[PATCH] [IPO] enable EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0 passes for OptLevel > 0

Saleem Abdulrasool compnerd at compnerd.org
Mon Nov 25 20:55:07 PST 2013

  As to what is going on here:

  Any pass that is marked as EP_EnabledOnOptLevel0 will be registered properly if you compile with -O0.  However, if you compile with anything higher (-O[1-3]), the passes will *not* be registered as the registration is in a conditional block for OptLevel == 0.  Perhaps I am misunderstanding the semantics of EnabledOnOptLevel0, but, it seems like the pass should be registered on all optimisation levels.

  For the test, Im unsure where such a test would belong, but Id be happy to write one up if you can point me to where in the test directory I should add one.


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