[PATCH] Expose all of the Value hierarchy to the C API

Ben Longbons brlongbons at gmail.com
Mon May 6 17:11:34 PDT 2013

I was motivated to do this after I discovered that it's possible to
create a ConstantDataArray with the C API, but not determine if a
Value is a ConstantDataArray.

I created this patch to expose the entire hierarchy, which led me to
discover a couple of odd cases:
 - ConstantExpr having private subclasses is not ugly.
 - PseudoSourceValue being in CodeGen is only slightly ugly.
 - IntrinsicInst being a fake subclass is fairly ugly, but it was
useful, and besides removing it might break existing callers.
 - Operator is really ugly and deserves to die, so I did not expose it.

I'm o11c on IRC btw. I gave a whitespace-only patch to baldrick that
he already committed to keep this one cleaner.

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