[PATCH] [IndVars] Try to use existing values in RewriteLoopExitValues.

Sanjoy Das sanjoy at playingwithpointers.com
Fri Jun 26 16:11:26 PDT 2015

Hi atrick, reames,

In RewriteLoopExitValues, before expanding out an SCEV expression using
SCEVExpander, try to see if an existing LLVM IR expression already
computes the value we're interested in.  If so use that existing

Apart from reducing IndVars' reliance on the rest of the compilation
pipeline, this also prevents IndVars from concluding some expressions as
"high cost" when they're not.  For instance,
`InductiveRangeCheckElimination` often emits code of the following form:

len = umin(len_A, len_B)

  if (i++ < len)
    goto loop


`SCEVExpander` refuses to rewrite the use of `i` in `outside_loop`,
since it thinks the value of `i` on loop exit, `len`, is a high cost
expansion since it contains an `umax` in it.  With this change,
`IndVars` can see that it can re-use `len` instead of creating a new
expression to compute `umin(len_A, len_B)`.

I considered putting this cleverness in `SCEVExpander`, but I was
worried that it may then have a deterimental effect on other passes
that use it.  So I decided it was better to just do this in the one
place where it seems like an obviously good idea, with the intent of
generalizing later if needed.



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