[PATCH] D19668: [ubsan] Minimize size of data for type_mismatch

Filipe Cabecinhas via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Apr 29 08:46:54 PDT 2016

filcab added a comment.

Hi Ben,

No need to OR with 0x80. If we have two bits set in the first two
bytes, then we know it's (at least) V2 (we can set Alignment to 1 when
we've been given 0, and have one bit from there).
I was probing to know if it's an actual use-case people have been
using UBSan with (which makes it very desirable), or if we simply do
not care that much. If people have seen this in the wild (I'm ok with
someone saying they've been using it that way internally, too), then
it's obvious we want to try to keep compatibility.

Thank you,



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