[www] r173945 - Euro LLVM is booked out

Arnaud de Grandmaison arnaud.adegm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 13:36:14 PST 2013

On Wednesday 30 January 2013 13:54:36 Sean Silva wrote:
> Future dev meetings should really prepare for larger attendance.
> Presumably there is a correlation between signing up later and being
> *less* involved with the LLVM community (compared to people whose
> involvement is so sure that they can commit to attending many months
> in advance). These people that are interested in LLVM but not as
> strongly involved are precisely the people that we *want* to see at
> the dev meetings so that they can become *more* involved with the
> community.
> I am clueless about the logistics that go into arranging the dev
> meetings and how difficult it would be to make this happen, but
> hopefully future dev meetings can be planned to accommodate all the
> people that would like to join.

Hi Sean,

We would really have liked to welcome a much larger audience, and clearly, 
next euro-conferences will need to accommodate a much bigger attendance.

However :
 - As Tobias said, we may be able to provide a few additional places
 - This is "only" the third conference in Europe, and for the first time not 
in London. The attendance is about the same as last year's euro conf.
 - We have been surprised by how fast people registered.
 - There is an good mix of industry / academic / research / student people.
 - This is organized on our spare time, and handling 150 people or 300 people 
is absolutely not the same work.
 - Money. In the end, it boils down to money. More people = more money, and 
finding sponsors is a full time job. If you happen to know of someone willing 
to sponsor the conf, let us know ;)

Arnaud A. de Grandmaison

> -- Sean Silva
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