[llvm-commits] small nits in scan-build.1

Eitan Adler lists at eitanadler.com
Mon Oct 22 19:17:36 PDT 2012

On 22 October 2012 21:59, Sean Silva <silvas at purdue.edu> wrote:
> I don't think anyone here is particularly versed in what is "correct"
> in this situation, so it's hard for someone to review and accept it.
> The way to ameliorate this problem is to provide a detailed and
> convincing explanation and justification for the changes; it should
> answer "why is the current thing wrong?" and "why is the suggested
> change right?".

mandoc -Tlint issues warnings for things which make it hard to parse
or are unusual.

In this case its

- minor style nits
- "EXIT STATUS" is the traditional name for the section
- whitespace at the end of the line

software available here: http://mdocml.bsd.lv/

Eitan Adler

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