[PATCH] Adds stable-runtime to ubsan to avoid broken ARM tests with asan

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Wed Oct 15 03:35:29 PDT 2014

Hi eugenis,

I haven't tested this, just want to make sure that's what you meant to disable the test altogether instead of XFAIL.

The problem with testing is that I use a different hardware on the bot that I have for testing (no NEON, different OS), and things fail differently here and there. Actually, on my test bot things stopped failing a while ago, but on the bot we still have that kind of bugs.

Basically, I'm trying to move the same logic we use in ASAN to UBSAN, so we can avoid them in the same way. Will just adding the lit.cfg be enough to make the option available to the test case?


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