Wrong value for sext i1 true in BasicAliasAnalysis

Nicholas White n.j.white at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 16:15:34 PST 2014

Hi Andy, Hal -

> If you're only handling extension to a pointer-width, only one extension
can possible matter. I think handling extensions and truncations to/from
arbitrary width would be way too complicated.

I ended up having to do this due to cases like this:

define void @test_zext_sext_amounts(i8* %mem, i8 %num) {
  %sext.1 = sext i8 %num to i16
  %sext.zext.1 = zext i16 %sext.1 to i64
  %sext.2 = sext i8 %num to i32
  %sext.zext.2 = zext i32 %sext.2 to i64
  %a = getelementptr inbounds i8* %mem, i64 %sext.zext.1
  %b = getelementptr inbounds i8* %mem, i64 %sext.zext.2
  ret void

The current tip returns MustAlias, a false positive, as it just looks at
the most recent extension (EK_SignExt) without regard to the "extension
path" taken from %num to %a and %b. In this case, %a and %b should only
PartialAlias - and I believe the complexity of the current state of
http://reviews.llvm.org/D6682 (+277, -49 lines, constant runtime overhead
as the SmallVector is at most length 6) is worth it as false positives
sometimes trigger downstream optimisations that can result in
miscompilations? If there's a better way to keep track of the "extension
path" than a SmallVector of std::pairs I'd gladly use it though! Better
yet, if there's a way of avoiding false positives without tracking all this
state I'd definitely use it.

> I also don't understand, for example, why it is correct to truncate and
re-extend the already-computed Offset and Scale from the caller.
> Offset += Const->getValue().zextOrSelf(Offset.getBitWidth());
I still need to put more comments in here - this change is mostly to
address Hal's comment. The current version of the path doesn't down-size
the Offset and Scale APInts before passing them into the recursive
GetLinearExpression calls - so to avoid the APInt arithmetic failing
assertions I've used zextOrSelf (which I should really change to trunc, as
it's always downsizing) to ensure it's downsized to the correct width. It's
not clear whether doing it this way is clearer (or whether there's an even
better way of doing this) - the BinaryOperator logic is more confusing but
the SExtInst / ZExtInst logic is clearer.

> as this would cover the remaining cases.
I've covered this by adding an extra heuristic to aliasGEP (starting line
1189 in the patched file) so I don't have to pollute GetIndexDifference and
GetLinearExpression with variable-valued offsets. This seems cleaner to me,
but the change is definitely first-draft quality code (although I've tried
to explain what it's attempting in the comments). Do you think it's a
viable solution?

Thanks -

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