[PATCH] Move generic isPrint and columnWidth implementations to a separate header/source to allow using both generic and system-dependent versions on win32.

Jordan Rose jordan_rose at apple.com
Tue Sep 3 09:00:45 PDT 2013

  > As for the motivation, it's that Windows doesn't properly support outputting UTF-8-encoded text to the console using narrow character C library functions (and iostream), as it's usually done in Linux, OS X and other modern Unix-like systems (more details, e.g. here: http://alfps.wordpress.com/2011/11/22/unicode-part-1-windows-console-io-approaches/). So we need to keep old implementation that disallows non-ascii characters, until someone figures out the right strategy for handling Unicode in Windows version of Clang/LLVM.

  Right, that I understand. What I meant was, why does Windows need access to the full Unicode implementation? Just for the unit tests? Or do you have another use case in mind?


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