[PATCH] optimize vector fneg of bitcasted integer value

Sanjay Patel spatel at rotateright.com
Mon Aug 11 13:24:22 PDT 2014

Hi rengolin, asl, t.p.northover, chandlerc,

This patch allows a vector fneg of a bitcasted integer value to be optimized in the same way that we already optimize a scalar fneg. If the integer variable is a constant, we can precompute the result and not require any logic ops.

So for x86, instead of something like this:
    movd       %rdi, %xmm0
    xorps      .LCPI2_0(%rip), %xmm0  ; constant pool load of sign mask

We should generate:
    movabsq     (put sign bit mask in integer register via immediate)
    xorq        (flip sign bits)

For ARM, this patch replaces the test case in test/CodeGen/ARM/2009-10-21-InvalidFNeg.ll with a new test case in test/CodeGen/ARM/fnegs.ll. That test file covers several ARM hardware variants. In each run of the new testcase, we should now just be using the most basic integer op (eor) rather than VFP/NEON.

For reference, the replaced test case used to generate:
   add	r1, sp, #36
   add	r0, r0, #48
   vld1.32	{d16[0]}, [r1:32]
   add	r1, r1, #4
   vld1.32	{d16[1]}, [r1:32]
   add	r1, sp, #44
   vld1.32	{d17[0]}, [r1:32]
   add	r1, r1, #4
   vld1.32	{d17[1]}, [r1:32]
   vneg.f32	q8, q8
   vst1.64	{d16, d17}, [r0:128]
   bx	lr

And should now generate:
   push	{r4, lr}
   ldr	r1, [sp, #48]
   ldr	r12, [sp, #52]
   ldr	r2, [sp, #56]
   eor	r1, r1, #-2147483648
   ldr	lr, [sp, #44]
   eor	r3, r12, #-2147483648
   eor	r4, r2, #-2147483648
   add	r12, r0, #52
   eor	r2, lr, #-2147483648
   str	r2, [r0, #48]
   stm	r12, {r1, r3, r4}
   pop	{r4, pc}

This is a sibling patch to an fabs optimization that was checked in at r214892:

Ideally, we can refactor the visitFNEG and visitFABS functions in DAGCombiner since they are very similar, but I'll leave that for another patch.

Both patches originated from PR20354:


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