[PATCH] [dwarfdump] Dump DW_AT_ranges values inline in the debug_info dump.

David Blaikie dblaikie at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 09:20:36 PDT 2014

OK - looks good (yeah, looked through the range list extraction code - it appears to do the right thing and provide an empty range list if the specified offset is outside the range section, etc)

I'd vote weakly in favor of dropping the "End)" line and just putting the ')' at the end of the preceeding line:

  DW_AT_ranges [FORM_data4]    (0x00000000
     [0x00000001000024a0 - 0x00000001000024c2)
     [0x0000000100002505 - 0x000000010000268b))


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