > pointer value, only the abstract memory location it represents.
>>> I can understand they are not equivalent but shouldn't not being the
>>> same pointer value be a necessary condition for NoAlias? In another
>>> word, are the following valid?
>>> ```
>>> define i64 @f1(i64 *%p0, i64 *%p1) {
>>>   store i64 0, i64 *%p0, !tbaa !0
>>>   %v2 = load i64, i64 *%p1, !tbaa !1
>>>   ret %v2
>>> }
>>> define i64 @f2(i64 *%p1) {
>>>   store i64 0, i64 *%p1, !tbaa !0
>>>   %v2 = load i64, i64 *%p1, !tbaa !1
>>>   ret %v2
>>> }
>> It depends on what you mean by "valid"... @f1 passed two identical
>> pointers is basically equivalent to "ret i64 undef".
> So, i can't see anything in the langref that says this.
> For f1, the valid things i see you can do are (and have an argument you can)
> 1. move the load before the store, return value of load (IE reorder them)
> 2. eliminate both the load and store and return 0 (IE forward the store)
> I don't see a valid path to ret undef. I'm eminently curious what i've
> missed :)

So my understanding now is that this the load in question can arise
when optimizing (pseudo code, C with llvm annotation)

if (some_condition)
    v = *p; !dereferencable, !tbaa !0
    v = *p; !dereferencable, !tbaa !1

And when LLVM move both of the load out of the branch and merge them,
the tbaa should be merged (and not intersect)

So my original understanding of TBAA (or other metadata that can be
used in alias analysis) is that if two memory operations on the same
runtime path have non intersecting tbaa metadata, they should not
alias. So maybe a more precise definition is that if two **used**
memory operations on the same runtime path have non intersecting tbaa
metadata, they should not alias. Or in another word, if a load is
never used, then the TBAA on it doesn't count, i.e. LLVM can transform
the code above into

v0 = *p; !dereferencable, !tbaa !0
v1 = *p; !dereferencable, !tbaa !1
if (some_condition)
    v = v0;
    v = v1;

Even though the two loads are on the same runtime path, only one of
them will ever be used so the conflicting tbaa metadata is fine?

Is this a right way to understand this? (It's still feels a little
strange but I can't think of a better way to handle this either....)

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