[PATCH] Teach DeadArgElimination not to eliminate return values of functions with 'returned' arguments

Dan Gohman dan433584 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 15:14:12 PDT 2013

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Stephen Lin <swlin at post.harvard.edu> wrote:

> On Tuesday, June 25, 2013, Dan Gohman wrote:
>> Even with smarter heuristics, you're still breaking mid-level
>> optimizations in some cases. I think the fact that you're trying to
>> represent the return value at the IR at all is awkward.
> I'm not sure what those cases are. The 'returned' attribute will not keep
> a return value alive if the argument would be dead otherwise, so it's not
> preventing further dead arg elimination (the argument marked with
> 'returned' would not be eliminated even if the return value were to be
> because its being used for something else.)
> The only possible benefit I could think of is if the argument were only
> live in the very beginning of the function and dead for the rest of it
> other than being used for the return value. At that case it's costing a
> single spill in the very worst case, as far as I can tell. I can't think of
> a mid-level optimization that would be affected.

Here's an attempt at an example to make this more concrete, though I'm not
completely sure we're talking about the same case:

define i8* @foo(i8* returned %a) {
  call void @do_stuff_that_does_not_use_a();
  ret i8* %a

%x = expensive_thing
%t = call i8* @foo(i8* %x)
... (further uses of %x that may eventually be discovered to be dead)

If %x is ultimately dead, how do we get to the point of removing it? It's
not trivially dead because it has a use. If you teach dead-arg elimination
to keep it live, then it won't die even if its other uses are ultimately

It'd be more natural to have the function return void, and treat it
>> specially in codegen. I propose the following alternative.
>> Keep the 'returned' argument attribute, and add a 'returnsarg' function
>> attribute. Then, the semantics of 'returned' are that it is ignored unless
>> it is the first 'returned' argument in a function that is marked
>> 'returnsarg' and has a void return type. Then at the codegen level, the
>> function is translated as if it had the return type of its first 'returned'
>> argument. As an optimization, codegen can rewrite uses after the call to
>> use the return value.
>> That way, DeadArgElimination and all the other mid-level optimizations
>> can run at full strength, and you can still get your optimization. What do
>> you think?
>> Dan
> But the callee actually has to return that argument somehow for the
> attribute to be valid. Are you proposing that the functions marked with
> 'returnsarg' silently save an argument and return it in codegen without
> actually representing that return in IR? If so, there's no benefit to
> taking away the return value because code gen is going to have to keep
> track of it somehow anyway to return it, and it will have to have special
> machinery to do so in a way that doesn't waste an extra register
> unnecessarily (it's not like a normal callee saved register because the
> value is also going to be used in the body of the function)

Yes. I'm suggesting this because the optimization you're proposing really
is a low-level calling convention optimization that doesn't conceptually
belong in the mid-level optimizer as more than attributes.

> Also, just because the return value is unused at the IR level in this case
> doesn't meant it won't ever be used. You could canonicalize the IR
> to remove uses of the return value if you wanted to, but how does a front
> end express code before it is canonicalized?

The front-end would just emit uses of the outgoing argument from the
caller. WRT memcpy, LLVM's memcpy intrinsic has a void return type already,
for example, so this is something you'd want to figure out anyway.

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