[PATCH] Use function attribute "trap-func-name" and remove TargetOptions::TrapFuncName

Akira Hatanaka ahatanak at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 13:01:56 PDT 2015

In the following example, we can just inline test0 into test1 without checking "trap-func-name" on the call-sites, no? If we attach the attribute to the calling functions, then we'll have to check that the merged functions have the same trap function name.

declare void @llvm.trap() #2
define void @test1() #0 {

  call void @llvm.trap() #4
  call void @test0()


define void @test0() #3 {

  call void @llvm.trap() #5


attributes #2 = { noreturn nounwind }
attributes #4 = { noreturn nounwind "trap-func-name"="foo112" }
attributes #5 = { noreturn nounwind "trap-func-name"="foo111" }



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