Reverse range adapter

Pete Cooper peter_cooper at
Wed Jul 29 14:02:59 PDT 2015

> On Jul 29, 2015, at 1:50 PM, David Blaikie <dblaikie at> wrote:
> Yep, something like that looks about right. I'm not sure if it can be generalized further so we can reuse some of the machinery for begin, end, rbegin, rend, getDecl, etc. You can probably just SFINAE on begin/rbegin and assume end/rend exist - but if we can get the SFINAE tidy enough it wouldn't hurt to test for both, I suppose.
> btw, my change to the test that demonstrates the problem with using universal ref/lvalue ref distinction to differentiate is this: add "const ReverseOnlyVector/const BidirectionalVector" to the Types vector & you'll see failures in the existing implementation. Alternatively/in addition, could refactor out the body of the TrivialOperation test into a template, then instantiate that template with TypeParam and const TypeParam, so you don't have to list all of them as const/non-const in the list of types.
> Also, I added this rvalue version:
> template <typename T> struct RangeAdapterRValueTest : testing::Test {};
> typedef ::testing::Types<std::vector<int>, std::list<int>, ReverseOnlyVector,
>                          BidirectionalVector> RangeAdapterRValueTestTypes;
> TYPED_TEST_CASE(RangeAdapterRValueTest, RangeAdapterRValueTestTypes);
> template<typename R>
> void TestRev(const R& r) {
>   int counter = 3;
>   for (int i : r)
>     EXPECT_EQ(i, counter--);
> }
> TYPED_TEST(RangeAdapterRValueTest, TrivialOperation) {
>   TestRev(reverse(TypeParam({0, 1, 2, 3})));
> }
Very nice.  Thanks for doing that.

Here’s a patch with the fixes.  I had to extend has_rbegin to handle whether its a class or not (int[] failed without that).  Otherwise its basically just like has_getDecl.  I think has_getDecl is in an internal namespace.  I can do the same here if you like, i’m fine either way.


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