Tablgen refactoring

Malul, Elior elior.malul at
Thu Jan 31 04:05:03 PST 2013

Hi all.
Attached is a re-factoring patch for tblgen. At the moment, adding a new initializer type (T), requires that a new method 'convertValue(T*): Init*'
will be added to all subtypes of RecTy, as well as to the new added type. Moreover, the new class that represents the prototype of T (i.e. 'TRecTy'), will need
to have all the previous overloads of 'convertValue' for every type out there.

This process makes the addition of new types cumbersome, and requires a lot of 'copy pasting' to existing code.
In this patch, I used the visitor pattern to solve this problem.
In an attempt to make the patch small in size, I only dealt with one method at the moment: 'convertValue(UnsetInit*): Init*'.
Removing the other overloads should be pretty much the same.

I would appreciate CR's on this.
Thx a lot, Elior.

Intel Israel (74) Limited

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