[PATCH] WIP Implement eabi attributes handling in ARMAsmParser

Logan Chien tzuhsiang.chien at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 10:07:26 PDT 2013

Hi Amara,

  To fix PR15172, I would like to introduce emitFPU() for the .fpu
directive, so that both AsmPrinter and AsmParser can share the same code to
encode .fpu directive.  Besides, I feel that I can further simplify the
logic in ARMAsmPrinter with emitFPU().

  The function emitFPU() takes the FPU name as an argument, and translates
the .fpu directive into several .eabi_attribute directives depending on the
FPU.  For example, the

  .fpu "neon-fp-armv8"

will be translated to:

  .eabi_attribute 10, 7    // Tag_FP_arch
  .eabi_attribute 12, 3    // Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch

  In many cases, the AsmPrinter doesn't have to emit the corresponding
.eabi_attribute if the .fpu directive is emitted.  The output binaries
generated by arm-linux-gnueabi-as should be identical with or without those
.eabi_attribute directives.

  AFAIK, there is only one exception that we should emit .eabi_attribute
for Tag_Advanced_SIMD_arch when the NEON is enabled on ARMv8 architecture
(and FPARMV8 is disabled.)


On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 12:19 AM, Amara Emerson <amara.emerson at gmail.com>wrote:

> > However, since I have changed some of the existing assembly test cases
> I haven't looked at your patch properly yet, but what's the reason for
> this?
> Amara
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