[PATCH] Introduce needsCleanup() for APFloat and APInt

Shuxin Yang shuxin.llvm at gmail.com
Mon May 13 10:26:23 PDT 2013

On 5/13/13 10:21 AM, Manuel Klimek wrote:
> +richard smith, who proposed to implement it this way
> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Shuxin Yang <shuxin.llvm at gmail.com 
> <mailto:shuxin.llvm at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I'm afraid this change is going to open a big can of worms. You
>     are essentially promote
>     private member function to be public. Such practice should be
>     generally avoided even for
>     the local/private class which is used in small scope, let alone
>     these fundamental structures
>     which are extensively used in the compiler.
>     > object needs the destructor called after its memory was freed
>     If the block of memory containing APFloat/APInt is already freed,
>     how do you know
>     the state of these objects are still valid? Depending on the
>     implementation, free-operation
>     might clobber the memory with some special value for debugging
>     purpose. If it were safe
>     to call needsCleanup(), why not directly call the destructor? Is
>     needsCleanup() sufficient
>     and/or necessary condition for calling the destructor? How do we
>     keep them in sync in the
>     future?
> APFloat/APInt is placement new'ed in the code in question, and thus we 
> need to call the destructors of any objects that do memory allocation 
> themselves. We can save those destructor calls otherwise.
I understand that if you place a non-plain-old-data in a union, you have 
to construct it via placement new,
and explicitly destruct it.  I come across similar problem when I 
implement unsafe fadd/fsub optimization
half year ago.

My questions are :
   - why do you need to call function xyz() before calling the destructor.
   - if the memory is already freed, why do you know it is safe to call 
      The object may not in valid state.

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