[PATCH] Thumb2SizeReduction: Check the correct set of registers for LDMIA.

Peter Collingbourne peter at pcc.me.uk
Tue May 5 12:33:05 PDT 2015

> Ah, yes, I thought so. What you could do at least is to replace the test into an assert, so that we can catch the odd cases in the future in the case someone decide to call the same function without validating first. And also for documentation. :)

Done. I found that the assert was firing in cases where we were loading from SP, so I also needed to remove the `t2LDMIA` instruction from the set of `isPCOk` instructions in `VerifyLowRegs`. This seems fine, as the non-writeback version of this instruction only accepts r0-r7 in the register list.



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