[PATCH] D14719: Track pristine registers in terms of register units.

Krzysztof Parzyszek via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Tue Nov 17 11:29:48 PST 2015

kparzysz added a comment.

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D14719#291028, @qcolombet wrote:

> [...] whether a target specific fix would be more appropriate.

What type of approach do you have in mind for that?  Targets that call this function themselves will sure know what to expect, my concern is about target-independent code.  It doesn't seem like that the function getPristineRegs has a precisely defined result: it seems that the current assumption is that it will be a set of registers that is a subset of what getCalleeSavedRegs returns.  This, however, does not work for us.  Should it be the all-inclusive set of registers, including all aliases that are fully covered by the pristine bits from the register file, or a minimal set of registers that cover these bits?  Anything that is in between?



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