[llvm-commits] AMDILBackend branch

Relph, Richard Richard.Relph at amd.com
Fri Dec 21 12:15:54 PST 2012

I'm trying to update our AMDILBackend branch at llvm.org (llvm-project/llvm/branches/AMDILBackend) to LLVM 3.2. It's currently at trunk r161674.
The patch is big… 6MB (and incomplete, as the binary files seem to confuse svn diff/patch.) My interpretation of Chris's grant of "commit after approval" access is that I should seek approval for ALL commits, even those to the AMDILBackend branch. But Tom Stellard thinks I'm being overly cautious, that I can commit to AMDILBackend without prior approval.
I'm not sure when Chris is leaving for the holidays, so I'm sending this to commits to see if this is a well-worn path.

If my conservative interpretation is correct, what's the protocol for getting approval for a rather large commit?


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