[PATCH] D16263: [CodeGenPrepare] Also consider metadata uses

Keno Fischer via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Sun Jan 17 09:04:58 PST 2016

loladiro added a comment.

Say you're splitting an Alloca of a 64bit thing into 2 32bit things, SROA, will rewrite the debug info to say, ok, the lower 32bits are here, the upper 32bits are there. Now, if the variable is only declared to be 32bits in debug info, the verifier and backend will barf and say, "hey the piece you're describing is outside of the range of this variable".  I had a quick look at indvarsimplify, but as far as I can tell it inserts compensating truncs in all cases, so does not suffer from this problem (but I only had a cursory look, somebody else might have to answer whether it ever RAUWs a value with a value of a different size).



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