[PATCH] Filter out Pseudo nodes in ScheduleDAGVLIW

Stefan Hepp stefan at stefant.org
Tue Apr 30 06:05:17 PDT 2013

On 04/30/2013 02:51 PM, Stefan Hepp wrote:
> so obviously those nodes are handled somehow
> differently there, though I have not been able to find out how (it is
> not due to InlineAsm being a schedule boundary, at least)..

I think the reason at least for Inline Asm is that Hexagon does not use 
the ScoreboardHazardRecognizer for ScheduleDAGVLIW, therefore this 
backend cannot run into this assertion (and the ScheduleDAG stuff is 
going to be replaced with the MIScheduler anyway in the future, as I 
gathered from the mailinglists (?)).

Kind Regards,

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